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Release Exploding carepackages for sitrep users

This is another old code I had on my pc, Ill explain how it works, when you throw a carepackage sometimes people come and steal it, this script will make that if you have the perk Sitrep and if another player goes and steals your carepackage, it will explode, Tongue. Save this as _events.gsc in the maps\mp folder

#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include common_scripts\utility;

    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 50 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "execution", 100 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "avenger", 50 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "defender", 50 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "posthumous", 25 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "revenge", 50 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "double", 50 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "triple", 75 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "multi", 100 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "buzzkill", 100 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "firstblood", 100 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "comeback", 100 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "longshot", 50 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "assistedsuicide", 100 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "knifethrow", 100 );

    registerAdrenalineInfo( "damage", 10 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "damaged", 20 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "kill", 50 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "killed", 20 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "headshot", 20 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "melee", 10 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "backstab", 20 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "longshot", 10 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "assistedsuicide", 10);
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "defender", 10 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "avenger", 10 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "execution", 10 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "comeback", 50 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "revenge", 20 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "buzzkill", 20 );    
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "double", 10 );    
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "triple", 20 );    
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "multi", 30 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "assist", 20 );

    registerAdrenalineInfo( "3streak", 30 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "5streak", 30 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "7streak", 30 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "10streak", 30 );
    registerAdrenalineInfo( "regen", 30 );

    precacheShader( "crosshair_red" );

    level._effect["money"] = loadfx ("props/cash_player_drop");
    level.numKills = 0;

    level thread onPlayerConnect();    

        level waittill( "connected", player );
        player.killedPlayers = [];
        player.killedPlayersCurrent = [];
        player.killedBy = [];
        player.lastKilledBy = undefined;
        player.greatestUniquePlayerKills = 0;
        player.recentKillCount = 0;
        player.lastKillTime = 0;
        player.damagedPlayers = [];    
        player.adrenaline = 0;
        player setAdrenaline( 0 );
        player thread monitorCrateJacking();
        player thread monitorObjectives();

damagedPlayer( victim, damage, weapon )
//    self giveAdrenaline( "damage" );
//    victim giveAdrenaline( "damaged" );

killedPlayer( killId, victim, weapon, meansOfDeath )
    victimGuid = victim.guid;
    myGuid = self.guid;
    curTime = getTime();
    self thread updateRecentKills( killId );
    self.lastKillTime = getTime();
    self.lastKilledPlayer = victim;

    self.modifiers = [];


    // a player is either damaged, or killed; never both
    self.damagedPlayers[victimGuid] = undefined;
    self giveAdrenaline( "kill" );
    victim giveAdrenaline( "killed" );
    if ( !isKillstreakWeapon( weapon ) )
        if ( weapon == "none" )
            return false;

        //if ( isSubStr( weapon, "ranger" ) && isDefined( self.bothBarrels ) )  This wont work because this is called before weapons self.bothbarrels would be set
        //    self.modifiers["bothbarrels"] = true;

        if ( isDefined( self.pers["copyCatLoadout"] ) && isDefined( self.pers["copyCatLoadout"]["owner"] ) )
            if ( victim == self.pers["copyCatLoadout"]["owner"] )
                self.modifiers["clonekill"] = true;
        if ( victim.attackers.size == 1 )
            if ( !isDefined( victim.attackers[self.guid] ) )
                println("Weapon: "+ weapon );
                println("Attacker GUID:" + self.guid );
                foreach ( key,value in victim.attackers )
                    println( "Victim Attacker list GUID: " + key );
            assertEx( isDefined( victim.attackers[self.guid] ), "See console log for details" );
            weaponClass = getWeaponClass( weapon );
            if ( getTime() == victim.attackerData[self.guid].firstTimeDamaged && meansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE" && ( /*weaponClass == "weapon_shotgun" ||*/ weaponClass == "weapon_sniper" ) )
                self.modifiers["oneshotkill"] = true;
                self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "one_shot_kill" );    

        if ( isDefined( victim.throwingGrenade ) && victim.throwingGrenade == "frag_grenade_mp" )
            self.modifiers["cooking"] = true;
        if ( isDefined(self.assistedSuicide) && self.assistedSuicide )
            self assistedSuicide( killId );
        if ( level.numKills == 1 )
            self firstBlood( killId );
        if ( self.pers["cur_death_streak"] > 3 )
            self comeBack( killId );
        if ( meansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT" )
            if ( isDefined( victim.lastStand ) )
                execution( killId );
                headShot( killId );
        if ( isDefined(self.wasti) && self.wasti && getTime() - self.spawnTime <= 5000 )
            self.modifiers["jackintheboxkill"] = true;
        if ( !isAlive( self ) && self.deathtime + 800 < getTime() )
            postDeathKill( killId );
        fakeAvenge = false;
        if ( level.teamBased && curTime - victim.lastKillTime < 500 )
            if ( victim.lastkilledplayer != self )
                self avengedPlayer( killId );        
        foreach ( guid, damageTime in victim.damagedPlayers )
            if ( guid == self.guid )
            if ( level.teamBased && curTime - damageTime < 500 )
                self defendedPlayer( killId );
        if ( isDefined( victim.attackerPosition ) )
            attackerPosition = victim.attackerPosition;
            attackerPosition = self.origin;
        if ( isAlive( self ) && !self isUsingRemote() && (meansOfDeath == "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" || meansOfDeath == "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" || meansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT") && distance( attackerPosition, victim.origin ) > 1536 && !isKillstreakWeapon( weapon ) && !isDefined( self.assistedSuicide ) )
            self thread longshot( killId );
        //if ( isAlive( self ) && < 20 && isDefined( self.attackers ) && self.attackers.size == 1 && self.attackers[0] == victim )
        //    victim thread consolation( killId );
        if ( isDefined( victim.killstreaks[ victim.pers["cur_kill_streak"] + 1 ] ) )
            // playercard splash for the killstreak stopped
            self buzzKill( killId, victim );
        self thread checkMatchDataKills( killId, victim, weapon, meansOfDeath);

    if ( !isDefined( self.killedPlayers[victimGuid] ) )
        self.killedPlayers[victimGuid] = 0;

    if ( !isDefined( self.killedPlayersCurrent[victimGuid] ) )
        self.killedPlayersCurrent[victimGuid] = 0;
    if ( !isDefined( victim.killedBy[myGuid] ) )
        victim.killedBy[myGuid] = 0;

    //this sets player stat for routine customer award
    if ( self.killedPlayers[victimGuid] > self.greatestUniquePlayerKills )
        self setPlayerStat( "killedsameplayer", self.killedPlayers[victimGuid] );

    victim.lastKilledBy = self;        

checkMatchDataKills( killId, victim, weapon, meansOfDeath )
    weaponClass = getWeaponClass( weapon );
    alreadyUsed = false;
    self thread camperCheck();
    if ( isDefined( self.lastKilledBy ) && self.lastKilledBy == victim )
        self.lastKilledBy = undefined;
        self revenge( killId );

        playFx( level._effect["money"], victim getTagOrigin( "j_spine4" ) );

    if ( victim.iDFlags & level.iDFLAGS_PENETRATION )
        self incPlayerStat( "bulletpenkills", 1 );
    if ( self.pers["rank"] < victim.pers["rank"] )
        self incPlayerStat( "higherrankkills", 1 );
    if ( self.pers["rank"] > victim.pers["rank"] )
        self incPlayerStat( "lowerrankkills", 1 );
    if ( isDefined( self.laststand ) && self.laststand )
        self incPlayerStat( "laststandkills", 1 );
    if ( isDefined( victim.laststand ) && victim.laststand )
        self incPlayerStat( "laststanderkills", 1 );
    if ( self getCurrentWeapon() != self.loadoutPrimary + "_mp" && self getCurrentWeapon() != self.loadoutSecondary + "_mp" )
        self incPlayerStat( "otherweaponkills", 1 );

    if ( getBaseWeaponName( weapon ) == "m79" )
        self incPlayerStat( "thumperkills", 1 );
    timeAlive = getTime() - victim.spawnTime ;
    if( !matchMakingGame() )
        victim setPlayerStatIfLower( "shortestlife", timeAlive );
    victim setPlayerStatIfGreater( "longestlife", timeAlive );
    switch( weaponClass )
        case "weapon_pistol":
        case "weapon_smg":
        case "weapon_assault":
        case "weapon_projectile":
        case "weapon_sniper":
        case "weapon_shotgun":
        case "weapon_lmg":
            self checkMatchDataWeaponKills( victim, weapon, meansOfDeath, weaponClass );
        case "weapon_grenade":
        case "weapon_explosive":
            self checkMatchDataEquipmentKills( victim, weapon, meansOfDeath );

// Need to make sure these only apply to kills of an enemy, not friendlies or yourself
checkMatchDataWeaponKills( victim, weapon, meansOfDeath, weaponType )
    attacker = self;
    kill_ref = undefined;
    headshot_ref = undefined;
    death_ref = undefined;
    switch( weaponType )
        case "weapon_pistol":
            kill_ref = "pistolkills";
            headshot_ref = "pistolheadshots";
        case "weapon_smg":
            kill_ref = "smgkills";
            headshot_ref = "smgheadshots";
        case "weapon_assault":
            kill_ref = "arkills";
            headshot_ref = "arheadshots";
        case "weapon_projectile":
            if ( weaponClass( weapon ) == "rocketlauncher" )
                kill_ref = "rocketkills";
        case "weapon_sniper":
            kill_ref = "sniperkills";
            headshot_ref = "sniperheadshots";
        case "weapon_shotgun":
            kill_ref = "shotgunkills";
            headshot_ref = "shotgunheadshots";
            death_ref = "shotgundeaths";
        case "weapon_lmg":
            kill_ref = "lmgkills";
            headshot_ref = "lmgheadshots";

    if ( isDefined ( kill_ref ) )
        attacker incPlayerStat( kill_ref, 1 );

    if ( isDefined ( headshot_ref ) && meansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT" )
        attacker incPlayerStat( headshot_ref, 1 );

    if ( isDefined ( death_ref ) && !matchMakingGame() )
        victim incPlayerStat( death_ref, 1 );
    if ( attacker PlayerAds() > 0.5 )
        attacker incPlayerStat( "adskills", 1 );

        if ( weaponType == "weapon_sniper" || isSubStr( weapon, "acog" ) )
            attacker incPlayerStat( "scopedkills", 1 );
        if ( isSubStr( weapon, "thermal" ) )
            attacker incPlayerStat( "thermalkills", 1 );
        attacker incPlayerStat( "hipfirekills", 1 );

// Need to make sure these only apply to kills of an enemy, not friendlies or yourself
checkMatchDataEquipmentKills( victim, weapon, meansOfDeath )
    attacker = self;
    // equipment kills
    switch( weapon )
        case "frag_grenade_mp":
            attacker incPlayerStat( "fragkills", 1 );
            attacker incPlayerStat( "grenadekills", 1 );
            isEquipment = true;
        case "c4_mp":
            attacker incPlayerStat( "c4kills", 1 );
            isEquipment = true;
        case "semtex_mp":
            attacker incPlayerStat( "semtexkills", 1 );
            attacker incPlayerStat( "grenadekills", 1 );
            isEquipment = true;
        case "claymore_mp":
            attacker incPlayerStat( "claymorekills", 1 );
            isEquipment = true;
        case "throwingknife_mp":
            attacker incPlayerStat( "throwingknifekills", 1 );
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "knifethrow", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "knifethrow" ) );
            isEquipment = true;
            isEquipment = false;
    if ( isEquipment )
        attacker incPlayerStat( "equipmentkills", 1 );

    if ( !isDefined ( self.lastKillLocation ) )
        self.lastKillLocation = self.origin;    
        self.lastCampKillTime = getTime();
    if ( Distance( self.lastKillLocation, self.origin ) < 512 && getTime() - self.lastCampKillTime > 5000 )
        self incPlayerStat( "mostcamperkills", 1 );
    self.lastKillLocation = self.origin;
    self.lastCampKillTime = getTime();

consolation( killId )
    value = int( maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "kill" ) * 0.25 );

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "consolation", value );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "consolation", value );

longshot( killId )
    self.modifiers["longshot"] = true;
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "longshot", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "longshot" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "longshot" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "longshot" );
    self incPlayerStat( "longshots", 1 );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "longshot" );

execution( killId )
    self.modifiers["execution"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "execution", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "execution" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "execution" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "execution" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "execution" );

headShot( killId )
    self.modifiers["headshot"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "headshot", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "headshot" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "headshot" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "headshot" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "headshot" );

avengedPlayer( killId )
    self.modifiers["avenger"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "avenger", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "avenger" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "avenger" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "avenger" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "avenger" );
    self incPlayerStat( "avengekills", 1 );

assistedSuicide( killId )
    self.modifiers["assistedsuicide"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "assistedsuicide", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "assistedsuicide" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "assistedsuicide" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "assistedsuicide" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "assistedsuicide" );

defendedPlayer( killId )
    self.modifiers["defender"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "defender", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "defender" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "defender" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "defender" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "defender" );
    self incPlayerStat( "rescues", 1 );

postDeathKill( killId )
    self.modifiers["posthumous"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "posthumous", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "posthumous" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "posthumous" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "posthumous" );

backStab( killId )
    self iPrintLnBold( "backstab" );

revenge( killId )
    self.modifiers["revenge"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "revenge", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "revenge" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "revenge" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "revenge" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "revenge" );
    self incPlayerStat( "revengekills", 1 );

multiKill( killId, killCount )
    assert( killCount > 1 );
    if ( killCount == 2 )
        self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "doublekill", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "double" ) );
        self thread giveAdrenaline( "double" );
    else if ( killCount == 3 )
        self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "triplekill", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "triple" ) );
        self thread giveAdrenaline( "triple" );
        thread teamPlayerCardSplash( "callout_3xkill", self );
        self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "multikill", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "multi" ) );
        self thread giveAdrenaline( "multi" );
        thread teamPlayerCardSplash( "callout_3xpluskill", self );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logMultiKill( killId, killCount );
    // update player multikill record
    self setPlayerStatIfGreater( "multikill", killCount );
    // update player multikill count
    self incPlayerStat( "mostmultikills", 1 );

firstBlood( killId )
    self.modifiers["firstblood"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "firstblood", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "firstblood" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "firstblood" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "firstblood" );

    thread teamPlayerCardSplash( "callout_firstblood", self );

winningShot( killId )

buzzKill( killId, victim )
    self.modifiers["buzzkill"] =  victim.pers["cur_kill_streak"];

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "buzzkill", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "buzzkill" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "buzzkill" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "buzzkill" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "buzzkill" );

comeBack( killId )
    self.modifiers["comeback"] = true;

    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "comeback", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "comeback" ) );
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "comeback" );
    self thread giveAdrenaline( "comeback" );
    self thread maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillEvent( killId, "comeback" );

    self incPlayerStat( "comebacks", 1 );

    myGuid = self.guid;
    for ( entry = 0; entry < level.players.size; entry++ )
        if ( isDefined( level.players[entry].killedPlayers[myGuid] ) )
            level.players[entry].killedPlayers[myGuid] = undefined;
        if ( isDefined( level.players[entry].killedPlayersCurrent[myGuid] ) )
            level.players[entry].killedPlayersCurrent[myGuid] = undefined;
        if ( isDefined( level.players[entry].killedBy[myGuid] ) )
            level.players[entry].killedBy[myGuid] = undefined;

updateRecentKills( killId )
    self endon ( "disconnect" );
    level endon ( "game_ended" );
    self notify ( "updateRecentKills" );
    self endon ( "updateRecentKills" );
    wait ( 1.0 );
    if ( self.recentKillCount > 1 )
        self multiKill( killId, self.recentKillCount );
    self.recentKillCount = 0;

    level endon( "end_game" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    for( ;; )
        self waittill( "hijacker", crateType, owner );
        level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"] = loadfx ("explosions/helicopter_explosion_secondary_small");
        if( crateType == "sentry" )
            if(owner _hasPerk("specialty_detectexplosive"))
                playfx(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], self.origin);
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "hijacker", 100 );
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "hijacker", 100 );
            if ( isDefined( owner ) )
                owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( "hijacked_sentry", self );
            self notify( "process", "ch_hijacker" );
        else if( crateType == "mega" || crateType == "emergency_airdrop" )
            if ( == )
            if(owner _hasPerk("specialty_detectexplosive"))
                playfx(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], self.origin);
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "hijacker", 100 );
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "hijacker", 100 );
            if ( isDefined( owner ) )
                owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( "hijacked_emergency_airdrop", self );
            self notify( "process", "ch_newjack" );
            if(owner _hasPerk("specialty_detectexplosive"))
                playfx(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], self.origin);
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "hijacker", 100 );
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "hijacker", 100 );
            if ( isDefined( owner ) )
                owner maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::playerCardSplashNotify( "hijacked_airdrop", self );
            self notify( "process", "ch_hijacker" );

    level endon( "end_game" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    self waittill( "objective", objType );
    if ( objType == "captured" )
        if ( isDefined( self.lastStand ) && self.lastStand )
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::SplashNotifyDelayed( "heroic", 100 );
            self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::giveRankXP( "reviver", 100 );


ur awesome
[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]

legen...wait for it...dary

U R 1337
Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

Ze 4Fun R 1337

lets make mw2 to the fucking fail Black ops game -.-'

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