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Release MW2 Liberation 1.06
Modern Warfare 2 Liberation v1.06 for patch v1.2.208 (formerly VAC Chaos)
by AgentGOD

Status : Undetected

but sometime gives me crash of game,dont know why

Home Page:
Donation :

1.06 >> - Added 'force end game' tool to allow donors greater influence and control over games (Hotkey: F9)
- Added rapid fire with jitter to rapidly fire burst weapons (e.g. M16, FAMAS, M93 Raffica) [Hotkey: F8]
- Added measures to prevent 'VAC3' from interfering with your affairs
- And everything that was in v1.05!

[Image: beztrrrrrrrytuu.jpg]

Key features:
- Hosting Tool (customize ranked games with custom maps and rules)
- Dedicated servers (with lobby id)
- Mod loader (lets you host and play player-created game mods)
Playing mods has never been simpler! Simply place the mod folder into the "Mods" folder,
select the mod in the program, host, and you're good to go!
- Developer console (lets you customize various settings as it was possible in every previous PC FPS game)
- Script execution allowed
- VAC bypass/protection (prevents you from being erroneously banned for doing righteous things)

Detailed description:
- Gives the power to host servers back to the players who made Call of Duty possible (PC users)
- Brings modding ability to Modern Warfare 2, integrated with the former 'VAC Chaos' software
- Allows you to load custom mods for Modern Warfare 2
- Loads from raw .gsc script files instead of having to create a new .ff file
- Allows you to fully disable VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) in Modern Warfare 2.
- Unlocks hidden window-based developer console in a non-intrusive way.
- Unlocks all dvars for changing and/or querying.
- 4096-bit encryption provides full protection.
- User-friendly and intuitive interface.
- Automatically detects VAC presence (and takes action if needed).
- Allows you to execute custom script (.cfg) files from disk.
- Brings back script execution on game start (autoexec.cfg).
- ShieldLoader loads all your favorite 3rd party DLL(s) with one click of a button
- CEG protection remover further protects you from VAC
- VAC-ban bypass allows you to put your VAC-banned Modern Warfare 2 accounts to use
- New feature lets you play the game without the latest content patch (akimbo 1887s are OP'd again,
care package knifing is back!, etc)
[Note: Afghan, Rust, and Derail may have problems working if you enable this feature.
However, you can extract the _utility.gsc file from the latest patch_mp.ff
with a tool like ffViewer and create a simple mod to fix this issue with ModLoader]
- Unlocks the default 91 fps cap automatically
- Always shows ping numbers of players
- Allows enforcing 80 degree FOV for yourself
- Name spoofer to protect you from psychological harm
- Fully dedicated mode (only developer console will show up when you host) *donor only
- Completely disable host migration (prevent you from losing host) *donor only
- Re-enables commonly used Windows shortcut keys (e.g. Alt+TAB) usually blocked by the game
- Unlocks key bind ability
- Allows retaining game settings from round-to-round (e.g. no more resetting score/time limit)
[may break script execution ability]
- Dedicated server support: use the lobby id as you would with an IP address....
use it to let users join your server with a steam://joinlobby/10190/LOBBY_ID link or
if the user is using Modern Warfare 2 Liberation, he/she could use 'connect_lobby LOBBY_ID' in the developer console
click the [?] button under the dedicated server section in Modern Warfare 2 Liberation for more details
[Keep your server going in various ways: let the game end and begin as normal to have random teams and maps, or
create a mod to restrict the game to work on a certain map rotation as some people have already done for ModLoader]

* NOTE: this is the first and critical step towards dedicated servers. The only thing that's missing is a centralized
master server to maintain a list of all the running servers.

Mods included:
- ScoutzKnivez mod - a mod that makes gameplay similar to the old classic Counter-Strike map Scoutzknivez (very basic mod)
- Realism Mod - AgentGOD's attempt to get Call of Duty as realistic as possible (see Readme-RealismMod.txt for details) *
- TruHardcore Mod - play the game the way it was meant to be played (see Readme-TruHardcore.txt for details) *
- FixNoPatches - allows you to play certain maps while using the "Good Ol' Days" feature (e.g. Rust)

* These mods are encrypted. They are encrypted for a reason, which implies that the author does not intend the source
code to be viewed by prying eyes. The method of encryption is proprietary and will not be released. Any program that is
seen that seem to offer encryption/decryption of mods are frowned upon and disallowed, if they are not from this author.
Any use of such programs are directly disrespecting the author of this program and may result in the complete termination
of future public releases. This policy will be enforced with zero tolerance to the fullest possible extent.

Lobby hotkeys:
F4 - Host a public ranked match with custom settings - Go to "Find Game", choose your favorite game type,
and then hit the hotkey. Customize the settings however
you'd like, and then hit F5 to start the game when ready.

Note: MAKE SURE that you hit hotkey BEFORE the game joins a lobby.
Alt+F4 - Reset player stats to blank level 70 prestige 10 (you'll lose customized kits and may need re-unlocking attachments)
[you'll hear a confirmation 'ding' sound once you press this key combo]
F5 - Start the game (when using F4 to force-host)

In-game hotkeys:
F1 - Toggle draw fps and current host
Alt+F1 - Switch to another mod *
F2 - Open developer console
Alt+F2 - Restart server (for scr_ dvars and mod switching) *
F3 - Team-kill exploit tool - Join a game, make sure the other team has at least one spot left,
Press hotkey, click on the enemy team, choose class, kill the green guys.
Because this exploit requires at least one spot, it is recommended to do it
at the beginning of a game when people are still joining.

For "spec-nading", go into any game, go near teammate with claymore/grenade,
place claymore/grenade near teammate, press hotkey, Spectator. Watch it blow them up.
Press the hotkey again and "auto assign" to re-join your team.
Alt+F3 - Toggle mod randomization - picks a random mod for the next game *
Alt+F4 - Random name spoofer - spoofs to random person's name every 30 seconds *donor and premium members only *
F5 - Toggle infinite ammo *
Alt+F5 - Toggle god mode *
F6 - Toggle apparent team - a fix for 'yellow team bug' and 'proper' team switching (combine with F3) *
Alt+F6 - Toggle intelligent middle finger spam

* starred features require being the host of the game

Custom console commands:
infammo - Toggle infinite ammo
nextmod - Select next mod in the list, map_restart to take effect
randmod - Toggle mod randomization, map_restart to take effect
kickcheat - Kick everyone* from the game with "Cheat detected."
*Includes the host unless "Kill host migration" is enabled

- An x86/x64 CPU
- At least 512 MB of system memory. Recommended minimum is 1 GB.
- A modern Windows-NT based operating system (XP and above). Both x86 and x64 are supported.
- Microsoft® Visual C++ 2008 Runtime (x86), can be found here:
- Microsoft® .NET Framework v2.0 (minimum), can be found here:

How to use:
- Launch Steam and login to your account with Modern Warfare 2 on it
- Open MW2_Liberation.exe as administrator (*Windows XP users: just make sure you run under an administrator account)
- Change the configurations however you would like
- If you'd like to load a mod, simply select it under the "Mod loader" section
Most mods from MW2_ModLoader are compatible with Modern Warfare 2 Liberation (with the exception of Realism Mod v1.01)
- Click Load Game when you're ready to play
- Make sure it says "Protection: Loaded", or else do not load any hacks/cheats
(if it says "Protection: Not Loaded" and you ran the game with "Load Game" button, post on forum immediately)
- Now load up your favorite hacks/cheats and enjoy consequenceless gaming! Wink *
- You must host a game using the Host Tool to play without getting kicked for not having VAC loaded
(unless you're lucky enough to join a game hosted by a fellow Modern Warfare 2 Liberation user)

Tip: If you are creating a new mod, refer to many guides created by the XBOX modding community; they're helpful.
Use a program like ffViewer to extract the game's stock .gsc files from the .ff files, and go from there.
The specific mod will go in a folder with the name of the mod, inside the "Mods" folder. You then
simply follow the same directory structure as the .gsc files were in the .ff file. See the included 'scoutzknivez'
mod for an example.

To have your custom script file execute on startup, you need to name the file as
"autoexec.cfg" and the file must be placed inside the Modern Warfare 2 "main" or "players" folder.
Obviously you'll need to have "Startup script" option checked in the program as well.

* Note: by using this program, you agree that I, the programmer, shall not be in any way responsible for
anything that happens to your account! You use this and any other program you download from the
internet at your own risk. With that said, if you exercise caution (e.g. make sure VAC is not loaded),
you should be completely protected. Watch out for viruses when you look for third party hacks/cheats.

You will not reverse engineer and/or modify this program, or circumvent any necessary checks, such as
for extra features for donating. Doing so is frowned upon and will not be tolerated.

If you're running Windows Vista or Windows 7, you'll need to run these third party programs as
administrator as well, unless you have UAC disabled. If you are getting an error about a missing
.tmp file, that might indicate that your anti-virus software decided to make the program disappear.

Do not exit Modern Warfare 2 Liberation during a game... just don't, unless you want expensive paperweight.

If you are paranoid about a ban, rename your third party hacks/cheats before using. This program will
rename itself, so that won't be an issue.

With that said, good luck, and have fun guys Wink Please donate if you love this program!

AgentGOD - coding this program, duh Smile
TricksOfDeath - graphics design - hosting us Wink
You guys - for supporting me Wink
BlackDove - inspiration, made MW2 proof-of-concept
REVOLUTiON - CEG protection removal idea

Copyright 2010 Ultimate-Filez

Modern Warfare™ 2 and its logos are copyrighted by Infinity Ward.
Infinity Ward logo is copyrighted by Infinity Ward.
Ultimate Filez is not in any way affiliated with Infinity Ward.




Press Thank you!! Dont forget!!

upload needs to be checked, also add 2 virus scans and a screen. thanks

This is very interesting, Nyan Cat

(06-19-2011, 18:37)Yamato Wrote: This is very interesting, Nyan Cat

what you mean lol

(06-19-2011, 18:57)Massefect Wrote:
(06-19-2011, 18:37)Yamato Wrote: This is very interesting, Nyan Cat

what you mean lol

Is usefull

yep, but next time rescan the file, dont take old vir scans

(06-19-2011, 19:16)d0h! Wrote: yep, but next time rescan the file, dont take old vir scans

i know ,i had problem with this.

allready fixed

btw please AgendGod Do not kill me for it Nyan CatNyan CatNyan Cat Angel

If i try to start a game, like in the old liberation.. My game shut down and this message comes: Unable to communicate with Modern Warfare 2 Liberation module. Please allow network access and try again.

What do i have to do now? :S

start crying...


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