Hi everyone!
At first sorry for my bad english, i'm swiss.
I would like to release this little plugin i made for my server.
I made it because i hate hitmarkers with the snipers
You can set a list of weapons that will never do hitmarkers, it will always kill the victim.
Add those lines to the sv_config.ini:
Plugin Csharp source code:
I'm open for every suggestions or comments.
Have Fun!
At first sorry for my bad english, i'm swiss.
I would like to release this little plugin i made for my server.
I made it because i hate hitmarkers with the snipers

You can set a list of weapons that will never do hitmarkers, it will always kill the victim.
Add those lines to the sv_config.ini:
// 0 or 1
Weapon_list=iw5_msr iw5_l96a1
// Weapons list separated by 1 space
Plugin Csharp source code:
- using System;
- using Addon;
- namespace AntiHitMarkers
- {
- public class AntiHitMarkers : CPlugin
- {
- // List of weapons without hitmarkers
- private string[] weapon_list;
- // Status of the plugin
- private string enabled = "0";
- public override void OnServerLoad()
- {
- // Get the status of the plugin
- enabled = GetServerCFG("AntiHitMarkers", "Enabled", "no_weapon");
- // If the plugin is enabled
- if (enabled == "1")
- {
- // Get the list of antihitmarkers weapons
- string get_weapon_list = GetServerCFG("AntiHitMarkers", "Weapon_list", "no_weapon");
- // Split the list by spaces to get an array
- weapon_list = get_weapon_list.Split(' ');
- }
- // Print plugin loaded
- ServerPrint("Plugin AntiHitMarkers loaded! (enabled => " + enabled + ")");
- }
- public override int OnPlayerDamaged(ServerClient Attacker, ServerClient Victim, String Weapon, int Damage)
- {
- // If the plugin is enabled
- if (enabled == "1")
- {
- // Loop the weapons list
- foreach (string weapon_name in weapon_list)
- {
- // Control if the weapon is in the weapons list
- if (Weapon.Contains(weapon_name))
- {
- // If damage is lower than the victim's health
- if (Damage < Victim.Other.Health)
- {
- // Set the damage equal to the victim's health
- Damage = Victim.Other.Health;
- }
- // Stop the foreach
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Return the final damage
- return Damage;
- }
- }
- }
I'm open for every suggestions or comments.
Have Fun!