It already got requested many times so I thought I'll make one.
I didn't test it with 10+ people so I don't know if it can cause errors with many players.
If you kill anyone while scoping longer than the maxScopeTime you will get warned until you reached maxWarns, if you scope longer but don't shoot anyone you won't get warned.
The rest should be clear.
How to install
- add "Hardscope Plugin.dll" to your plugins folder
- add sv_config code to sv_config and edit it
- start your server
- say bye to hardscopers
EDIT: added !hsunwarn <playername> to remove a warning from a player
I didn't test it with 10+ people so I don't know if it can cause errors with many players.
If you kill anyone while scoping longer than the maxScopeTime you will get warned until you reached maxWarns, if you scope longer but don't shoot anyone you won't get warned.
The rest should be clear.
How to install
- add "Hardscope Plugin.dll" to your plugins folder
- add sv_config code to sv_config and edit it
- start your server
- say bye to hardscopers
//kick after x warns
//true/false reset warns after map change
//max time in scope without getting warned (in milliseconds)
//xuids of immune players (xuid1,xuid2,etc.)
EDIT: added !hsunwarn <playername> to remove a warning from a player