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News Radiant will be released
When i download Mod Tools BETA i found file in raw/radiant
I think radiant will be released Heart .. In this file some codes about triggers, AI, scripts..
Sorry from my english Shy

// syntax:
// float floatVar
// int intVar
// string stringVar

// COD7 NOTE: Any additions, ADD TO BOTTOM!!!
// COD7 NOTE: Check with your lead before making any modifications to this file!

vector origin
vector angles
int export
int spawnflags
int radius
int speed
string target
string targetname
string groupname
string name
int count // how many times a spawner can be spawned from
int dontdrawoncompass // If set, the AI will not be drawn on the player's compass. Only matters for friendlies
float delay

int script_noenemyinfo // setting to 1 makes a guy spawn with no enemy info

float script_wait // Script will wait this long between actions
float script_wait_min // Minimum wait time between actions
float script_wait_max // Maximum wait time between actions
float script_wait_add // Additive delay is the # of seconds extra added between actions

string script_waittill // General key of a notify to wait for

float script_delay // Action will be delayed for this long before triggering
float script_delay_min // Minimum delay before action is triggered
float script_delay_max // Maximum delay before action is triggered

float script_burst
float script_burst_min // Put on an mg turret, min time of a burst
float script_burst_max // Put on an mg turret, max time of a burst

float script_suppression // Suppression wait for this AI
float height
float script_timeout
float script_accuracy // Set this on AI to have them spawn with a modified accuracy

int script_cheap // makes vehicles lose some functionality but be far fewer variables
int script_pacifist // makes an ai be a pacifist (sets their .pacifist = true)
int script_ignoreme // If this setting exists on a spawner this guy will have his .ignoreme set to true and will be ignored by other ai.
int script_ignore_suppression // sets .ignoreSuppression to true if its set. actors will not be suppressed by gun fire.
int script_ignoreall // sets .ignoreall to true if its set. makes actors ignore all suppression/damage/danger.
int script_disable_bleeder // sets .a.canbleed to false if set to 1
int script_disable_reviver // sets .a.canrevive to false if set to 1

int script_repeat // # of times an effect in an exploder will repeat
int script_fxstart // Identifies effects so they can be turned on by grouping with a trigger
int script_fxstop // Identifies effects so they can be turned off by grouping with a trigger
int script_damage // Damage of radius damage on an exploder
float script_firefxdelay // repetition rate on a firefx for exploders
float script_firefxtimeout // Amount of time before a looping effect fades out
string script_firefx // Fx to play infinitely from a used exploder
string script_presound // To play sounds on exploders before the explosion, for pathfinder only
string script_ender // Stop a looping effect
string script_firefxsound // Looping sound for an exploder firefx
string script_trailfx // Specifies the trailfx to be used on the entity.
string script_trailfxtag // Specifies the trailfx tag to play off of
float script_trailfxdelay // Specifies the trailfx repeat delay
string script_trailfxsound // Specifies the trailfx sound to play
float script_trailfxtimeout // Specifies the trailfxtimeout
string script_ent_trailfxsound // Specifies the sound to play in conjunction with the trailfx

vector script_angles // generic angles storage
int script_delete
int script_patroller // used to set up a spawner for patrolling through _patrol
string script_patrol_walk_anim // patrol walk override
string script_autosavename
int script_autosave
float script_timer // Timeout for friendly_chat or general time value
int script_start
int script_radius // Sets an AI's starting goal radius. On an exploder this sets the radius damage's radius.
int script_fallback // For fallback retreat behavior
int script_grenades // sets a spawner's .grenadeammo, which is the # of grenades an actor starts with when spawned
int script_fightdist // Spawners will spawn with this pathEnemyFightDist
int script_maxdist // Spawners will spawn with this pathEnemyLookAhead
int script_moveoverride // Spawners with this will go to their (targetted) node before fighting.

int script_killspawner // When you go through a trigger with this on it, any spawners that have the same # will be deleted.
int script_emptyspawner // When you go through a trigger with this on it, any spawners that have the same # will have their count set to 0.

int script_mg42auto // When you hit this trigger any grouped mg42s will go into auto mode and clear target.
int script_requires_player
int script_sightrange
int script_fallback_group // Makes stray spawned guys part of bigger falling back movements.

int script_vehicle_selfremove // vehicle will delete itself when it reaches the end of its path
int script_exploder // Grouping things that explode
int script_exploder_server // Sets the exploder to be on the server side
int script_prefab_exploder // Override an exploder since exploders in prefabs get unique'd.

int script_usemg42 // If set to false, a friendly will not use be told by friendly_mg42 triggers to use an mg42.

int script_startingposition // used for riders of vehicles to manually designate riding postions (also used for walkers)
int script_turretmg
int script_forcegrenade // Set to 1 to enable AI to throw as many grenades as they want rather than extremely rarely.
int script_goalvolume // groups guys so they use a goalvolume
int script_disconnectpaths // makes exploder script_brushes connectpaths when hidden and disconnect when shown. could be used to disable cover nodes.

int script_longdeath // set to 0 disable long death animations like lying on the ground and shooting
int script_battlechatter
int script_trigger_group // used to disable a group of triggers when one gets hit.

int script_airspeed // used in checks for setting speed on helicopter path origins or nodes
int script_accel // used in checks to change the acceleration on helicopter path origins or nodes
int script_decel // used in checks to change the deceleration on helicopter path origins or nodes

string script_friendname
string script_noteworthy // Used to get a string for scripted sequences mainly.
string script_parameters // generic string used for similar purpose as script_noteworthy
string script_fxcommand // What to do with the effect
string script_fxid // The id of the effect to do
string weaponinfo
string script_hidden // the thing which is hidden and appears later (mortars)
string vehicletype
string script_squadname // squad (spawner cluster) identifier
string script_team // how to know which team a tank is on (needed to free up target/targetname for radiant linkability)
string ambient // String index of the level.ambient_track to play on this trigger.
string script_gameobjectname // Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on gametype.
string script_gametype_dm // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on gametype.
string script_gametype_tdm // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on gametype.
string script_gametype_ctf // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on gametype.
string script_gametype_hq // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on gametype.
string script_gametype_sd // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on gametype.
string script_mapsize_08 // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on the set mapsize.
string script_mapsize_16 // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on the set mapsize.
string script_mapsize_32 // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on the set mapsize.
string script_mapsize_64 // Preston: Used in multiplayer to add/remove entities based on the set mapsize.
string script_sound // Plays level.scr_sound ["string"]
string script_animation // If defined, patrollers will play a random pause animation at this node.

string script_destructable_area // used to let destructable walls block off areas of the map (affects spawning, for instance)

string script_earthquake // References level.earthquake variables to do an earthquake
string script_skilloverride // used in setting the difficult of mg turrets. see _mgturret.gsc
string script_aigroup // specifies an aigroup for a spawner
string script_threatbiasgroup // adds spawned ai to this threatbiasgroup

string script_bctrigger // for use with battlechatter triggers
int script_bcdialog // set to 0 on a spawner/ai when you want to turn off battlechatter forever on that individual
string script_area // used by battlechatter system
string script_location // used by battlechatter system
string script_landmark // used by battlechatter system

string script_flag_true // This entity should not activate unless at least one of the flags in this string is true
string script_flag_false // This entity should not activate unless all the flags in this string are false
string script_flag // the flag that gets enabled/disabled by targetname flag_set and flag_unset
string script_flag_set // this flag will be set when this trigger is used
string script_flag_wait // helis using helipath will wait at this point until this flag is set
string script_flag_clear // clears the flag when it hits this spot
string script_color_allies // groups allied AI with nodes/triggers of that color
string script_color_axis // groups axis AI with nodes/triggers of that color
string script_forcecolor // forces an AI to use all nodes of this color

// SUMEET ( 7/12/2010 )
string script_ent_flag_set // flag will be set by a node if set on it while going to the node
string script_ent_flag_clear // flag will be cleared by a node if set on it while going to the node

string script_linkName // Works with script_linkTo
string script_linkTo // A compound string that is a list of script_linkname'd entities that this entity links to.

// destructable stuff
int script_accumulate // damage that must accumulate for destruction to occur
int script_threshold // min damage that has any effect

// ambient stuff
string script_ambientpackage // declare the ambient package associated with this trigger
string script_ambientroom // declare the room associated with this trigger
int script_ambientpriority // declare the ambient priority associated with this trigger

// vehicle stuff
int script_turret
int script_gatetrigger // vehicles will wait at vehicle nodes with this untill the trigger is hit.
int script_VehicleSpawngroup // spawns associated vehicles and their aigroups (as still designated by script_vehiclegroup on the vehicles and the ai's)
int script_VehicleStartMove // initiates associated vehicles movement on its path, note that if no script_vehicleStart nodes or triggers exist then the vehicle will stay and wait for the level script to initiate it's movement stacking this with script_VehicleSpawngroup will make spawn and go right away.
int script_vehicleGroupDelete // Deletes associated vehicles and their aigroups (as still designated by script_vehiclegroup on the vehicles and the ai's)
int script_physicsjolt // toggle tanks shaking physics as it drives by.
string script_unload // tells the vehicle to unload this group of guys examples are "all", "passengers", and "rear_passengers"

int script_deathroll // turns on and off deathroll for vehicles crossing paths
string script_crashtype // designates a crashpath
string script_crashtypeoverride // override the type of crash a vehicle will do when it dies values are "tank", "mobile"
int script_nomg // makes machineguns not spawn at all on a tank. used for big tank battles where they aren't necessary on all the tanks.
int script_badplace // no badplaces on tanks. for tanks that won't be near ai. on big tank battles.
int script_fireondrones // toggles machineguns firing on drones behavior

string script_followmode // refers to the style in which ai are set to follow a vehicle.
int script_vehiclewalk // groups spawners with a vehcile they're set to follow on foot
int script_vehicleride // groups spawners with a vehicle they're set to ride
int script_unloadmgguy // set this on the halftrack to make the mg guy unload.
int script_keepdriver // set this on the vehicle to make the vehilce driver not unload.

int script_vehicledetour
float script_playerconeradius // used optionally with script_avoidplayer if you want a cone radius other than 200.
int script_unloaddelay // make a vehicle delay this long before unloading at the end of a path. < 1 means never unload // nate we should remove this or make it work on all of the unloads.
int script_cobratarget // set to 1 to create a target for this entity on pilotcobra missions
string script_targettype // "air" or "ground" - used for helicopter pilot levels
float script_targetoffset_z // offset from model where missiles should aim - used for helicopter pilot levels
int script_wingman

string script_turningdir // set this to the direction of the anim set you want a vehicle to use. "right","hard_right","left","hard_left","forward"
int script_bombmode_original
int script_bombmode_single
int script_bombmode_dual
string script_label // used in audio, gametypes scripts
string script_tankgroup // used to add a tankgroup to vehicles.
float script_chance // chance that an exploder will explode, checked every 4 seconds or whatever script_delay is on the trigger.

int script_forcespawn // Used to forcespawn (aka stalingradspawn) an AI.
int script_allowdeath // allow an AI to be killed during an animation
float script_death // set on a drone path point. Drone will die in this many seconds. Set to 0 on second to last script_struct in chain to ensure death.
float script_death_min // Drone will die between min-max seconds.
float script_death_max // Drone will die between min-max seconds.
int script_drones_min // Sets the minimum number of drones to spawn.
int script_drones_max // Sets the maximum number of drones to spawn.
int script_looping // Setting to "1" has same functionality as setting script_noteworthy/"looping".
int script_trace // If set to "1", drones will not spawn in unless the player is looking away from the spawn points.
int script_spawn_here // for camper_spawner
int script_special //general purpose KVP;Use as you wish;
string script_vehicleaianim // this will be a radiant drop down list that tells the ai on the vehicle which animations to play

int script_health // for setting the health of windows in _interactive_objects
int script_startinghealth // sets a spawner or vehicle's health right when it's spawned in

int script_stopnode // tells helicopters to stop at a node.
string script_turret_share // shares turret spots for portable mgs
string script_turret_ambush // shares turret spots for portable mgs
int script_dont_link_turret
int script_mg_angle // this gives option to start the machinegun at an angle
int script_deathchain

string destructible_type // identifier for destructibles

float script_dot // used on targetname trigger_lookat triggers to change the fov
int script_drone // setting to 1 makes the spawner a script drone

string script_hint // put on trigger_hint

int script_anglevehicle // checked in _vehicle, but doesn't seem of any use...

string script_deathflag // when all the ai and spawners with the same string die (or their count depletes to zero), a flag with this string gets set

int script_wheeldirection // 1 goes forward 0 goes backwards.

int script_lights_on // set to 1 on vehicle or vehicle node to turn on lights
int script_sirens_on // set to 1 on vehicle or vehicle node to turn on sirens

int script_fixednode // can force .fixednode on an AI
float fixednodesaferadius // the safe radius

string spawner_id // using this for jeepride, guh, grunt, blarg! -nate
int script_vehicledetourgroup // use this for telling a detour node to only detour vehicles in matching groups
int script_vehicletriggergroup // a more generic grouping. I'm using this so that paths can be shared easier. setting this on a node with other vehicle trigger functions will only effect vehicles in the matching group.

int script_growl // makes a dog growl as he runs, instead of barking
int script_index // can be used generically as an index for whatever reason

int script_dontshootwhilemoving // sets .dontshootwhilemoving on actor. presumably keeps them from shooting while they're moving
int script_goalyaw // set to true to set the goal yaw
float script_physics // used for exploder_chunk to use physics throw

int script_stealth_dontseek // dont set your goalpos to the enemy's goalpos on combat
int script_stealth // if defined, then this AI is put into stealth mode

int script_force_count // set to true on spawner - flood spawner will not increment this spawners count if the player didnt see the guy die

int script_ammo_clip // weapon placed in radiant - this many rounds in the clip - must be used with script_ammo_extra
int script_ammo_extra // weapon placed in radiant - this many rounds outside the clip - must be used with script_ammo_clip

int script_godmode // makes a vehicle be god mode

int script_bulletshield // used to apply toggleable bullet shields to vehicles that have them enabled.

int script_deathflag_longdeath // set to on and script_deathflag guys will notify on death OR longpaindeath

int script_char_index // overwrite the character index
int script_char_group // indicate this guy is a member of a group of same chars
string script_rumble // rumble file to play on an exploder

float script_volumeramp // time to ramp in a vehicles engine noise.
int script_volume // set to 1 if you want to control the vehicle's volume in your script rather than have it lerp automatically
int script_onlyidle
float script_volumeup // on a vehicle node this makes the vehicle go to max volume over this much time
float script_volumedown // on a vehicle node this makes the vehicle go to no sound over this much time

float script_duration
string script_soundalias // play this soundalias on exploders

float script_savetrigger_timer // used to set minimum required times on autosave triggers in timed missions

int script_disablereact // disables reaction behavior on this AI
int script_disablepain // disables pain when set
int script_disableturns // disables turn locomotion when set
int script_playerseek // if set then this AI will seek the player
int script_enable_cqbwalk // enables cqb if set
int script_disable_cqbwalk // disables cqb if set
float script_turnrate // override for the default turnrate (ai_turnrate dvar). Degrees per second (360 = one complete turn)

int script_enable_heat // enables heat if set
int script_disable_heat // disables heat if set

int script_sprint // enables/disables cqb or regular sprint if set
int script_walk // enables/disables cqb or regular walk if set

// CoD5 Additions

// Generic/Misc Keys:

int script_int // Generic INT for anyone to use
float script_float // Generic FLOAT for anyone to use
vector script_vector // Generic VECTOR for anyone to use
string script_string // Generic STRING for anyone to use
string script_notify // Sends out the specified notify to the level when the trigger is triggered

int script_color_auto_disable // Determines if a color trigger will not automatically be toggled off
int script_percent // Fallback uses this to determine the "percent" of AI that will fall back when the trigger is hit.

// Feature Specific Keys:

// Spiderhole (ChrisP)
int script_spiderhole // set on a spawner to make it a spiderhole guy
int script_spiderhole_charge // set the chance to charge at the player ( 0 - 100)
string script_spiderhole_anim // set the animation used to emerge from the spiderhole

// Planes (SRS 05/02/07)
int script_numbombs // used to give a plane an initial number of bombs.
int script_dropbombs // used for vehiclenodes, to tell a plane to drop X bombs
float script_dropbombs_delay // used to set a delay (secs) for the script_numbombs bomb dropping.
float script_dropbombs_delaytrace // used to delay the start of bomb ground traces for X secs (in case it has to pass thru a collidable surface).

// SCRTIPER_MOD: JesseS (05/08/07) script_flak88 added
int script_vehicleattackgroup // used for attacking vehiclespawngroups.
float script_vehicleattackgroupwait // used for setting a delay before attacking a vehiclespawngroup with script_vehicleattackgroup.
int script_nonmovingvehicle // replaces script_flak88 to define nonmoving vehicles in order to prevent vehicle script errors

// SRS (3/25/08): added key to allow specifying combat_getout anims on vehicle AI spawners
int script_combat_getout // used in _vehicle_aianim.gsc

//Sumeet ( 05/30/08 ) : added key to allow specifying combat_idle anims on vehicle spawners
int script_combat_idle // used in _vehicle_aianim.gsc

// MikeD (9/5/2007): Exposed functionality for spawners to respawn in _colors
int script_no_respawn // Disables the AI from being put on the _colors::replace_on_death thread.

// MikeD (11/2/2007): Interactive Objects, pass self in for being the attacker
int script_selfisattacker

// JamesS (1/3/2008): added destructibledef accessible by script
string destructibledef

string script_dropweapon
int script_nodropweapon
int script_nodropsecondaryweapon
int script_nodropsidearm

// MikeD (1/13/2008)
int script_banzai // Dynamic Bonzai Attack for AI. Set on the spawners.
int script_banzai_spawn // Bonzai Attack for AI once they spawn in. Set on the spawners.

// SCRIPTER_MOD: JesseS (3/24/2008): Fog trigger support
int script_start_dist // The distance, in world units, at which the fog begins.
int script_halfway_dist // The distance at which the scene will be 50% fogged.
int script_halfway_height // The height at which the scene will be 50% fogged.
int script_base_height // The ground-level Z position at which the fog will start from.
vector script_color // The color components of the fog as a value between 0.0 and 1.0; also the first color of a dynamic light
float script_color_scale // The scale of the color components because the largest value for color is 1
float script_transition_time // transition time in seconds
string script_vision // vision file name to transition to
float script_vision_time // vision file time to transition to
vector script_sun_color // The sun color
vector script_sun_direction // The sun direction
int script_sun_start_ang // The start angle for the sun
int script_sun_stop_ang // The stop angle of the sun
float script_max_fog_opacity // The maximum fog opacity

// MikeD (4/6/2008): Added some Light vars
float script_intensity_min
float script_intensity_max

// MikeD (4/11/2008): Added MG42 "animated" object support
string script_animent // Specifies the targetname of the animated object when the MG42 fires
string script_animname // Specifies the animname of the animated object

// JasonE (4/10/2008)
string twar_owner // team which owns this flag initially
string twar_owner_home // the home flag for the specified team, is this flag is taken by the opposing team the game is over
string twar_axis_dependants // semi-colon seperated list of flags required before capturing this flag (property of script/origin flag_descriptor object)
string twar_allies_dependants // semi-colon seperated list of flags required before capturing this flag (property of script/origin flag_descriptor object)

// NathanM (6/24/2008)
float script_score // base score for an influencer in the new unified spawning system
string script_score_curve // shape of score falloff for an influencer in the new unified spawning system

// MikeD (6/24/2008): Coop specific
int script_player_min // This is right now used for weapons that are placed in the world the number specified is the number of players required to keep this weapon in the world
int script_player_chance // This is used to determine the "percent" the player will be chosen as a target for Banzai attacks

// Austin (6/29/08): Nazi Zombie Game Mode
string zombie_weapon_upgrade // weapon to be given to the player if they have the points to purchase it
int zombie_cost // the point cost to perform this action / purchase this weapon

int start_exclude // set to 1 to exclude this magicbox from the set of random start positions

// NathanM (10-JULY-2008)
string script_shape // shape of unified spawning system static influencer. can be "sphere" or "cylinder"

// StefanS (07/10/2008)
string script_twar_flag // the associated twar flag's script name (flag1, flag2, etc.)

// CCheng (7/16/2008)
int script_max_banzai_distance // the limit of how far banzai guys will look for a target
int script_banzai_attack_chance // the chance banzai chargers will go into the banzai melee rather than the regular melee

// Jesse (8/12/08)
int script_count_lock // if set to anything, locks the count to whatever the scripter set in radiant (for preventing co-op scaling)

// DSL (9/01/08)
int script_nochoke // if set to true on a flood spawner, that spawner will remain unchoked.
int script_choke // if set to true on a trigger spawner, that spawner will be choked.

// Sumeet J ( 2/12/2010 )
int script_norambo // if set to 1 on node then AI will not perform rambo behavior at this node.
int script_forcerambo // if set to 1 then AI will always do rambo from this cover node.

// Sumeet J ( 6/3/2010 )
int script_disable_idle_strafe // if set then disable exposed idlestrafing and aim awareness

// CoD7 Additions

//Sumeet J / Brian B - New Spawn Manager keys.
// Following values are defined as strings because they allow ranges

string sm_active_count // Total bumber of AI that can be active from this spawner, defaults to number of spawners in the spawn manager. Supports min and max seperated by space.
string sm_group_size // The number of AI that can spawn from a spawner at once. Default = 1. Supports min and max seperated by space.
string sm_spawner_count // The number of spawners that spawn manager will randomly select from the full set of the available spawners, defaults to number of spawners in the spawn manager. Supports min and max seperated by space.
string sm_count // Total number of AI that can be spawned from this spawn manager. Default = infinity. Supports min and max seperated by space.

string sm_kill // Used for killing the spawn manager, set on the trigger
int sm_die // Used for killing the spawn manager, set on the spawn manager and compared against the trigger sm_kill

string script_spawner_targets // used by spawn manager for assigning spawner targets to spawners, independent of spawn manager
string script_next_spawn_manager // used by spawn manager, enables next spawn manager, when this spawn manager is killed

// Sumeet - Color manager system - in the works
string cm_flag // if set waits for the flag to advance the colors
int cm_dont_kill // if set then it would not kill the associated guys in ai group
int cm_kill_delay // if set then it will wait and then start killing the AI group
int cm_delete // if set then the color manager trigger will be deleted once done

//SMcCaul / JPark / Old Spawn Manager keys, these will be deleted once all maps use new spawn manager
float script_spawn_delay //script_float
int script_spawn_active_count
int script_spawn_active_count_min //script_int
int script_spawn_active_count_max //script_int
int script_spawn_group_size //script_cheap
int script_selected_spawner_count
int count_min
int count_max

// Contextual Melee
string script_contextual_melee

// Spec Ops - JamesS
int script_specialops

int script_hero // if set, makes this AI a hero character ( calls make_hero ) function in the script.

// AlexP 2/13/10
string script_hidingdoor_action // indicates a specific action you want the AI to perform when the behavior kicks off
int script_hidingdoor_starts_open // if set to 1 on spawner, the door will start in the open state when the behavior kicks off
int script_hidingdoor_ends_closed // if set to 1 on spawner, the door will close when the behavior ends
string script_hidingdoor_model // override for default door or window model

int drivepath // if specified on a vehicle it will try to drive the path and should look more natural without hand tweaking (helicopters and physics vehicles only)

int script_dont_look // When set to 1, friendlies idling at this cover node won't look at the player.

int script_forcegoal // Force an AI to ignore whatever else is going on and just get to the current goal position

int script_rusher // make an AI a rusher when he spawns

string script_forcegib // Set to cause forcegib on the AI. String is gib reference for gib parts

string script_tag // generic tag specification. used for vehicle riders.

Just because this is in it doesn't mean radiant will be released.

It's probably just some stuff for 3arc employees
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

Or for people who bought all 5 DLC
YouTube 1:Azumikkel- Modding
YouTube 2:DerpShark- Gaming Entertainment
Contact: im[at]

Or just pay the price of 5 dlcs
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

Same file is in MW2 files, and is not Radiant for MW2, Tongue

Dont say RADIANT WILL BE RELEASED if you THINK that it will.

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  [Request] [PROBLEM RESOLVED, plugin with what I need have been released] Help with pluginmaker Bigbud_lover 27 12,986 01-18-2012, 21:57
Last Post: Bigbud_lover
  The main modding tool for Skyrim, the Creation Kit, will be released in January 2012. JariZ 10 6,188 12-03-2011, 14:25
Last Post: JariZ
  [News] NVIDIA GeForce 290.36 Beta Drivers Released Radec 3 3,283 11-28-2011, 20:54
Last Post: JariZ

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