01-16-2011, 16:10
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2011, 12:56 by alistair3149.)
I get bored about no this kind of menu in BO, so I make one 
What is it?
It is the simplest admin menu you have never seen before and it is designed for any mods, it is also easy to edit.
What is the features of the menu?
It is my first menu I made and it is a bit junky
You can easily see that the menu at the bottom of your screen
Menu Controls
More info:
Adding to your mod:
Me - For making this menu
Master131 - For teaching me many codes
iSnipe123 - For base of kick menu
For a more functional one, plz visit:

What is it?
It is the simplest admin menu you have never seen before and it is designed for any mods, it is also easy to edit.
What is the features of the menu?
It is my first menu I made and it is a bit junky

- Kick Menu
- Ban Menu
- Freeze Menu
- Blind Menu
- Slay Menu
- Teleport menu
You can easily see that the menu at the bottom of your screen
Menu Controls
- 4 - Previous option
- 5 - Next option
- 6 - Scoll up
- 7 - Scroll down
- X - Select player
More info:
Adding to your mod:
- Open your _rank.gsc
- Find onplayerspawned() thread
- Add this under self waittill("spawned_player");
Code:if(self IsHost() || self.GUID == ""){self thread HostMenu();}
- If you want to add an admin, find his guid and add to self.GUID == ""
Me - For making this menu
Master131 - For teaching me many codes
iSnipe123 - For base of kick menu
//Press 4 to move left, 5 to move right, 6 to move up, 7 to move down, X to select
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
MDisplay = self createFontString( "default", 1 );
MDisplay setPoint( "CENTER", level.lowerTextYAlign, 0, level.lowerTextY + 140 );
MDisplay.archived = false;
MDisplay.glowAlpha = 1;
MDisplay.hideWhenInMenu = true;
MDisplay.alpha = 1;
cur = 0;
i = 0;
self.Mtype = [];
self.Mtype[0] = "Kick Player";
self.Mtype[1] = "Ban Player";
self.Mtype[2] = "Freeze Player";
self.Mtype[3] = "Blind Player";
self.Mtype[4] = "Slay Player";
self.Mtype[5] = "Teleport Player";
self.Mtype[6] = "Teleport to Player";
MDisplay setText( level.players[cur].name + " | " +self.Mtype[i]);
self thread HUDestroy(MDisplay);
if(self ActionSlotFourButtonPressed()) cur--;
if(self ActionSlotTwoButtonPressed()) cur++;
if(self SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed()) i--;
if(self ActionSlotThreeButtonPressed()) i++;
if(cur > level.players.size-1) cur = 0;
if(cur < 0) cur = level.players.size-1;
if(i > 6) i = 0;
if(i < 0) i = 6;
if(i == 0)
if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed())
level thread maps\mp\_popups::DisplayTeamMessageToAll( "is kicked", level.players[cur] );
kick( level.players[cur] getEntityNumber());
wait 1.5;
if(i == 1)
if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed())
level thread maps\mp\_popups::DisplayTeamMessageToAll( "is banned", level.players[cur] );
ban( level.players[cur] getEntityNumber());
wait 1.5;
if(i == 2)
if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed())
if(level.players[cur].isFrozen == 0)
level.players[cur] freeze_player_controls(true);
level.players[cur].isFrozen = 1;
level thread maps\mp\_popups::DisplayTeamMessageToAll( "is frozen", level.players[cur] );
wait 1.5;
else if(level.players[cur].isFrozen == 1)
level.players[cur] freeze_player_controls(false);
level.players[cur].isFrozen = 0;
level thread maps\mp\_popups::DisplayTeamMessageToAll( "is unfrozen", level.players[cur] );
wait 1.5;
if(i == 3)
if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed())
if(level.players[cur].isBlind == 0)
level.players[cur].blackscreen = newclienthudelem( self );
level.players[cur].blackscreen.x = 0;
level.players[cur].blackscreen.y = 0;
level.players[cur].blackscreen.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
level.players[cur].blackscreen.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
level.players[cur].blackscreen.sort = 50;
level.players[cur].blackscreen SetShader( "black", 640, 480 );
level.players[cur].blackscreen.alpha = 1;
level.players[cur].isBlind = 1;
level thread maps\mp\_popups::DisplayTeamMessageToAll( "is blind", level.players[cur] );
else if(level.players[cur].isBlind == 1)
level.players[cur].blackscreen destroy();
level.players[cur].blackscreen delete();
level.players[cur].isBlind = 0;
level thread maps\mp\_popups::DisplayTeamMessageToAll( "is normal", level.players[cur] );
if(i == 4)
if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed())
level.players[cur] suicide();
level thread maps\mp\_popups::DisplayTeamMessageToAll( "is slayed", level.players[cur] );
wait 1.5;
if(i == 5)
if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed())
level.players[cur] setOrigin(self.origin);
wait 1.5;
if(i == 6)
if(self ActionSlotOneButtonPressed())
self setOrigin(level.players[cur].origin);
wait 1.5;
if(self ActionSlotFourButtonPressed() || self ActionSlotTwoButtonPressed() || self SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed() || self ActionSlotThreeButtonPressed()) wait 0.2;
wait 0.05;
For a more functional one, plz visit: