01-27-2012, 05:58
This is the new Rgb color editor that can be found in my new upcoming menu!
To use make sure you define self.menuVariable["color"][<Element Name>] in onPlayerConnect()
Also make sure the element your editing sets the color upon creation using that variable.
Enjoy the editor
May have to make a few changes as I made this for mw3 on the wii, yes on the wii, but this should work completely fine for any other console as well.
createProgresBar(color, width, height, xAlign, yAlign, x, y) {
Bar = self createBar(color, width, height);
Bar setPoint(xAlign, yAlign, x, y);
Bar thread destroyOnPlayerDeath(self);
return Bar;
destroyOnPlayerDeath(player) {
player waittill_any_return("death", "close_color_editor");
self destroyElem();
self destroy();
colorEditor(Element) {
self endon("death");
wait 0.1;
Bar[0] = self createProgresBar((1, 1, 1), 255, 20, "RIGHT", "CENTER", 100, 0);
Bar[1] = self createProgresBar((1, 1, 1), 255, 20, "RIGHT", "CENTER", 100, 22);
Bar[2] = self createProgresBar((1, 1, 1), 255, 20, "RIGHT", "CENTER", 100, 44);
Title = self createFontString("objective", 2.0);
Title setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", 100, -30);
Title setText("Element: " + Element);
Title.color = (0, 0, 0);
Title thread destroyOnPlayerDeath(self);
Marker = self createFontString("objective", 2.0);
Marker setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", -165, 0);
Marker setText("+");
Marker thread destroyOnPlayerDeath(self);
Instruct = self createFontString("objective", 1.7);
Instruct setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", 100, 66);
Instruct setText("[{+melee}] Down | [{+frag}]/[{+smoke}] change Value | [{+speed_throw}] Exit");
Instruct thread destroyOnPlayerDeath(self);
Value[0] = 0;
Value[1] = 0;
Value[2] = 0;
self.isInColorEditor = true;
self.currentBar = 0;
self freezeControls(true);
while (self.isInColorEditor) {
if (self MeleeButtonPressed()) {
if (self.currentBar >= Bar.size) self.currentBar = 0;
Marker setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", -165, Bar[self.currentBar].y);
wait 0.2;
} else if (self FragButtonPressed()) {
if (Value[self.currentBar] > 255) Value[self.currentBar] = 0;
Bar[self.currentBar] updateBar(Value[self.currentBar] / 255);
} else if (self SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed()) {
if (Value[self.currentBar] < 0) Value[self.currentBar] = 255;
Bar[self.currentBar] updateBar(Value[self.currentBar] / 255);
} else if (self AdsButtonPressed()) {
self.isInColorEditor = false;
wait 0.01;
Title.color = (Value[0] / 255, Value[1] / 255, Value[2] / 255);
self freezeControls(false);
self.menuVariable["color"][Element] = (Value[0] / 255, Value[1] / 255, Value[2] / 255);
self notify("close_color_editor");
To use make sure you define self.menuVariable["color"][<Element Name>] in onPlayerConnect()
Also make sure the element your editing sets the color upon creation using that variable.
Enjoy the editor
May have to make a few changes as I made this for mw3 on the wii, yes on the wii, but this should work completely fine for any other console as well.