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Problem with Rain Effects on Maps
I've been having a problem with my mod, I'm trying to put the rain effects from Kowloon onto other maps. After taking a while to code it, I encountered one problem with mp_nuked_fx.gsc. When I compile the mod and go ingame, it gives me this error.

Client Script uses anim
'fxanim_mp_dustdevil_anim' from tree
'fxanim_props' that doesn't exist on the server.

When I delete my mp_nuked_fx.gsc, I don't get that error, but the rain effects aren't there of course.

The only thing that my mp_nuked_fx.gsc contains is this,

and I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with that error, because if I delete everything in the mp_nuked_fx.gsc but keep the file in the mod, I get the error. But if I delete the actual file, I don't get the error.

Any help would be appreciated Smile

Don't remove those precaches from nuked.gsc You can just null it.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

They are also coded in clientscripts. I had same sh*t with my mod when I was adding effects. Just precache FX, but don't use them.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

Doesn't the FX need to exist in the fastfile for the map itself ._.?
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
[Image: UGPjFJa.jpg]

(10-21-2013, 19:07)DidUknowiPwn Wrote: Doesn't the FX need to exist in the fastfile for the map itself ._.?


This error happens when you edit nuked.gsc fxs code.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(10-21-2013, 06:26)SailorMoon Wrote: They are also coded in clientscripts. I had same sh*t with my mod when I was adding effects. Just precache FX, but don't use them.

Do you mean that I shouldn't have any of my fx coding, actually in mp_nuked_fx.gsc?
Or are you saying I should only precache in my nuked_fx.gsc?

edit: this is my new mp_nuked_fx.gsc, which precaches the fx and places the positions for the fx.
wether or not I make my mp_nuked.gsc load the effects or not, I get the dustdevil error.

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