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Release Black Ops QuickScope AutoHotkey Script for Sph4ack's Aimbot v1.2
(01-16-2011, 14:52)d0h! Wrote: first of all you cannot release this under the GNU licence cause you dont own any of these codes.
ahk is already licenced and the code is from sp4hck

be glad that you are in the credits and thats all from my side

Oh, really? This code is MINE. All the parts I used from Jonathon Rogers, master131 and zygorator scripts I will rewrite to avoid questionable situations. I'm not going to licence the code of ExternalHack by Sphack or AutoHotkey, they are not even included in this release. I will licence the code I wrote for Autohotkey, no problems with this. Go read about GPL first.

If you won't correct the first post in the way I requested, I'll try to contact administration and solve the problem with their help. Hope they are more mature, than you.

(01-16-2011, 15:07)SuperNovaAO Wrote: I've seen the exact same code for a BunnyHop AHK tool for CS:S years ago)

Post it then.

then rewrite it and post a new release.
your name is in the credits. thats all i need to do.
and yes pls contact a moderator if you think i am not mature enough for you.
again, there are many boards that dont even copy paste the credits.

its ridiculous how you act, you were in the credits from the first time (you dont even put yourself into the credits of your self created original thread). now you are whining that your name is not bold and not in the first place.
i have never seen such a troll acting before.

(01-16-2011, 15:26)d0h! Wrote: then rewrite it and post a new release.
your name is in the credits. thats all i need to do.
and yes pls contact a moderator if you think i am not mature enough for you.
again, there are many boards that dont even copy paste the credits.

its ridiculous how you act, you were in the credits from the first time (you dont even put yourself into the credits of your self created original thread). now you are whining that your name is not bold and not in the first place.
i have never seen such a troll acting before.

Oh, nice. If you prefer starting open confrontation, let it be.
You posted my script here either to share it, or to provide yourself with a greater significance in the eyes of members of the forum.
- If the reason was a desire to share, then I guess you found my creation not futile. Following the logic, you should be grateful to me and willing to let people know the author. At the moment, there is no statement, that I'm the author in the first post, only some childish comment on who requested to write his name in bold. So, I claim you to correct it in the following way:
- [b]63OR63 for creating this script[/b]
- Sph4ck for ExternalHack
- Jonathon Rogers for Crouch/Sprint/Aim Toggle AutoHotkey script for BFBC2
- master131 for MW2 Auto-QuickScope AutoHotkey script
- zygorator for No Borders script

- If the reason was to benefit from someone else' labor, you should re-read the following:
Quote:Whilst we attempt to edit or remove any messages containing inappropriate, sexually orientated, abusive, hateful, slanderous, or threatening material that could be considered invasive of a persons privacy, or which otherwise violate any kind of law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this discussion system. For this reason you acknowledge that all messages posted on this discussion system express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message.

By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in the termination of your account, account suspension, or permanent ban of access to these forums. Your IP Address is recorded with each post you make on this discussion system and is retrievable by the forum staff if need-be. You agree that we have the ability and right to remove, edit, or lock any account or message at any time should it be seen fit. You also agree that any information you enter on this discussion system is stored in a database, and that "cookies" are stored on your computer to save your login information.

Any information you provide on these forums will not be disclosed to any third party without your complete consent, although the staff cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised.

By continuing with the sign up process you agree to the above rules and any others that the Administrator specifies.
So, if you aren't going to correct the first post as I claim and apologize to me, I will state that this thread is inappropriate, it's abusive and it violates the law of my country, so I will request its deletion.

very funny, i dont need to provide myself with a greater significance in the eyes of members of the forum
again you are acting ridiculous, you are in the credits. thats all
(you dont even put yourself to the credits on the other board, I added you)

and now i want to see how you release this under GNU while you used code from 3 different people!

btw i dont need to apologize...i did nothing wrong. troll

(01-16-2011, 16:08)d0h! Wrote: very funny, i dont need to provide myself with a greater significance in the eyes of members of the forum
again you are acting ridiculous, you are in the credits. thats all
(you dont even put yourself to the credits on the other board, I added you)

and now i want to see how you release this under GNU while you used code from 3 different people!

1. You're insulting me with your words and your acts, that is against the rules you signed when registering here.
2. I shouldn't add myself in the "credits", because it's used to show your grace to people, whose products helped you to create your own.
3. GPL allows to licence products, containing parts of code from other GPL products, if the names of their authors are mentioned in appropriate way. The tiny parts of code I used from other releases are not even licenced under GPL, so I can act like you and add them even without credits. But I'm not such an asshole, so I will either mention their authority, or rewrite my script and release it under other title and without giving credits to theese people, because it won't contain their code.
SuperNovaAO, I know you'll read this. I request you to delete this thread and ban doh!'s account, because he violates the rules of this forum. More details in my previous post.

this is too much for me, thought that most of the people are older than 6 years.
and yes troll is such a BAD word, hardest insult ever.
well i learned today that you are different. see ya

approved the spam again to clear things up.

Looks like someone needs to get the baby powder out and pimp slap a bitch around here.

ahaha <3 u d0h!

Nubcake go whine somewhere else -,-
And as if he doesn't lives in your country your law doesn't even counts.
Nobody asked you to came here anyways so just leave.

[Image: face-palm-demotivational-poster-1223439680.png]

(01-20-2011, 21:09)BronXPro Wrote: ahaha <3 u d0h!

Nubcake go whine somewhere else -,-
And as if he doesn't lives in your country your law doesn't even counts.
Nobody asked you to came here anyways so just leave.

[Image: face-palm-demotivational-poster-1223439680.png]
Nice pic Tongue

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