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Release GScyntax
Errors have linenumbers and you didn't post the snippet when I previously posted.

Good job nova

OMG Nova youre the Best Big Grin
Love u ( a bit gay but wayne^^ )

@home again: I do not get these floating point errors.

Someone also experienced this on x86 W7 Prof (which I use as well) with an Intel Core 2 Duo (which I also used to test this).

So it is weird.

v0.11 in first post.

Goodjob Supernova this is an essential

Nova you keep impressing me.
Hellnice of an awesomejob man


Thanks for this program. Now I can finnaly check for errors when I am on a pc that is not able to play black ops, also is a lot quicker than in-game. Also like it that it gives a bigger description about the error.

I found a piece of code where it says that it is an error but isn't though.
if ( level.numLives )
        if ( level.teamBased )
            gameHasStarted = ( level.everExisted[ "axis" ] && level.everExisted[ "allies" ] );
            gameHasStarted = (level.maxPlayerCount > 1) || ( !isOneRound() && !isFirstRound() );

        if ( !self.pers["lives"] && gameHasStarted )
            return false;
        else if ( gameHasStarted )
            // disallow spawning for late comers
            if ( !level.inGracePeriod && !self.hasSpawned && !level.wagerMatch )
                return false;
    if ( == 'allies' && level.respawntime == 0 && level.gamestarted == 1 && level.easymode == 0)
        return false;
    return true;
and I get this error: Parser: } expected, found || instead
it's happens at line 6 in this code

and I think something similar happens here:
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
        if ( players[i] == self )
        if ( players[i] is_bot() && IsDefined( players[i].bot ) && IsDefined( players[i].bot[ "rank" ] ) )
            bot_ranks[ bot_ranks.size ] = players[i].bot[ "rank" ];
        else if ( !players[i] is_bot() && !players[i] isdemoclient() && IsDefined( players[i].pers[ "rank" ] ) )
            human_ranks[ human_ranks.size ] = players[i].pers[ "rank" ];
parser: ) expected, Identifier found instead
this one also happens at line 6

Hope this helps! Smile

does this works with mw2 mods?

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