first the tip code works -> after that it just wont work again.
I fixed it before but then i had to delete a part of code.
The error:
Here you can see that it works:
Is it possible that the .gsc = full?
(its coded in _rank.gsc, yes it's for noobs, but it is just simple )
I fixed it before but then i had to delete a part of code.
- now I can't delete anymore
- WTF?!?!
- I don't want to delete code anymore
- Fix this!!! :S
The error:
Here you can see that it works:
level endon("disconnect");
tipList = [];
tipList[0] = "^7You need 20 points to go to the ^1Specials Platform^7.";
tipList[1] = "^7Per kill you get ^11 points^7, Per assists you get ^10.5 point ^7and Per teamkills you get ^1-1 point^7.";
tipList[2] = "^7On the platform you could also choose some ^1perks^7, with those perks you ^1improve your gameplay^7.";
tipList[3] = "^7When the ^1selector ^7is popping up, you have to ^1select a place ^7where you want to spawn.";
tipList[4] = "^7Press ^1[{+activate}]^7 to select your ^1Specials^7.";
tipList[5] = "^7There is a ^1Special Weapon ^7that shoots ^1Strela Rockets^7.";
tipList[6] = "^7You get a ^1Special Weapon ^7by using the ^1Random Weapon Box^7.";
tipList[7] = "^7Report bugs to ^1eliteCVDelite^7.";
tipList[8] = "^7^1CVDproductions1337";
tipList[9] = "^7If you ^1killed someone ^7after dying, you ^1don't get the points^7.";
tip = tipList[RandomInt(tipList.size)];
level.Tip = createServerFontString( "objective", 1.2 );
level.Tip setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 150 );
level.Tip.sort = 1001;
level.Tip setText("^1Tip: " + tip);
wait 25;
level.Tip destroyElem();
wait 0.5;
Is it possible that the .gsc = full?
(its coded in _rank.gsc, yes it's for noobs, but it is just simple )