Yep it's not possible via scripting. I remember I was trying to do something like this:
if(self sayAll() == "!wtf" ) {
// to do all the magic
Of course, I got bad syntax or unknown function because obviously, this even looks stoooopid.
It's possible via things like B3 or another server stuff for steam which can read
game log in real time and parse client stuff, i.e, log looks like this
J;playername;time; // J - joined
K;attacker,victim,wep,etc... // K - kill etc
S or SAY;player;what_did_he_say;
So you parse the string and see what he wants. ( As I know, you can launch B3 even on local server ). But if you want to know how to manipulate with player responses after he used to "say" something you can do lots of different stuff, like DVAR change with infos, again, like
1) server sets a dvar when player said something
whatever it looks like...
if( logParsedSayLine == "!explode" )
setServerVar("playersaid", "<playername> EXPLODE" );
Meanwhile in GSC..
if( GetDvar("playersaid") != "" ) { // player said something
whatchawant = GetDvar("playersaid")
// parse whatchawant by space or whatever and it will be like this: ( I DON'T REMEMBER HOW TO PARSE STRINGS IN GSCs! )
// so let's think that you parsed string already
name = parsed[0];
func = parsed[1];
// so now find player by name and do a func, like
if( func == "EXPLODE" ) {
player explode();
Long post because I am bored.
Yes it's possible.