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Help Official Teckno Gods Thread [Stickied]
Here's how to get TecknoGods to work with addon:

1. Firstly we've got to get good at cheat engine, we'll need to find the 0x0BEEC0 value and change it to 0 for it to even attempt to load addon.

2. One you're in and addon is loading fine, we need to look at the differences between the two, so you can check for plugin compatability.. remember guys, not every plugin is compatible, this is why the forum is split into two sections, one for tecknogods and one clearly for steam. Click back to the itsmods forum homepage, and instead of selecting Modern Warfare 3, go for Techkogods. It's there, right under mw3.

3. Your tecknogods server won't be listed in the browser, unless you install B3. For all who know what this is, it's known as BigBrotherBot.

4. Go away.

Sticky this please? So we can make sure there's no more confusion when it comes to Tecknogods.

Is it allowed to post there?
- No.

Rules are good words, @aceed .
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

ItsMods forum and community do not support any versions of COD games apart from 100% legit ones bought through Steam. Thread to be closed and archived.
[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]

Actually I do support at least the first few versions of TeknoMW3 since it required Steam to run (and I know the creator). No idea what it is nowadays and I fear people are just bypassing the requirement and I haven't spoken to the creator in a long time, so.....:

This thread has been moved to the boards archive.
Contact a moderator in case you want to contribute to this thread.

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