MW3 Addon Plugin Pack 1This was a pack based on @JariZ code, I recreated(recoded) this pack for the newest version of MW3 server addon
How to install?
Copy the DLL to MW3 Server\plugins
- This code is supposed to be used to help you start creating your own plugin, so re-rereleasing any of this code without a significant change is strictly forbidden
- When used, my credits must be included
- Have fun coding!
- (THE NEWEST VERSION OF) Nukem's MW3 Server Addon
- MW3 Ded. Server
This pack includes
Changes FOV and FOVscale for every client in the server,
fov defaults to 80, fovscale to 1.0
Add this to addon\sv_config.ini in order to use a custom value for the fov amount:
Where '80' is your amount of FOV and '1.125' your FOVscale offcourseCode:[FOV]
- Welcomer
Says 'Everybody welcome PLAYERNAME to the server!'
Don't know how it's useful, just makes your server looks awesome i think
- PlayerLog
Logs all players who connect to the server in addon\logs\player.log
It logs: Client ID, Name, XUID and Ping (at time of connection)
Useful if you want to report someone or just find out who connected to your server.
- @JariZ (Orginal codes and coding)
- @Nukem (Addon)
Plugin source code
Spoiler (Click to View)
pluginpack1.rar (Size: 5.54 KB / Downloads: 1,520)
Temporary Playerlog Fix
Playerlog.rar (Size: 2.11 KB / Downloads: 543)
Spoiler (Click to View)