09-21-2011, 18:14
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2012, 11:52 by _Smile_Man_.)
I've seen that Faramir made a list from all the mods on BO, I thought that it would also be handy to have this for MW2.
I placed downloads for all mods and all sections, but don't download them without thank the maker of it okay???
always watch the thread of the mod for more information
Here is the list:
MW2 Mods
newest ones
oldest ones
Zombie Mods
Rotu1.1 ALPHA BETA (By Se7en & Rendflex)
OMA Zombie Mod Beta (By Yamato)
Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod v3.1 + Smart Bots (By ddaavvee)
Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod v5.0 (By ARES clan, posted by ddaavvee)
Chaotic Invasion Zombie Mod V2 (By Rendflex & Yamato)
Chaotic Invasion Zombie Mod (By Yamato & Rendflex)
AIZombies - My Version! (edit by barata)
MoD AIZombies (AlterIWNet version) (edit by The_Marck_One)
Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod 4.5 (by Killingdyl, edited and posted by fallky)
Granny's Zombies 1.5b (The Last Update) (By 4FunPlayin)
Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod v2.5 (By Killingdyl modded by Adaragas, edited by Realtec)
Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod V2 (By killingdyl, edited by iZ3r0 and posted by d0h!)
Zombie Mod [zmod] (By by DoZzeR, help from Carentan Killer and posted by d0h!)
Nemesis v2.0 (Met PL, pyromanic5 Co-Credits: 4Funplayin, Killingdyl, {MW2U}Mathieu, Nukem, Goldenknife, AZUMIKKEL, Tribulex&d0H, posted by d0h!)
Granny's Zombies (By 4FunPlayin, posted by d0h!)
No Hope: AI Zombies [Bots] (By d0h!, RowanFTBL, GoldenKnife, Tribulex, Nukem aka b0mber21)
No Hope Zombies 3.0 (By iZ3RO, posted by d0h!)
Zombie.rar (Size: 2.01 MB / Downloads: 5,604)
GunGame with doors (By Mathdu91)
Smiles GunGame v2 (By _Smile_Man_)
Smiles GunGame v1 (By _Smile_Man_)
Team GunGame (By alteriwnet modders, posted by ddaavvee)
Gun Game (another one) (By -Az-, Banana and posted by d0h!)
Gungame V1 + V2 (By Azumikkel, 2 edited versions by dunno and GHOST [DS], Posted by d0h!)
GunGame.rar (Size: 151.45 KB / Downloads: 2,960)
QS & Sniper Mods
{Mod Quickscope-Lobby (By Mathdu91)}
EpicSniperMod (By Yamato)
QS Mod by GeKKo v 6.5 with Custom Maps (By GeKKoFL0X)
Sniper Mod: AccScoutzknivez (Probably by agent god, posted by d0h!)
NoScopeMod (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
H4RDC0R3's Sniper Mod (By H4RDC0R3, posted by d0h!)
Lucky numbers and Quickscope Mod (By novakane, edited by freeway, posted by d0h!)
QS & Sniper.rar (Size: 204.69 KB / Downloads: 3,029)
VIP Mods & Mod-menus
MOSSY v9.12 Re-edit by BloKK187 (By Elite Mossy, Re-edit by BloKK187)
Ultimate Mossy v9 (By Elite Mossy, posted by ddaavvee)
Admin mouse menu (By met94)
Vip Mod (By Gladio & iZero)
Grief Mod (Posted by Bloopbloop, Maker is unknown)
GodlyModz V4 (By GodlyModz, posted by d0h!)
MW2 Ultimate Admin System v3 (By ZerO (iZ3RO) & d0h!)
HaVoC UnDeaD mod V6 (By HaVoC, posted by d0h!)
VIP & menus.rar (Size: 466.4 KB / Downloads: 4,193)
Flyable and Drivable Mods
Tank Killstreak (By Yamato)
Chopper Gunner (By Yamato)
Drivable Cars Mod (By Yamato)
Bumpers Car Mod (By Yamato & Killingdyl)
Water Roller Coaster (By Yamato)
other Tank Killstreak (also By Yamato)
Flyable Jet (By 4FunPlayin, posted by d0h!)
Flyable Helicopter (By MetPL, posted by d0h!)
Flyable & Drivable.rar (Size: 133.17 KB / Downloads: 2,242)
Prestige mods, unlock everything, ...
10th prestige // 70 lobby // unlock everything (By d0h!)
prestige 10th mod + more (By xI cHOcOLaTe, posted by d0h!)
Mike Myers and knife mods
Knifing Mod (Ballistic knife) (By Yamato)
mike myers v3 (Posted by nickdiesel10, no credits from creator)
mike myers v2 (Posted by nickdiesel10, no credits from creator)
Michael Myers Mod (By iGhost)
Fun Knifing Lobby (By iGhost)
MM & Knife.rar (Size: 189.33 KB / Downloads: 1,546)
RTD & Mods like in Black Ops
For GunGame watch in Gungame list
Roll The Dice 4 (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by Bloopbloop)
Sharpshooter (By d0h!, -Az-, Banana, PhantomGamers)
Black Ops Mod (By master131, posted by d0h!)
One In The Chamber Mod (By d0h!, -Az-, Banana)
RTD & BO MODS.rar (Size: 158.95 KB / Downloads: 1,571)
Team Vs other team Mods
Bounty Hunter (By NeckTop)
GDF vs Robots (By 4FunPlayin, mathieutje12, Lost4468, master131)
CSS: Jail Break Out (By d0h!, {MW2U}Mathieu & |TPC|Lt.Homer)
Aliens vs Predator v2 (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
Juggernaught Mod 2.0 (By iGhost, posted by d0h!)
Juggernaught Mod (By iGhost, posted by d0h!)
Prop Hunt by zxz [Hide&Seek] (By zxz, posted by d0h!)
TvsT mods.rar (Size: 256.67 KB / Downloads: 1,587)
Other Mods
ProMod v3.2 pub + war (by Heinrich1980, tehwhynot, P.Ness, ScareD, Zalew, iNuke, dekart811, lmaobox, iAegle and the cod4 Promodlive dev Team) (not yet added to downl)
[V5] MW3 Mod for aIW With MW3 ANNOUNCER FILES (by mans123) (not yet added to download)
!LaserTag! (by ScHmIdTy56789) (not yet added to downl)
Preditor Killstreaks (by Puffiamo) (not added to download!)
MW3 Team defender for MW2 (by Jadjkorn64) (not added to download!)
xTreme 1887 Mini-Mod (By BloKK187)
Hexer Mod v2 (By Lemon)
MW2 Campaign CO-OP (By Rendflex)
CraZy-JaV3L!N (updated) (By GeKKo, posted by BloKK187)
R_bullets (By _Smile_Man_)
Hijack sentry guns (By ownedtom, posted by iAegel)
Retarded(Smarter)Enemys (Posted by ddaavvee)
SPAS CHAOS (By eliteCVDelite)
MW2 Old School v0.2 (By iAegle)
Crazy Mod | RELEASE! | DixiHD (By DixiHD)
Lolz mod modded server (By Fallky)
Random Weapon v2.5 (By GeKKoFL0X)
PubFun & MapEdit (By Gladio)
Battle-Ship Mod v2.1 (By Cgallagher)
The Pack! (By TheSaboteur, all his non-finished mods)
Realism Mod V2 (By AgentGod, posted by d0h!)
1887Akimbo (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
ac130 madness (By Ghost, posted by d0h!)
Counter-Strike: Warfare (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
Custom Killstreaks (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
Halo 3 Mod (By iGhost, posted by d0h!)
Gold Desert Eagle Mod (By ~Legic, posted by d0h!)
others.rar (Size: 1.78 MB / Downloads: 1,812)
Plz say it when I'm wrong or if I forgotten something.
Press thx button!
I placed downloads for all mods and all sections, but don't download them without thank the maker of it okay???
always watch the thread of the mod for more information
Here is the list:
MW2 Mods
newest ones
oldest ones
Zombie Mods
Rotu1.1 ALPHA BETA (By Se7en & Rendflex)
OMA Zombie Mod Beta (By Yamato)
Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod v3.1 + Smart Bots (By ddaavvee)
Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod v5.0 (By ARES clan, posted by ddaavvee)
Chaotic Invasion Zombie Mod V2 (By Rendflex & Yamato)
Chaotic Invasion Zombie Mod (By Yamato & Rendflex)
AIZombies - My Version! (edit by barata)
MoD AIZombies (AlterIWNet version) (edit by The_Marck_One)
Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod 4.5 (by Killingdyl, edited and posted by fallky)
Granny's Zombies 1.5b (The Last Update) (By 4FunPlayin)
Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod v2.5 (By Killingdyl modded by Adaragas, edited by Realtec)
Quarantine Chaos Zombie Mod V2 (By killingdyl, edited by iZ3r0 and posted by d0h!)
Zombie Mod [zmod] (By by DoZzeR, help from Carentan Killer and posted by d0h!)
Nemesis v2.0 (Met PL, pyromanic5 Co-Credits: 4Funplayin, Killingdyl, {MW2U}Mathieu, Nukem, Goldenknife, AZUMIKKEL, Tribulex&d0H, posted by d0h!)
Granny's Zombies (By 4FunPlayin, posted by d0h!)
No Hope: AI Zombies [Bots] (By d0h!, RowanFTBL, GoldenKnife, Tribulex, Nukem aka b0mber21)
No Hope Zombies 3.0 (By iZ3RO, posted by d0h!)

GunGame with doors (By Mathdu91)
Smiles GunGame v2 (By _Smile_Man_)
Smiles GunGame v1 (By _Smile_Man_)
Team GunGame (By alteriwnet modders, posted by ddaavvee)
Gun Game (another one) (By -Az-, Banana and posted by d0h!)
Gungame V1 + V2 (By Azumikkel, 2 edited versions by dunno and GHOST [DS], Posted by d0h!)

QS & Sniper Mods
{Mod Quickscope-Lobby (By Mathdu91)}
EpicSniperMod (By Yamato)
QS Mod by GeKKo v 6.5 with Custom Maps (By GeKKoFL0X)
Sniper Mod: AccScoutzknivez (Probably by agent god, posted by d0h!)
NoScopeMod (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
H4RDC0R3's Sniper Mod (By H4RDC0R3, posted by d0h!)
Lucky numbers and Quickscope Mod (By novakane, edited by freeway, posted by d0h!)

VIP Mods & Mod-menus
MOSSY v9.12 Re-edit by BloKK187 (By Elite Mossy, Re-edit by BloKK187)
Ultimate Mossy v9 (By Elite Mossy, posted by ddaavvee)
Admin mouse menu (By met94)
Vip Mod (By Gladio & iZero)
Grief Mod (Posted by Bloopbloop, Maker is unknown)
GodlyModz V4 (By GodlyModz, posted by d0h!)
MW2 Ultimate Admin System v3 (By ZerO (iZ3RO) & d0h!)
HaVoC UnDeaD mod V6 (By HaVoC, posted by d0h!)

Flyable and Drivable Mods
Tank Killstreak (By Yamato)
Chopper Gunner (By Yamato)
Drivable Cars Mod (By Yamato)
Bumpers Car Mod (By Yamato & Killingdyl)
Water Roller Coaster (By Yamato)
other Tank Killstreak (also By Yamato)
Flyable Jet (By 4FunPlayin, posted by d0h!)
Flyable Helicopter (By MetPL, posted by d0h!)

Prestige mods, unlock everything, ...
10th prestige // 70 lobby // unlock everything (By d0h!)
prestige 10th mod + more (By xI cHOcOLaTe, posted by d0h!)
Mike Myers and knife mods
Knifing Mod (Ballistic knife) (By Yamato)
mike myers v3 (Posted by nickdiesel10, no credits from creator)
mike myers v2 (Posted by nickdiesel10, no credits from creator)
Michael Myers Mod (By iGhost)
Fun Knifing Lobby (By iGhost)

RTD & Mods like in Black Ops
For GunGame watch in Gungame list
Roll The Dice 4 (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by Bloopbloop)
Sharpshooter (By d0h!, -Az-, Banana, PhantomGamers)
Black Ops Mod (By master131, posted by d0h!)
One In The Chamber Mod (By d0h!, -Az-, Banana)

Team Vs other team Mods
Bounty Hunter (By NeckTop)
GDF vs Robots (By 4FunPlayin, mathieutje12, Lost4468, master131)
CSS: Jail Break Out (By d0h!, {MW2U}Mathieu & |TPC|Lt.Homer)
Aliens vs Predator v2 (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
Juggernaught Mod 2.0 (By iGhost, posted by d0h!)
Juggernaught Mod (By iGhost, posted by d0h!)
Prop Hunt by zxz [Hide&Seek] (By zxz, posted by d0h!)

Other Mods
ProMod v3.2 pub + war (by Heinrich1980, tehwhynot, P.Ness, ScareD, Zalew, iNuke, dekart811, lmaobox, iAegle and the cod4 Promodlive dev Team) (not yet added to downl)
[V5] MW3 Mod for aIW With MW3 ANNOUNCER FILES (by mans123) (not yet added to download)
!LaserTag! (by ScHmIdTy56789) (not yet added to downl)
Preditor Killstreaks (by Puffiamo) (not added to download!)
MW3 Team defender for MW2 (by Jadjkorn64) (not added to download!)
xTreme 1887 Mini-Mod (By BloKK187)
Hexer Mod v2 (By Lemon)
MW2 Campaign CO-OP (By Rendflex)
CraZy-JaV3L!N (updated) (By GeKKo, posted by BloKK187)
R_bullets (By _Smile_Man_)
Hijack sentry guns (By ownedtom, posted by iAegel)
Retarded(Smarter)Enemys (Posted by ddaavvee)
SPAS CHAOS (By eliteCVDelite)
MW2 Old School v0.2 (By iAegle)
Crazy Mod | RELEASE! | DixiHD (By DixiHD)
Lolz mod modded server (By Fallky)
Random Weapon v2.5 (By GeKKoFL0X)
PubFun & MapEdit (By Gladio)
Battle-Ship Mod v2.1 (By Cgallagher)
The Pack! (By TheSaboteur, all his non-finished mods)
Realism Mod V2 (By AgentGod, posted by d0h!)
1887Akimbo (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
ac130 madness (By Ghost, posted by d0h!)
Counter-Strike: Warfare (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
Custom Killstreaks (By AZUMIKKEL, posted by d0h!)
Halo 3 Mod (By iGhost, posted by d0h!)
Gold Desert Eagle Mod (By ~Legic, posted by d0h!)

Download all mods (thank the creator of the mods and watch to the threads

Plz say it when I'm wrong or if I forgotten something.
Press thx button!

+rep me plz