I present to you the awful and possibly badly coded Imposter Plugin as requested by @pollarpart. Hahaha, I'm kidding. :p What it basically does is stops anyone from joining the game if their name is in the database and their XUIDs don't match hence the 'imposter' term used.
!setreal <player name> - Set's the player in the current game as the 'real' person.
!setreal <player name> <xuid> - Adds the player and xuid to the list, the player doesn't have to be in the server.
Permissions Plugin by Pozzuh
Make sure to add the !setreal command to the allowed commands.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Addon;
namespace ImposterPlugin
public class ImposterPlugin : CPlugin
Dictionary<string, string> _realPlayers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
#region Permission/Setting Functions
string CheckSetting(string key, string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetServerCFG("ImposterPlugin", key, "")))
SetServerCFG("ImposterPlugin", key, value);
return value;
return GetServerCFG("ImposterPlugin", key, "");
List<string> GetCommandsAllowedInGroup(string groupname)
List<string> group = new List<string>();
string group_string = GetServerCFG("Permission", groupname + "_commands", " ");
if (group_string != " ")
foreach (string cmd in group_string.Split(','))
return group;
List<string> GetUsersInGroup(string groupname)
List<string> group = new List<string>();
string group_string = GetServerCFG("Permission", groupname + "_xuids", " ");
if (group_string != " ")
foreach (string xuid in group_string.Split(','))
return group;
bool CommandAllowedForPlayer(string XUID, string command)
foreach (string usergroup in GetServerCFG("Permission", "Usergroups", "").Split(','))
if ((GetCommandsAllowedInGroup(usergroup).Contains(command) || GetCommandsAllowedInGroup(usergroup).Contains("*ALL*")) && GetUsersInGroup(usergroup).Contains(XUID))
return true;
return false;
public override void OnServerLoad()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CheckSetting("RealList", string.Empty)))
foreach (var pair in CheckSetting("RealList", string.Empty).Split(','))
_realPlayers.Add(pair.Split(';')[0], pair.Split(';')[1]);
ServerPrint("Imposter Plugin v1 has been loaded!");
public override void OnPlayerConnect(ServerClient Client)
if (_realPlayers.ContainsKey(Client.Name) && _realPlayers[Client.Name] != Client.XUID)
ServerCommand(string.Format("kickclient {0} \"Imposter detected!", Client.ClientNum));
public override ChatType OnSay(string Message, ServerClient Client)
if (Message.StartsWith("!setreal") && CommandAllowedForPlayer(Client.XUID, "!setreal"))
string[] parts = Message.Split(' ');
// Accept 1 or 2 parameters (including the !setreal itself)
if(parts.Length == 2 || parts.Length == 3)
foreach(ServerClient client in GetClients())
if(client.Name == parts[1])
// Take the XUID from the 2nd parameter if possible, otherwise just
// grab the XUID from the current player in game with the matching name.
string xuid = parts.Length == 3 ? parts[2] : client.XUID;
if (_realPlayers.ContainsKey(parts[1]))
_realPlayers[parts[1]] = xuid;
_realPlayers.Add(parts[1], xuid);
string newSetting = string.Empty;
foreach(var kvp in _realPlayers)
newSetting += ',';
newSetting += kvp.Key + ";" + kvp.Value;
// Update settings.
SetServerCFG("ImposterPlugin", "RealList", newSetting);
return ChatType.ChatNone;
TellClient(Client.ClientNum, string.Format("Could not find ^3{0} ^7in the game!", parts[1]), true);
return ChatType.ChatContinue;
!setreal <player name> - Set's the player in the current game as the 'real' person.
!setreal <player name> <xuid> - Adds the player and xuid to the list, the player doesn't have to be in the server.
Permissions Plugin by Pozzuh
Make sure to add the !setreal command to the allowed commands.
A casual conversation between barata and I about Nukem.