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Help cant make this quickmessage/classchooser work
i tried to make a classchoose menu like the awesomeclasses mod
but i cant make it work here is the codes hope u guys can help me out :)


#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
    level.scoreInfo = [];
    level.xpScale = GetDvarInt( #"scr_xpscale" );
    level.codPointsXpScale = GetDvarFloat( #"scr_codpointsxpscale" );
    level.codPointsMatchScale = GetDvarFloat( #"scr_codpointsmatchscale" );
    level.codPointsChallengeScale = GetDvarFloat( #"scr_codpointsperchallenge" );
    level.rankXpCap = GetDvarInt( #"scr_rankXpCap" );
    level.codPointsCap = GetDvarInt( #"scr_codPointsCap" );    
    level.rankTable = [];
    precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED_N" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_PLAYER_WAS_PROMOTED" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_PROMOTED" );
    precacheString( &"MP_PLUS" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANI" );
    precacheString( &"RANK_ROMANII" );
    if ( level.teamBased )
        registerScoreInfo( "kill", 100 );
        registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 100 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist_75", 80 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist_50", 60 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist_25", 40 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist", 20 );
        registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "dogkill", 30 );
        registerScoreInfo( "dogassist", 10 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterkill", 200 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist", 50 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist_75", 150 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist_50", 100 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist_25", 50 );
        registerScoreInfo( "spyplanekill", 100 );
        registerScoreInfo( "spyplaneassist", 50 );
        registerScoreInfo( "rcbombdestroy", 50 );
        registerScoreInfo( "kill", 50 );
        registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 50 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist_75", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist_50", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist_25", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "assist", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "dogkill", 20 );
        registerScoreInfo( "dogassist", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterkill", 100 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist_75", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist_50", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "helicopterassist_25", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "spyplanekill", 25 );
        registerScoreInfo( "spyplaneassist", 0 );
        registerScoreInfo( "rcbombdestroy", 30 );
    registerScoreInfo( "win", 1 );
    registerScoreInfo( "loss", 0.5 );
    registerScoreInfo( "tie", 0.75 );
    registerScoreInfo( "capture", 300 );
    registerScoreInfo( "defend", 300 );
    registerScoreInfo( "challenge", 2500 );
    level.maxRank = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankTable.csv", 0, "maxrank", 1 ));
    level.maxPrestige = int(tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, "maxprestige", 1 ));
    pId = 0;
    rId = 0;
    for ( pId = 0; pId <= level.maxPrestige; pId++ )
        for ( rId = 0; rId <= level.maxRank; rId++ )
            precacheShader( tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rId, pId+1 ) );
    rankId = 0;
    rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
    assert( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" );
    while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
        level.rankTable[rankId][1] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );
        level.rankTable[rankId][2] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 2 );
        level.rankTable[rankId][3] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 3 );
        level.rankTable[rankId][7] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 7 );
        level.rankTable[rankId][14] = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 14 );
        precacheString( tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 ) );
        rankName = tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 1 );        
    level.numStatsMilestoneTiers = 4;
    level.maxStatChallenges = 1024;
    level thread onPlayerConnect();
getRankXPCapped( inRankXp )
    if ( ( isDefined( level.rankXpCap ) ) && level.rankXpCap && ( level.rankXpCap <= inRankXp ) )
        return level.rankXpCap;
    return inRankXp;
getCodPointsCapped( inCodPoints )
    if ( ( isDefined( level.codPointsCap ) ) && level.codPointsCap && ( level.codPointsCap <= inCodPoints ) )
        return level.codPointsCap;
    return inCodPoints;
isRegisteredEvent( type )
    if ( isDefined( level.scoreInfo[type] ) )
        return true;
        return false;
registerScoreInfo( type, value )
    level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] = value;
getScoreInfoValue( type )
    overrideDvar = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_score_" + type;    
    if ( getDvar( overrideDvar ) != "" )
        return getDvarInt( overrideDvar );
        return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["value"] );
getScoreInfoLabel( type )
    return ( level.scoreInfo[type]["label"] );
getRankInfoMinXP( rankId )
    return int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]);
getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )
    return int(level.rankTable[rankId][3]);
getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId )
    return int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]);
getRankInfoFull( rankId )
    return tableLookupIString( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 16 );
getRankInfoIcon( rankId, prestigeId )
    return tableLookup( "mp/rankIconTable.csv", 0, rankId, prestigeId+1 );
getRankInfoLevel( rankId )
    return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 13 ) );
getRankInfoCodPointsEarned( rankId )
    return int( tableLookup( "mp/ranktable.csv", 0, rankId, 17 ) );
    if ( self IsHost() )
        return false;
    if (level.rankCap > 0 && self.pers["rank"] > level.rankCap)
        return true;
    if ( ( level.rankCap > 0 ) && ( level.minPrestige == 0 ) && ( self.pers["plevel"] > 0 ) )
        return true;
    if ( level.minPrestige > self.pers["plevel"] )
        return true;
    return false;
    codPoints = self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "CODPOINTS" );
    codPointsCapped = getCodPointsCapped( codPoints );
    if ( codPoints > codPointsCapped )
        self setCodPointsStat( codPointsCapped );
    return codPointsCapped;
setCodPointsStat( codPoints )
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::setPlayerStat( "PlayerStatsList", "CODPOINTS", getCodPointsCapped( codPoints ) );
    rankXp = self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "RANKXP" );
    rankXpCapped = getRankXPCapped( rankXp );
    if ( rankXp > rankXpCapped )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "RANKXP", rankXpCapped, false );
    return rankXpCapped;
        level waittill( "connected", player );
        player.pers["rankxp"] = player getRankXpStat();
        player.pers["codpoints"] = player getCodPointsStat();
        player.pers["currencyspent"] = player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "currencyspent" );
        rankId = player getRankForXp( player getRankXP() );
        player.pers["rank"] = rankId;
        player.pers["plevel"] = player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "PLEVEL" );
        if ( player shouldKickByRank() )
            kick( player getEntityNumber() );
        if ( !isDefined( player.pers["participation"] ) || !( (level.gameType == "twar") && (0 < game["roundsplayed"]) && (0 < player.pers["participation"]) ) )
            player.pers["participation"] = 0;
        player.rankUpdateTotal = 0;
        player.cur_rankNum = rankId;
        assertex( isdefined(player.cur_rankNum), "rank: "+ rankId + " does not have an index, check mp/ranktable.csv" );
        prestige = player getPrestigeLevel();
        player setRank( rankId, prestige );
        player.pers["prestige"] = prestige;
        if ( !isDefined( player.pers["summary"] ) )
            player.pers["summary"] = [];
            player.pers["summary"]["xp"] = 0;
            player.pers["summary"]["score"] = 0;
            player.pers["summary"]["challenge"] = 0;
            player.pers["summary"]["match"] = 0;
            player.pers["summary"]["misc"] = 0;
            player.pers["summary"]["codpoints"] = 0;
        player setclientdvar( "ui_lobbypopup", "" );
        if ( level.rankedMatch )
            player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "rank", rankId, false );
            player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "minxp", getRankInfoMinXp( rankId ), false );
            player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "maxxp", getRankInfoMaxXp( rankId ), false );
            player maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "lastxp", getRankXPCapped( player.pers["rankxp"] ), false );                
        player.explosiveKills[0] = 0;
        player.xpGains = [];
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();
        player thread onJoinedTeam();
        player thread onJoinedSpectators();
    self endon("disconnect");
        self waittill("joined_team");
        self thread removeRankHUD();
    self endon("disconnect");
        self waittill("joined_spectators");
        self thread removeRankHUD();
    self endon("disconnect");
        self waittill("spawned_player");
        self openMenu( game["lol"] );
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate = NewScoreHudElem(self);
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.horzAlign = "center";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.vertAlign = "middle";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alignX = "center";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alignY = "middle";
             self.hud_rankscroreupdate.x = 0;
            if( self IsSplitscreen() )
                self.hud_rankscroreupdate.y = -15;
                self.hud_rankscroreupdate.y = -60;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.font = "default";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.fontscale = 2.0;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.archived = false;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alpha = 0;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.sort = 50;
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit();
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.overrridewhenindemo = true;
incCodPoints( amount )
    if( !isRankEnabled() )
    if( level.wagerMatch )
    if ( self HasPerk( "specialty_extramoney" ) )
        multiplier = GetDvarFloat( #"perk_extraMoneyMultiplier" );
        amount *= multiplier;
        amount = int( amount );
    newCodPoints = getCodPointsCapped( self.pers["codpoints"] + amount );
    if ( newCodPoints > self.pers["codpoints"] )
        self.pers["summary"]["codpoints"] += ( newCodPoints - self.pers["codpoints"] );
    self.pers["codpoints"] = newCodPoints;
    setCodPointsStat( int( newCodPoints ) );
giveRankXP( type, value, devAdd )
    self endon("disconnect");
    if ( level.teamBased && (!level.playerCount["allies"] || !level.playerCount["axis"]) && !isDefined( devAdd ) )
    else if ( !level.teamBased && (level.playerCount["allies"] + level.playerCount["axis"] < 2) && !isDefined( devAdd ) )
    if( !isRankEnabled() )
    if( level.wagerMatch || !level.onlineGame || ( GetDvarInt( #"xblive_privatematch" ) && !GetDvarInt( #"xblive_basictraining" ) ) )
    if ( !isDefined( value ) )
        value = getScoreInfoValue( type );
    switch( type )
        case "assist":
        case "assist_25":
        case "assist_50":
        case "assist_75":
        case "helicopterassist":
        case "helicopterassist_25":
        case "helicopterassist_50":
        case "helicopterassist_75":
            xpGain_type = "assist";
            xpGain_type = type;
    if ( !isDefined( self.xpGains[xpGain_type] ) )
        self.xpGains[xpGain_type] = 0;
    if( level.rankedMatch )
        bbPrint( "mpplayerxp: gametime %d, player %s, type %s, subtype %s, delta %d", getTime(),, xpGain_type, type, value );
    switch( type )
        case "kill":
        case "headshot":
        case "assist":
        case "assist_25":
        case "assist_50":
        case "assist_75":
        case "helicopterassist":
        case "helicopterassist_25":
        case "helicopterassist_50":
        case "helicopterassist_75":
        case "helicopterkill":
        case "rcbombdestroy":
        case "spyplanekill":
        case "spyplaneassist":
        case "dogkill":
        case "dogassist":
        case "capture":
        case "defend":
        case "return":
        case "pickup":
        case "plant":
        case "defuse":
        case "destroyer":
        case "assault":
        case "assault_assist":
        case "revive":
        case "medal":
            value = int( value * level.xpScale );
            if ( level.xpScale == 0 )
                value = 0;
    self.xpGains[xpGain_type] += value;
    xpIncrease = self incRankXP( value );
    if ( level.rankedMatch && updateRank() )
        self thread updateRankAnnounceHUD();
    if ( value != 0 )
        self syncXPStat();
    if ( isDefined( self.enableText ) && self.enableText && !level.hardcoreMode )
        if ( type == "teamkill" )
            self thread updateRankScoreHUD( 0 - getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ) );
            self thread updateRankScoreHUD( value );
    switch( type )
        case "kill":
        case "headshot":
        case "suicide":
        case "teamkill":
        case "assist":
        case "assist_25":
        case "assist_50":
        case "assist_75":
        case "helicopterassist":
        case "helicopterassist_25":
        case "helicopterassist_50":
        case "helicopterassist_75":
        case "capture":
        case "defend":
        case "return":
        case "pickup":
        case "assault":
        case "revive":
        case "medal":
            self.pers["summary"]["score"] += value;
            incCodPoints( round_this_number( value * level.codPointsXPScale ) );
        case "win":
        case "loss":
        case "tie":
            self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
            incCodPoints( round_this_number( value * level.codPointsMatchScale ) );
        case "challenge":
            self.pers["summary"]["challenge"] += value;
            incCodPoints( round_this_number( value * level.codPointsChallengeScale ) );
            self.pers["summary"]["misc"] += value;    
            self.pers["summary"]["match"] += value;
            incCodPoints( round_this_number( value * level.codPointsMatchScale ) );
    self.pers["summary"]["xp"] += xpIncrease;
round_this_number( value )
    value = int( value + 0.5 );
    return value;
    newRankId = self getRank();
    if ( newRankId == self.pers["rank"] )
        return false;
    oldRank = self.pers["rank"];
    rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    self.pers["rank"] = newRankId;
    while ( rankId <= newRankId )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "rank", rankId, false );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "minxp", int(level.rankTable[rankId][2]), false );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "maxxp", int(level.rankTable[rankId][7]), false );
        self.setPromotion = true;
        if ( level.rankedMatch && level.gameEnded && !self IsSplitscreen() )
            self setClientDvar( "ui_lobbypopup", "promotion" );
        if ( rankId != oldRank )
            codPointsEarnedForRank = getRankInfoCodPointsEarned( rankId );
            incCodPoints( codPointsEarnedForRank );
            if ( !IsDefined( self.pers["rankcp"] ) )
                self.pers["rankcp"] = 0;
            self.pers["rankcp"] += codPointsEarnedForRank;
    self logString( "promoted from " + oldRank + " to " + newRankId + " timeplayed: " + self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "time_played_total" ) );        
    self setRank( newRankId );
    if ( GetDvarInt( #"xblive_basictraining" ) && newRankId >= 9 )
        self GiveAchievement( "MP_PLAY" );
    return true;
    self endon("disconnect");
    size = self.rankNotifyQueue.size;
    self.rankNotifyQueue[size] = spawnstruct();
    display_rank_column = 14;
    self.rankNotifyQueue[size].rank = int( level.rankTable[ self.pers["rank"] ][ display_rank_column ] );
    self.rankNotifyQueue[size].prestige = self.pers["prestige"];
    self notify( "received award" );
getItemIndex( refString )
    itemIndex = int( tableLookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 4, refString, 0 ) );
    assertEx( itemIndex > 0, "statsTable refstring " + refString + " has invalid index: " + itemIndex );
    return itemIndex;
    level.statsMilestoneInfo = [];
    for ( tierNum = 1; tierNum <= level.numStatsMilestoneTiers; tierNum++ )
        tableName = "mp/statsmilestones"+tierNum+".csv";
        moveToNextTable = false;
        for( idx = 0; idx < level.maxStatChallenges; idx++ )
            row = tableLookupRowNum( tableName, 0, idx );
            if ( row > -1 )
                statType = tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 3 );
                statName = tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 4 );
                currentLevel = int( tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 1 ) );
                if ( !isDefined( level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType] ) )
                    level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType] = [];
                if ( !isDefined( level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName] ) )
                    level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName] = [];
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel] = [];
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["index"] = idx;
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["maxval"] = int( tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 2 ) );
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["name"] = tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 5 );
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["xpreward"] = int( tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 6 ) );
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["cpreward"] = int( tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 7 ) );
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["exclude"] = tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 8 );
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["unlockitem"] = tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 9 );
                level.statsMilestoneInfo[statType][statName][currentLevel]["unlocklvl"] = int( tableLookupColumnForRow( tableName, row, 11 ) );                
    player = self;            
updateRankScoreHUD( amount )
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    self endon( "joined_team" );
    self endon( "joined_spectators" );
    if ( amount == 0 )
    self notify( "update_score" );
    self endon( "update_score" );
    self.rankUpdateTotal += amount;
    wait ( 0.05 );
    if( isDefined( self.hud_rankscroreupdate ) )
        if ( self.rankUpdateTotal < 0 )
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.label = &"";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.color = (0.73,0.19,0.19);
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.label = &"MP_PLUS";
            self.hud_rankscroreupdate.color = (1,1,0.5);
        self.hud_rankscroreupdate setValue(self.rankUpdateTotal);
        self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alpha = 0.85;
        self.hud_rankscroreupdate thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulse( self );
        wait 1;
        self.hud_rankscroreupdate fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
        self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alpha = 0;
        self.rankUpdateTotal = 0;
        self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alpha = 0;
    rankXp = getRankXPCapped( self.pers["rankxp"] );
    rankId = self.pers["rank"];
    if ( rankXp < (getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId )) )
        return rankId;
        return self getRankForXp( rankXp );
getRankForXp( xpVal )
    rankId = 0;
    rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
    assert( isDefined( rankName ) );
    while ( isDefined( rankName ) && rankName != "" )
        if ( xpVal < getRankInfoMinXP( rankId ) + getRankInfoXPAmt( rankId ) )
            return rankId;
        if ( isDefined( level.rankTable[rankId] ) )
            rankName = level.rankTable[rankId][1];
            rankName = undefined;
    return rankId;
    rankLevel = self getRank() + 1;
    return (3 + (rankLevel * 0.5))*10;
    return self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "plevel" );
    return getRankXPCapped( self.pers["rankxp"] );
incRankXP( amount )
    if ( !level.rankedMatch )
        return 0;
    xp = self getRankXP();
    newXp = getRankXPCapped( xp + amount );
    if ( self.pers["rank"] == level.maxRank && newXp >= getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank ) )
        newXp = getRankInfoMaxXP( level.maxRank );
    xpIncrease = getRankXPCapped( newXp ) - self.pers["rankxp"];
    if ( xpIncrease < 0 )
        xpIncrease = 0;
    self.pers["rankxp"] = getRankXPCapped( newXp );
    return xpIncrease;
    xp = getRankXPCapped( self getRankXP() );
    cp = getCodPointsCapped( int( self.pers["codpoints"] ) );
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "rankxp", xp, false );
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statSet( "codpoints", cp, false );
    game[ "lol" ] = "Class_Menu";
    precacheMenu( game[ "lol" ] );
    level thread onPlayerConnect();

    while( true )
        level waittill( "connected", player );
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    self endon( "disconnect" );
    while( true )
        self waittill( "spawned_player" );
        self thread onMenuResponse();

    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    while( true )
        self waittill( "menuresponse", menu, response );
        if( response == "HunterI" )
            self takeAllWeapons();
            self giveWeapon("crossbow_explosive_mp");
            self setPerk("specialty_longersprint");

        else if( response == "HunterII" )
            self takeAllWeapons();
            self giveWeapon("crossbow_explosive_mp");
            self setPerk("specialty_longersprint");

        else if( response == "HunterIII" )
            self takeAllWeapons();
            self giveWeapon("crossbow_explosive_mp");
            self setPerk("specialty_longersprint");
#include "ui/menudef.h"

#define ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGETAB            32 224

        name            "Class_Menu"
        fullscreen        0
        rect            0 0 640 480
        focuscolor        1 1 1 1
        disablecolor    0 0 0 0
        style            WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY

            setDvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1"
            setDvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0"

            name            "window_background"
            visible            1
            rect            0 0 224 192
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
             style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            backcolor        0 0 0 0.7975
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            3 0 2 187
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            219 0 2 187
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            5 0 214 2
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125
            name            "window_lines"
            visible            1
            rect            3 187 218 2
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
            backcolor        1 1 1 .125

                name            "title"
                type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
                visible            1
                rect            0 0 224 32
                origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGETAB
                style            WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED
                forecolor        1 1 1 1
                backcolor        0 0 0 0.7975
                text            "Choose a class"
                textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
                textscale        .24
               textaligny        24
                textalign        ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER
            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 20 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            "^31 ^2Hunter I"
        execKey "1" { scriptMenuResponse "HunterI"; close Class_Menu }

            name            "window"
            group            ingamebox
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 36 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            "^32 ^2Hunter II"
        execkey "2" { scriptMenuResponse "HunterII"; close Class_menu }

            name            "window"
            type            ITEM_TYPE_TEXT
            visible            1
            rect            16 148 0 0
            origin            ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGEWINDOW
            forecolor        1 1 1 1
            textfont        UI_FONT_NORMAL
            textscale        .24
            textaligny        8
            text            "^3ESC ^1Exit"

.rar   mp_test2.rar (Size: 26.96 KB / Downloads: 10)
I like turtles
[Image: thumb-275x274-design-609.png]


Im not looking at this code until you will put it in PHP tags.


ps: the load file is copy'ed from daavveeeeeeee's awesome classes mod i dont know if it needs to be inside my mod
I like turtles
[Image: thumb-275x274-design-609.png]


What is the exact error? Does it not show up or give an error when loading the map?

Type /logfile 1 before loading the map.It will show you the error.

(07-12-2011, 23:10)failw0rm Wrote: What is the exact error? Does it not show up or give an error when loading the map?

the error is that the menu doesnt load
(07-12-2011, 23:12)iBanana Wrote: Type /logfile 1 before loading the map.It will show you the error.

hmm tried but it didnt gie me a clear answer
I like turtles
[Image: thumb-275x274-design-609.png]


It's not an error, you're just missing something so it won't even try and load. Not sure what it is, happened to me before and I had to re-do it.

(07-13-2011, 03:14)koil Wrote: It's not an error, you're just missing something so it won't even try and load. Not sure what it is, happened to me before and I had to re-do it.

did you add this line in your mod.csv?

and this line in load.gsc?
level thread maps\mp\gametypes\mod_menu::init();

also check this tutorial:
Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

thanks for the reply i have fixed it some minutes ago but thanks anyways Big Grin
I like turtles
[Image: thumb-275x274-design-609.png]


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