Okay so I have all my ports open on my router, all my firewalls and anti virus programs disabled. If I run my server with steam open this is what I get.
version 1.8.423
Connecting to online services....
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"
]sv_maprotation default
Error: default (69): map rotation list is full stopping 16
Succeeded reading from default.dspl
Loaded 16 map entries
Loading DSR "TDM_default.dsr"...
Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDM_default.dsr"
Spawning map: mp_carbon, gametype war
Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27015, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version
Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.
Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 27015
Spawn map (mp_carbon, war) complete.
Steam Game Server is VAC Secure
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only. is my problem here.However if I close steam and start the server I get a final message saying
(2) Steam Master Servers found. Server will be Internet listed.
I then open the game and can see my server in the LAN tab. But it is not internet listed. I have had several friends screen the server list for my specs and they cant find my server.So maybe steam is running on the same port as the server? So I then changed the ports in my server.cfg file to the following:
// Open game port (Steam-visible server game port)
//+set net_queryPort 27014 <-------------------------------------Changed to 27009
// Secure game port
//+set net_port 27015<-------------------------------------------Changed to 27010
// Steam authentication port
//+set net_authPort 8766<-----------------------------------------Changed to 8760
// Steam master server (server browser) port
//+set net_masterServerPort 27016<--------------------------------Changed to 27013
I then set all these ports in my router.
And I then got this server message.
version 1.8.423
Connecting to online services....
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"
]sv_maprotation default
Error: default (69): map rotation list is full stopping 16
Succeeded reading from default.dspl
Loaded 16 map entries
Loading DSR "TDM_default.dsr"...
Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDM_default.dsr"
Spawning map: mp_carbon, gametype war
Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27015, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version
Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.
Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 27015
Spawn map (mp_carbon, war) complete.
Steam Game Server is VAC Secure
^ Still the same as before not sure what to do here I have even put my router in the DMZ zone but another thing that gets me here is the fact that in the server it says Local IP is when my router says it ends in 102 not 135? Any help or Ideas would be great thanks. I am kind of a noob with these things and maybe what i have to do is simple but I think I have done just about all I can do?
version 1.8.423
Connecting to online services....
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"
]sv_maprotation default
Error: default (69): map rotation list is full stopping 16
Succeeded reading from default.dspl
Loaded 16 map entries
Loading DSR "TDM_default.dsr"...
Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDM_default.dsr"
Spawning map: mp_carbon, gametype war
Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27015, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version
Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.
Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 27015
Spawn map (mp_carbon, war) complete.
Steam Game Server is VAC Secure
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only. is my problem here.However if I close steam and start the server I get a final message saying
(2) Steam Master Servers found. Server will be Internet listed.
I then open the game and can see my server in the LAN tab. But it is not internet listed. I have had several friends screen the server list for my specs and they cant find my server.So maybe steam is running on the same port as the server? So I then changed the ports in my server.cfg file to the following:
// Open game port (Steam-visible server game port)
//+set net_queryPort 27014 <-------------------------------------Changed to 27009
// Secure game port
//+set net_port 27015<-------------------------------------------Changed to 27010
// Steam authentication port
//+set net_authPort 8766<-----------------------------------------Changed to 8760
// Steam master server (server browser) port
//+set net_masterServerPort 27016<--------------------------------Changed to 27013
I then set all these ports in my router.
And I then got this server message.
version 1.8.423
Connecting to online services....
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"
]sv_maprotation default
Error: default (69): map rotation list is full stopping 16
Succeeded reading from default.dspl
Loaded 16 map entries
Loading DSR "TDM_default.dsr"...
Loading Succeeded for DSR "TDM_default.dsr"
Spawning map: mp_carbon, gametype war
Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27015, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version
Steam Game Server initialized as Internet Server.
No Steam Master Servers found. Server will LAN visible only.
Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 27015
Spawn map (mp_carbon, war) complete.
Steam Game Server is VAC Secure
^ Still the same as before not sure what to do here I have even put my router in the DMZ zone but another thing that gets me here is the fact that in the server it says Local IP is when my router says it ends in 102 not 135? Any help or Ideas would be great thanks. I am kind of a noob with these things and maybe what i have to do is simple but I think I have done just about all I can do?