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How do u install mods for ur server?
Im very new to servers and stuff and no matter where i look no1 tells u how to install the DAM MODS!! i recently got the "god plugin" and every1 says put it in your addons/plugins folder... I DONT HAVE THESE FOLDERS!!!!! i am with NFOServers and they all ftp access but i dont understand how to install mods. Sad

life is so hard
download the dedicated server from the steam library, move it to another location and put the mods that you can find here into the folders as described.

What do u mean download a dedicated server from steam library? Please be more specific.

You can't install mods theres a addon for mw3 servers called @Nukem Server addon. You need that so you place the plugins into a the plugins folder. there for the game has been modded. Done.

I got it... but it says NOT to put it in steam directory because u could get banned.

(04-24-2012, 03:28)X8ReaperZ Wrote: I got it... but it says NOT to put it in steam directory because u could get banned.
Copy your mw3 directory to a different location on your computer,place the files from server addon,boot mw3_server.exe. Done.

Step1: Copy call of duty modern warfare 3 directory somewhere else on ur computer.
Step2: Extract all the files into the directory.
Step3: run mw3_server.exe?

You do reliaze that my server im renting from nfo servers?

(04-24-2012, 03:34)X8ReaperZ Wrote: So.
Step1: Copy call of duty modern warfare 3 directory somewhere else on ur computer.
Step2: Extract all the files into the directory.
Step3: run mw3_server.exe?

You do reliaze that my server im renting from nfo servers?

then you would of copyed mw3 from ur steam to ur server then just place the files and run. Done.

Comes up with this:

//////Dedicated server addon enabled//////
////Created by Nukem |
////CoD8HMod |

Version 1.313
Server timed messages successfully loaded!

version 1.5.388
Command "seta" tried to modify non-archive external dvar "cg_headIconMinScreenRadius".
Invalid external archiving dvar "g_allowVote"; this code dvar is not an archiving type. Resetting dvar.
Invalid external archiving dvar "sv_hostname"; this code dvar is not an archiving type. Resetting dvar.
Connecting to online services........
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"

(04-24-2012, 03:50)X8ReaperZ Wrote: Comes up with this:

//////Dedicated server addon enabled//////
////Created by Nukem |
////CoD8HMod |

Version 1.313
Server timed messages successfully loaded!

version 1.5.388
Command "seta" tried to modify non-archive external dvar "cg_headIconMinScreenRadius".
Invalid external archiving dvar "g_allowVote"; this code dvar is not an archiving type. Resetting dvar.
Invalid external archiving dvar "sv_hostname"; this code dvar is not an archiving type. Resetting dvar.
Connecting to online services........
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"
Inside the admin folder theres a file called server.cfg and you need to configure it.

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