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Release Flag plugin for users 1.6
(01-15-2013, 20:01)hillbilly Wrote: hmm, well i cant get it to work
Just put convert to true and see how it creates files

(01-12-2013, 20:29)hillbilly Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:25)archit Wrote: 1.4 doesn't show flag but teleport still works?

This is the code that works for both, just tested it, flags show up fine using as flag and as a tp kill zone

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Addon;

namespace teleport
    public class Class1 : CPlugin
        struct ProcessFlags
            public Vector point;
            public int radius;
            public Vector destination;
            public ProcessFlags(Vector point, int radius, Vector destination)
                this.point = point;
                this.radius = radius;
                this.destination = destination;

        List<ProcessFlags> Flags = new List<ProcessFlags>();

        public override void OnServerLoad()
            ServerPrint("TELEPORTER plugin loaded!");
        public override void OnMapChange()
        public override void OnFastRestart()
        public static double Distance(Vector vec1, Vector vec2)
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vec1.X - vec2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Y - vec2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Z - vec2.Z, 2));

        public override void OnAddonFrame()
            List<ServerClient> clients = GetClients();
            if (clients != null)
                foreach (ProcessFlags it in Flags)
                    foreach (ServerClient Client in clients)
                        if (Distance(new Vector(Client.OriginX, Client.OriginY, Client.OriginZ), it.point) <= it.radius)//same as flag
                            Client.OriginX = it.destination.X;
                            Client.OriginY = it.destination.Y;
                            Client.OriginZ = it.destination.Z;

        void makeflags()
                string flag = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", "flag", "0");
                if (flag != "0")

                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsorigin = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsdesti = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(flag); i++)
                        string flaged = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", string.Format("flag{0}", i.ToString()), "null");
                        if (flaged != null)
                            string map = flaged.Split(',')[0];
                            string vector = flaged.Split(',')[1];
                            string vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            string vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            string vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            string vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            string vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            Vector vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsorigin.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);
                            vector = flaged.Split(',')[2];
                            vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsdesti.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsdesti[key]);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsorigin[key]);
                            Flags.Add(new ProcessFlags(flagsorigin[key], 50, flagsdesti[key]));
            catch (Exception e)
Where to put this code, im using game version 1.4 and hav addon version 1.02 so how do i use this plugin can someone explain pls. beacause nothing happened when i use this plugin even the plugin is not loading....

(01-20-2013, 19:39)basha Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:29)hillbilly Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:25)archit Wrote: 1.4 doesn't show flag but teleport still works?

This is the code that works for both, just tested it, flags show up fine using as flag and as a tp kill zone

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Addon;

namespace teleport
    public class Class1 : CPlugin
        struct ProcessFlags
            public Vector point;
            public int radius;
            public Vector destination;
            public ProcessFlags(Vector point, int radius, Vector destination)
                this.point = point;
                this.radius = radius;
                this.destination = destination;

        List<ProcessFlags> Flags = new List<ProcessFlags>();

        public override void OnServerLoad()
            ServerPrint("TELEPORTER plugin loaded!");
        public override void OnMapChange()
        public override void OnFastRestart()
        public static double Distance(Vector vec1, Vector vec2)
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vec1.X - vec2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Y - vec2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Z - vec2.Z, 2));

        public override void OnAddonFrame()
            List<ServerClient> clients = GetClients();
            if (clients != null)
                foreach (ProcessFlags it in Flags)
                    foreach (ServerClient Client in clients)
                        if (Distance(new Vector(Client.OriginX, Client.OriginY, Client.OriginZ), it.point) <= it.radius)//same as flag
                            Client.OriginX = it.destination.X;
                            Client.OriginY = it.destination.Y;
                            Client.OriginZ = it.destination.Z;

        void makeflags()
                string flag = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", "flag", "0");
                if (flag != "0")

                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsorigin = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsdesti = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(flag); i++)
                        string flaged = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", string.Format("flag{0}", i.ToString()), "null");
                        if (flaged != null)
                            string map = flaged.Split(',')[0];
                            string vector = flaged.Split(',')[1];
                            string vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            string vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            string vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            string vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            string vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            Vector vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsorigin.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);
                            vector = flaged.Split(',')[2];
                            vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsdesti.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsdesti[key]);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsorigin[key]);
                            Flags.Add(new ProcessFlags(flagsorigin[key], 50, flagsdesti[key]));
            catch (Exception e)
Where to put this code, im using game version 1.4 and hav addon version 1.02 so how do i use this plugin can someone explain pls. beacause nothing happened when i use this plugin even the plugin is not loading....

Make sure that your project is net3.0
Go to Project - Project options - Targeted NET Framework
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(01-20-2013, 21:08)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 19:39)basha Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:29)hillbilly Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:25)archit Wrote: 1.4 doesn't show flag but teleport still works?

This is the code that works for both, just tested it, flags show up fine using as flag and as a tp kill zone

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Addon;

namespace teleport
    public class Class1 : CPlugin
        struct ProcessFlags
            public Vector point;
            public int radius;
            public Vector destination;
            public ProcessFlags(Vector point, int radius, Vector destination)
                this.point = point;
                this.radius = radius;
                this.destination = destination;

        List<ProcessFlags> Flags = new List<ProcessFlags>();

        public override void OnServerLoad()
            ServerPrint("TELEPORTER plugin loaded!");
        public override void OnMapChange()
        public override void OnFastRestart()
        public static double Distance(Vector vec1, Vector vec2)
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vec1.X - vec2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Y - vec2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Z - vec2.Z, 2));

        public override void OnAddonFrame()
            List<ServerClient> clients = GetClients();
            if (clients != null)
                foreach (ProcessFlags it in Flags)
                    foreach (ServerClient Client in clients)
                        if (Distance(new Vector(Client.OriginX, Client.OriginY, Client.OriginZ), it.point) <= it.radius)//same as flag
                            Client.OriginX = it.destination.X;
                            Client.OriginY = it.destination.Y;
                            Client.OriginZ = it.destination.Z;

        void makeflags()
                string flag = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", "flag", "0");
                if (flag != "0")

                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsorigin = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsdesti = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(flag); i++)
                        string flaged = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", string.Format("flag{0}", i.ToString()), "null");
                        if (flaged != null)
                            string map = flaged.Split(',')[0];
                            string vector = flaged.Split(',')[1];
                            string vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            string vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            string vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            string vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            string vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            Vector vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsorigin.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);
                            vector = flaged.Split(',')[2];
                            vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsdesti.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsdesti[key]);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsorigin[key]);
                            Flags.Add(new ProcessFlags(flagsorigin[key], 50, flagsdesti[key]));
            catch (Exception e)
Where to put this code, im using game version 1.4 and hav addon version 1.02 so how do i use this plugin can someone explain pls. beacause nothing happened when i use this plugin even the plugin is not loading....

Make sure that your project is net3.0
Go to Project - Project options - Targeted NET Framework

LOL i cant get a single words my question is still there im new to all this , i dnt know wht to do about this code im using addon 1.02 game v 1.4 how teleport or flags work for can anyone pls explain in breif thnks

This plugin won't work on any platform other than steam as outdated addon does not have functions required for flag

(01-21-2013, 11:23)archit Wrote: This plugin won't work on any platform other than steam as outdated addon does not have functions required for flag

im am talking about steam can u give me the addon link compatible with this plugin

Download the addon from sticky

(01-20-2013, 23:07)basha Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 21:08)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 19:39)basha Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:29)hillbilly Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:25)archit Wrote: 1.4 doesn't show flag but teleport still works?

This is the code that works for both, just tested it, flags show up fine using as flag and as a tp kill zone

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Addon;

namespace teleport
    public class Class1 : CPlugin
        struct ProcessFlags
            public Vector point;
            public int radius;
            public Vector destination;
            public ProcessFlags(Vector point, int radius, Vector destination)
                this.point = point;
                this.radius = radius;
                this.destination = destination;

        List<ProcessFlags> Flags = new List<ProcessFlags>();

        public override void OnServerLoad()
            ServerPrint("TELEPORTER plugin loaded!");
        public override void OnMapChange()
        public override void OnFastRestart()
        public static double Distance(Vector vec1, Vector vec2)
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vec1.X - vec2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Y - vec2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Z - vec2.Z, 2));

        public override void OnAddonFrame()
            List<ServerClient> clients = GetClients();
            if (clients != null)
                foreach (ProcessFlags it in Flags)
                    foreach (ServerClient Client in clients)
                        if (Distance(new Vector(Client.OriginX, Client.OriginY, Client.OriginZ), it.point) <= it.radius)//same as flag
                            Client.OriginX = it.destination.X;
                            Client.OriginY = it.destination.Y;
                            Client.OriginZ = it.destination.Z;

        void makeflags()
                string flag = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", "flag", "0");
                if (flag != "0")

                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsorigin = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsdesti = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(flag); i++)
                        string flaged = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", string.Format("flag{0}", i.ToString()), "null");
                        if (flaged != null)
                            string map = flaged.Split(',')[0];
                            string vector = flaged.Split(',')[1];
                            string vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            string vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            string vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            string vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            string vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            Vector vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsorigin.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);
                            vector = flaged.Split(',')[2];
                            vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsdesti.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsdesti[key]);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsorigin[key]);
                            Flags.Add(new ProcessFlags(flagsorigin[key], 50, flagsdesti[key]));
            catch (Exception e)
Where to put this code, im using game version 1.4 and hav addon version 1.02 so how do i use this plugin can someone explain pls. beacause nothing happened when i use this plugin even the plugin is not loading....

Make sure that your project is net3.0
Go to Project - Project options - Targeted NET Framework

LOL i cant get a single words my question is still there im new to all this , i dnt know wht to do about this code im using addon 1.02 game v 1.4 how teleport or flags work for can anyone pls explain in breif thnks

Fix your grammar, oh god.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(01-21-2013, 13:42)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 23:07)basha Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 21:08)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 19:39)basha Wrote:
(01-12-2013, 20:29)hillbilly Wrote: This is the code that works for both, just tested it, flags show up fine using as flag and as a tp kill zone

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Addon;

namespace teleport
    public class Class1 : CPlugin
        struct ProcessFlags
            public Vector point;
            public int radius;
            public Vector destination;
            public ProcessFlags(Vector point, int radius, Vector destination)
                this.point = point;
                this.radius = radius;
                this.destination = destination;

        List<ProcessFlags> Flags = new List<ProcessFlags>();

        public override void OnServerLoad()
            ServerPrint("TELEPORTER plugin loaded!");
        public override void OnMapChange()
        public override void OnFastRestart()
        public static double Distance(Vector vec1, Vector vec2)
            return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vec1.X - vec2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Y - vec2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(vec1.Z - vec2.Z, 2));

        public override void OnAddonFrame()
            List<ServerClient> clients = GetClients();
            if (clients != null)
                foreach (ProcessFlags it in Flags)
                    foreach (ServerClient Client in clients)
                        if (Distance(new Vector(Client.OriginX, Client.OriginY, Client.OriginZ), it.point) <= it.radius)//same as flag
                            Client.OriginX = it.destination.X;
                            Client.OriginY = it.destination.Y;
                            Client.OriginZ = it.destination.Z;

        void makeflags()
                string flag = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", "flag", "0");
                if (flag != "0")

                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsorigin = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    Dictionary<string, Vector> flagsdesti = new Dictionary<string, Vector>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(flag); i++)
                        string flaged = GetServerCFG("TELEPORTER", string.Format("flag{0}", i.ToString()), "null");
                        if (flaged != null)
                            string map = flaged.Split(',')[0];
                            string vector = flaged.Split(',')[1];
                            string vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            string vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            string vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            string vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            string vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            Vector vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsorigin.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);
                            vector = flaged.Split(',')[2];
                            vector2 = vector.Split('(')[1];
                            vector3 = vector2.Split(')')[0];
                            vec1 = vector3.Split('_')[0];
                            vec2 = vector3.Split('_')[1];
                            vec3 = vector3.Split('_')[2];
                            vec = new Vector(Convert.ToSingle(vec1), Convert.ToSingle(vec2), Convert.ToSingle(vec3));
                            flagsdesti.Add(string.Format("{0},{1}", map, i.ToString()), vec);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsdesti[key]);

                    foreach (string key in flagsdesti.Keys)
                        if (key.Split(',')[0] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                            Entity en = SpawnModel("script_brushmodel", "prop_flag_neutral", flagsorigin[key]);
                            Flags.Add(new ProcessFlags(flagsorigin[key], 50, flagsdesti[key]));
            catch (Exception e)
Where to put this code, im using game version 1.4 and hav addon version 1.02 so how do i use this plugin can someone explain pls. beacause nothing happened when i use this plugin even the plugin is not loading....

Make sure that your project is net3.0
Go to Project - Project options - Targeted NET Framework

LOL i cant get a single words my question is still there im new to all this , i dnt know wht to do about this code im using addon 1.02 game v 1.4 how teleport or flags work for can anyone pls explain in breif thnks

Fix your grammar, oh god.

i've said somthing and answer is somthing else like english is ur language and rest of the world dont need to learn english like u dnt knw chinese,russian,spanish,italian,french,german etc etc so if u understand wht is written tht is enuff its not a shakespere class to perform grammar acts.anyway i find this website so annoying bcoz one who knws anything cannot ever share something to those who knw nothing, i just said that help me out how i use this plugin, i cannot know how to code and where to paste and where to put , if no one is helping out then i dont know why im wasting my time on this useless threads. now c'mon show ur abusive attitude... lets start

(01-21-2013, 14:13)basha Wrote:
(01-21-2013, 13:42)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 23:07)basha Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 21:08)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 19:39)basha Wrote: Where to put this code, im using game version 1.4 and hav addon version 1.02 so how do i use this plugin can someone explain pls. beacause nothing happened when i use this plugin even the plugin is not loading....

Make sure that your project is net3.0
Go to Project - Project options - Targeted NET Framework

LOL i cant get a single words my question is still there im new to all this , i dnt know wht to do about this code im using addon 1.02 game v 1.4 how teleport or flags work for can anyone pls explain in breif thnks

Fix your grammar, oh god.

i've said somthing and answer is somthing else like english is ur language and rest of the world dont need to learn english like u dnt knw chinese,russian,spanish,italian,french,german etc etc so if u understand wht is written tht is enuff its not a shakespere class to perform grammar acts.anyway i find this website so annoying bcoz one who knws anything cannot ever share something to those who knw nothing, i just said that help me out how i use this plugin, i cannot know how to code and where to paste and where to put , if no one is helping out then i dont know why im wasting my time on this useless threads. now c'mon show ur abusive attitude... lets start
if u r developer than pls make urself gentle enough to listen and solve other's problems , bcoz this shows that u made a thing and want everyone to use it, attitude like yeah i dnt hav time to help noobs cant make anyone a good developer even a good person... Hope u dnt mind it, thanks

(01-21-2013, 14:13)basha Wrote:
(01-21-2013, 13:42)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 23:07)basha Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 21:08)SailorMoon Wrote:
(01-20-2013, 19:39)basha Wrote: Where to put this code, im using game version 1.4 and hav addon version 1.02 so how do i use this plugin can someone explain pls. beacause nothing happened when i use this plugin even the plugin is not loading....

Make sure that your project is net3.0
Go to Project - Project options - Targeted NET Framework

LOL i cant get a single words my question is still there im new to all this , i dnt know wht to do about this code im using addon 1.02 game v 1.4 how teleport or flags work for can anyone pls explain in breif thnks

Fix your grammar, oh god.

i've said somthing and answer is somthing else like english is ur language and rest of the world dont need to learn english like u dnt knw chinese,russian,spanish,italian,french,german etc etc so if u understand wht is written tht is enuff its not a shakespere class to perform grammar acts.anyway i find this website so annoying bcoz one who knws anything cannot ever share something to those who knw nothing, i just said that help me out how i use this plugin, i cannot know how to code and where to paste and where to put , if no one is helping out then i dont know why im wasting my time on this useless threads. now c'mon show ur abusive attitude... lets start


I am sorry, but
Ontopic: You should learn c# language, then you'll feel yourself "better".
As i said, maybe problems in .net framework, or wrong placed file.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
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