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Release Mad Vending Machines and Other objects

This is something I previewed sometime ago and forgot to release, Nyan Cat . This contains a mad vending machine, a mad metal detector, mad fans and lights.

Save this in your mod: in your mod folder, create a new folder called common_scripts and inside paste this file with the name of _dynamic_world.gsc

#include common_scripts\utility;

/*QUAKED trigger_multiple_dyn_metal_detector (0.12 0.23 1.0) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE
Comments to be added.*/

/*QUAKED trigger_multiple_dyn_creaky_board (0.12 0.23 1.0) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE
Comments to be added.*/

/*QUAKED trigger_multiple_dyn_photo_copier (0.12 0.23 1.0) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE
Comments to be added.*/

/*QUAKED trigger_multiple_dyn_copier_no_light (0.12 0.23 1.0) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE
Comments to be added.*/

/*QUAKED trigger_radius_dyn_motion_light (0.12 0.23 1.0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
Comments to be added.*/

/*QUAKED trigger_radius_dyn_motion_dlight (0.12 0.23 1.0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
Comments to be added.*/

Comments to be added.*/

/*QUAKED trigger_radius_bird_startle (0.12 0.23 1.0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
Comments to be added.*/

/*QUAKED trigger_multiple_dyn_motion_light (0.12 0.23 1.0) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE
Comments to be added.*/

Comments to be added.*/

Player free falling with animation and screaming of doom.*/

// Crouch Speed 5.7-6.0
// Run Speed 8.7-9.2
// Sprint Speed 13.0-14.0

// ========================= Constants ==========================

// Vending Machine
CONST_vending_machine_health     = 400;
CONST_soda_pop_time                 = 0.1;        // seconds
CONST_soda_count                  = 200;        // number of soda per machine
CONST_soda_launch_force             = 5000;        // soda shoot out force
CONST_soda_random_factor         = 0.15;        // in percentage 0.2 = 20%
CONST_soda_splash_dmg_scaler     = 30;        // splash damage multiplier

// Metal Detector
CONST_alarm_tolerance              = 10;        // number of alarm sounds before silenced, 0 disables silencing
CONST_alarm_interval             = 20;        // alarm interval time in seconds
CONST_alarm_interval_sp             = 20;        // alarm interval time in seconds for single player

// Civilian Jet
CONST_jet_speed                     = 2000;        // jet while landing is 130 - 160mph( 2292inch / sec - 2820inch / sec ), emergency landing is 110mph
CONST_jet_extend                 = 20000;    // units, each jet and flyto origin will extend from each other by


    //rotate fan blades in mp_highrise
    array_thread( getEntArray( "com_wall_fan_blade_rotate", "targetname" ), ::fan_blade_rotate, "slow" );
    array_thread( getEntArray( "com_wall_fan_blade_rotate_fast", "targetname" ), ::fan_blade_rotate, "fast" );

    trigger_classes = [];
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_dyn_metal_detector" ] = ::metal_detector;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_dyn_creaky_board" ] = ::creaky_board;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_dyn_photo_copier" ] = ::photo_copier;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_dyn_copier_no_light" ] = ::photo_copier_no_light;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_radius_motion_light" ] = ::motion_light;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_radius_dyn_motion_dlight" ] = ::outdoor_motion_dlight;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_dog_bark" ] = ::dog_bark;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_radius_bird_startle" ] = ::bird_startle;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_dyn_motion_light" ] = ::motion_light;
    trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_dyn_door" ] = ::trigger_door;
    //trigger_classes[ "trigger_multiple_freefall" ] = ::freefall;


    foreach ( classname, function in trigger_classes )
        triggers = getEntArray( classname, "classname" );
        array_thread( triggers, ::triggerTouchThink );
        array_thread( triggers, function );

    array_thread( getEntArray( "vending_machine", "targetname" ), ::vending_machine );
    array_thread( getEntArray( "toggle", "targetname" ), ::use_toggle );

    level thread onPlayerConnect();

    civilian_jet = getEnt( "civilian_jet_origin", "targetname" );
    if ( isDefined( civilian_jet ) )
        civilian_jet thread civilian_jet_flyby();

    for ( ;; )
        level waittill( "connecting", player );
        player thread movementTracker();

    if ( isSP() )
        foreach ( player in level.players )
            player.touchTriggers = [];
            player thread movementTracker();

    /*if ( !isdefined( level.registeredAI ) )
        level.registeredAI = [];
    level.registeredAI[ level.registeredAI.size ] = self;

    // self is AI
    self.touchTriggers = [];
    self thread movementTracker();

// ================================================================================ //
//                                     Civilian Jet                                     //
// ================================================================================ //

    level endon( "game_ended" );

    self jet_init();

    level waittill( "prematch_over" );

    while ( 1 )
        self thread jet_timer();
        self waittill( "start_flyby" );

        self thread jet_flyby();
        self waittill( "flyby_done" );

        self jet_reset();

    // move jet plane and flyto origin out of the map and hide on level load
    self.jet_parts              = getentarray(, "targetname" );
    self.jet_flyto              = getent( "civilian_jet_flyto", "targetname" );
    self.engine_fxs          = getentarray( "engine_fx", "targetname" );
    self.flash_fxs             = getentarray( "flash_fx", "targetname" );

    self.jet_engine_fx         = loadfx( "fire/jet_afterburner" );
    self.jet_flash_fx_red     = loadfx( "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_red" );
    self.jet_flash_fx_green     = loadfx( "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_green" );
    self.jet_flash_fx_blink     = loadfx( "misc/aircraft_light_red_blink" );

    level.civilianJetFlyBy      = undefined;        // priority with air supremacies

    assertex( isdefined( self.jet_parts ),         "Missing cilivian jet model" );
    assertex( isdefined( self.jet_flyto ),         "Missing cilivian jet flyto script_origin: civilian_jet_flyto" );
    assertex( isdefined( self.engine_fxs ),     "Missing cilivian jet engine fxs script_origins: engine_fx" );
    assertex( isdefined( self.flash_fxs ),         "Missing cilivian jet signal light script_origins: flash_fxs" );

    // extending vector to place jet and flyto origin outside sky box
    negative_vec = Vector_multiply( VectorNormalize( self.origin - self.jet_flyto.origin ), CONST_jet_extend );

    // extend flyto origin
    self.jet_flyto.origin -= negative_vec;

    // extend jet
    self.origin += negative_vec;
    foreach ( part in self.jet_parts )
        part.origin += negative_vec;
        part.old_origin = part.origin;
        part hide();

    // extend jet's engine fx origins
    foreach ( engine_fx in self.engine_fxs )
        engine_fx.origin += negative_vec;

    foreach ( flash_fx in self.flash_fxs )
        flash_fx.origin += negative_vec;

    // -------------- flight time and vector calculation -------------
    jet_origin                  = self.origin;// origin is the nose of the jet
    jet_flyto_pos              = self.jet_flyto.origin;
    self.jet_fly_vec          = jet_flyto_pos - jet_origin;

    jet_speed                  = CONST_jet_speed;
    jet_flight_dist          = abs( distance( jet_origin, jet_flyto_pos ) );
    self.jet_flight_time      = jet_flight_dist / jet_speed;

    foreach ( part in self.jet_parts )
        part.origin = part.old_origin;
        part hide();

    level endon( "game_ended" );

    match_timelimit     = getTimeInterval();
    assert( isdefined( match_timelimit ) );
    timelimit = max( 10, match_timelimit );
    timelimit = min( timelimit, 100 );

    if ( getdvar( "jet_flyby_timer" ) != "" )
        level.civilianJetFlyBy_timer = 5 + getdvarint( "jet_flyby_timer" );
        level.civilianJetFlyBy_timer = ( 0.25 + randomFloatRange( 0.3, 0.7 ) ) * 60 * timeLimit;     // seconds into the match when jet flys by

    wait level.civilianJetFlyBy_timer;

    // wait till all the airborne kill streaks are done
    while ( isDefined( level.airstrikeInProgress ) || isDefined( level.ac130player ) || isDefined( level.chopper ) || isDefined( level.remoteMissileInProgress ) )
        wait 0.05;

    // start flyby
    self notify( "start_flyby" );

    // blocks out all airborne kill streaks
    level.civilianJetFlyBy = true;
    self waittill( "flyby_done" );
    level.civilianJetFlyBy = undefined;

    if ( isSP() )
        return 10.0;

    if ( isDefined( game[ "status" ] ) && game[ "status" ] == "overtime" )
        return 1.0;
        return getWatchedDvar( "timelimit" );

getWatchedDvar( dvarString )
    dvarString = "scr_" + level.gameType + "_" + dvarString;
    return( level.watchDvars[ dvarString ].value );

    // show plane
    foreach ( part in self.jet_parts )
        part show();

    engine_fx_array = [];
    flash_fx_array = [];

    foreach ( engine_fx in self.engine_fxs )
        engine_fx_ent = spawn( "script_model", engine_fx.origin );
        engine_fx_ent setModel( "tag_origin" );
        engine_fx_ent.angles = engine_fx.angles;
        engine_fx_array [ engine_fx_array.size ] = engine_fx_ent;

    foreach ( flash_fx in self.flash_fxs )
        flash_fx_ent = spawn( "script_model", flash_fx.origin );
        flash_fx_ent setModel( "tag_origin" );
        flash_fx_ent.color = flash_fx.script_noteworthy;
        flash_fx_ent.angles = flash_fx.angles;
        flash_fx_array [ flash_fx_array.size ] = flash_fx_ent;

    assertex( isdefined( level.mapcenter ), "Calling for civilian jet flyby when level.mapcenter is not yet defined." );
    self thread jet_planeSound( self.jet_parts[ 0 ], level.mapcenter );

    wait 0.05;

    // play engine fx on fx ents
    foreach ( engine_fx_ent in engine_fx_array )
        playfxontag( self.jet_engine_fx, engine_fx_ent, "tag_origin" );

    // play flash fx on fx ents
    foreach ( flash_fx_ent in flash_fx_array )
        if ( isdefined( flash_fx_ent.color ) && flash_fx_ent.color == "blink" )
            playfxontag( self.jet_flash_fx_blink, flash_fx_ent, "tag_origin" );
        else if ( isdefined( flash_fx_ent.color ) && flash_fx_ent.color == "red" )
            playfxontag( self.jet_flash_fx_red, flash_fx_ent, "tag_origin" );
            playfxontag( self.jet_flash_fx_green, flash_fx_ent, "tag_origin" );

    // move plane
    foreach ( part in self.jet_parts )
        part moveTo( part.origin + self.jet_fly_vec, self.jet_flight_time );

    // move fx ents
    foreach ( engine_fx_ent in engine_fx_array )
        engine_fx_ent moveTo( engine_fx_ent.origin + self.jet_fly_vec, self.jet_flight_time );
    foreach ( flash_fx_ent in flash_fx_array )
        flash_fx_ent moveTo( flash_fx_ent.origin + self.jet_fly_vec, self.jet_flight_time );

    wait( self.jet_flight_time + 1 );

    // delete fxs
    foreach ( engine_fx_ent in engine_fx_array )
        engine_fx_ent delete();
    foreach ( flash_fx_ent in flash_fx_array )
        flash_fx_ent delete();

    self notify( "flyby_done" );

jet_planeSound( plane, bombsite )
    plane thread playsound_loop_on_ent( "veh_mig29_dist_loop" );
    while ( !targetisclose( plane, bombsite ) )
        wait .05;

    plane thread playsound_loop_on_ent( "veh_mig29_close_loop" );
    while ( targetisinfront( plane, bombsite ) )
        wait .05;
    wait .5;

    plane thread playsound_float( "veh_mig29_sonic_boom" );
    while ( targetisclose( plane, bombsite ) )
        wait .05;

    plane notify( "stop sound" + "veh_mig29_close_loop" );
    self waittill( "flyby_done" );

    plane notify( "stop sound" + "veh_mig29_dist_loop" );

playsound_float( alias, origin, master )
    org = spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 1 ) );
    org hide();
    if ( !isdefined( origin ) )
        origin = self.origin;
    org.origin = origin;
    if ( isdefined( master ) && master )
        org playsoundasmaster( alias );
        org playsound( alias );
    wait( 10.0 );
    org delete();

playsound_loop_on_ent( alias, offset )
    org = spawn( "script_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    org hide();
    org endon( "death" );
    thread delete_on_death( org );
    if ( isdefined( offset ) )
        org.origin = self.origin + offset;
        org.angles = self.angles;
        org linkto( self );
        org.origin = self.origin;
        org.angles = self.angles;
        org linkto( self );
//    org endon ("death");
    org playloopsound( alias );
//    println ("playing loop sound ", alias," on entity at origin ", self.origin, " at ORIGIN ", org.origin);
    self waittill( "stop sound" + alias );
    org stoploopsound( alias );
    org delete();

targetisinfront( other, target )
    forwardvec      = anglestoforward( flat_angle( other.angles ) );
    normalvec      = vectorNormalize( flat_origin( target ) - other.origin );
    dot          = vectordot( forwardvec, normalvec );

    if ( dot > 0 )
        return true;
        return false;

targetisclose( other, target )
    infront = targetisinfront( other, target );

    if ( infront )
        dir = 1;
        dir = -1;

    a          = flat_origin( other.origin );
    b          = a + Vector_Multiply( anglestoforward( flat_angle( other.angles ) ), ( dir * 100000 ) );
    point      = pointOnSegmentNearestToPoint( a, b, target );
    dist      = distance( a, point );

    if ( dist < 3000 )
        return true;
        return false;

// ================================================================================ //
//                                     Vending Machine                                    //
// ================================================================================ //

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    self endon( "death" );

    // self is use trigger
    self SetCursorHint( "HINT_ACTIVATE" );

    self.vm_normal          = getent(, "targetname" );
    assertex( isdefined( self.vm_normal ), "Vending machine use trigger is missing target to the normal vending machine script_model" );
    vm_soda_start          = getent(, "targetname" );
    assertex( isdefined( vm_soda_start ), "Vending machine normal script_model is missing target to the start-soda can script_model" );
    vm_soda_stop          = getent(, "targetname" );
    assertex( isdefined( vm_soda_start ), "Start-soda can script_model is missing target to the end-soda can script_model" );
    self.vm_launch_from     = getent(, "targetname" );
    assertex( isdefined( self.vm_launch_from ), "End-soda can script_model is missing target to the physics launch-from script_origin" );
    self.vm_launch_to      = getent(, "targetname" );
    assertex( isdefined( self.vm_launch_to ), "launch-from can script_origin is missing target to the physics launch-to script_origin" );
    if ( isdefined( ) )
        self.vm_fx_loc     = getent(, "targetname" );
    //assertex( isdefined( self.vm_launch_to ), "launch-to can script_origin is missing target to the fx location script_origin" );

    self.vm_normal setCanDamage( true );

    self.vm_normal_model          = self.vm_normal.model;
    self.vm_damaged_model          = self.vm_normal.script_noteworthy;
    self.vm_soda_model              = vm_soda_start.model;

    self.vm_soda_start_pos          = vm_soda_start.origin;
    self.vm_soda_start_angle      = vm_soda_start.angles;
    self.vm_soda_stop_pos          = vm_soda_stop.origin;
    self.vm_soda_stop_angle      = vm_soda_stop.angles;

    // precache damage model
    precacheModel( self.vm_damaged_model );

    // ride the no longer needed models
    vm_soda_start delete();
    vm_soda_stop delete();

    self.soda_array = [];
    self.soda_count = CONST_soda_count;
    self.soda_slot      = undefined;// the soda can thats resting in the slot
    self.hp = CONST_vending_machine_health;

    self thread vending_machine_damage_monitor( self.vm_normal );
    self playloopsound( "vending_machine_hum" );

    while ( 1 )
        self waittill( "trigger", player );
        //level.players[0] iprintln( "used" );

        self playsound( "vending_machine_button_press" );
        if ( !self.soda_count )

        // drop a can, and shoot out the previous one if in slot
        if ( isdefined( self.soda_slot ) )
            self soda_can_eject();
        soda_can_drop( spawn_soda() );
        wait 0.05;

vending_machine_damage_monitor( vending_machine )
    level endon( "game_ended" );

    exp_dmg = "mod_grenade mod_projectile mod_explosive mod_grenade_splash mod_projectile_splash splash";
    sparks_fx = loadfx( "explosions/tv_explosion" );

    while ( 1 )
        vending_machine waittill( "damage", damage, other, direction_vec, P, type );

        if ( isdefined( type ) )
            if ( isSubStr( exp_dmg, ToLower( type ) ) )
                damage *= CONST_soda_splash_dmg_scaler;    // multiply explosive dmg

            self.hp -= damage;
            if ( self.hp > 0 )
            // vending machine is now dead, button usage is disabled
            self notify( "death" );
            // disable use trigger
            self.origin += ( 0, 0, 10000 );

            if( !isdefined( self.vm_fx_loc ) )
                playfx_loc = self.vm_normal.origin + ( ( 17, -13, 52 ) - ( -20, 18, 0 ) );
                playfx_loc = self.vm_fx_loc.origin;
            playfx( sparks_fx, playfx_loc );

            // when vending machine is explosively damaged, shoots out soda cans
            self.vm_normal setmodel( self.vm_damaged_model );

            while ( self.soda_count > 0 )
                // drop a can, and shoot out the previous one if in slot
                if ( isdefined( self.soda_slot ) )
                    self soda_can_eject();
                soda_can_drop( spawn_soda() );
                wait 0.05;

            self stoploopsound( "vending_machine_hum" );

    soda = spawn( "script_model", self.vm_soda_start_pos );
    soda setmodel( self.vm_soda_model );
    soda.origin = self.vm_soda_start_pos;
    soda.angles = self.vm_soda_start_angle;
    return soda;

soda_can_drop( soda )
    soda MoveTo( self.vm_soda_stop_pos, CONST_soda_pop_time );
    soda playsound( "vending_machine_soda_drop" );    // soda can drop sound
    wait CONST_soda_pop_time;

    self.soda_slot = soda;
    self.soda_count -- ;

    self endon( "death" );

    if( isdefined( self.soda_slot.ejected ) && self.soda_slot.ejected == true )
    // physics launch
    force_max = CONST_soda_launch_force * ( 1 + CONST_soda_random_factor );
    force_min = force_max * 0.75 * ( 1 + CONST_soda_random_factor );

    launch_vec              = vectorNormalize( self.vm_launch_to.origin - self.vm_launch_from.origin );
    force_vec              = vector_multiply( launch_vec, randomfloatrange( force_min, force_max ) );
    launch_force_vec     = ( force_vec[ 0 ] * randomfloatrange( 1, 1 + CONST_soda_random_factor ), force_vec[ 1 ] * randomfloatrange( 1, 1 + CONST_soda_random_factor ), force_vec[ 2 ] * randomfloatrange( 1, 1 + CONST_soda_random_factor ) );

    self.soda_slot PhysicsLaunchClient( self.vm_launch_from.origin, launch_force_vec );
    self.soda_slot.ejected = true;

// ================================================================================ //
//                                     Free Fall                                        //
// ================================================================================ //

    level endon( "game_ended" );

    freefall_weapon = "briefcase_bomb_mp";
    precacheItem( freefall_weapon );

    while ( 1 )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter", player );

        if ( !( player hasWeapon( freefall_weapon ) ) )
            player playsound( "freefall_death" );

            player giveweapon( freefall_weapon );
            player setWeaponAmmoStock( freefall_weapon, 0 );
            player setWeaponAmmoClip( freefall_weapon, 0 );
            player switchToWeapon( freefall_weapon );

// ================================================================================ //
//                                     Metal Detector                                     //
// ================================================================================ //

    // self is trigger: trigger_multiple_dyn_metal_detector

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    assertex( isdefined( ), "trigger_multiple_dyn_metal_detector is missing target damage trigger used for detecting entities other than players" );

    damage_trig = getent(, "targetname" );
    damage_trig EnableGrenadeTouchDamage();

    bound_org_1 = getent(, "targetname" );
    bound_org_2 = getent(, "targetname" );

    assertex( isdefined( bound_org_1 ) && isdefined( bound_org_2 ), "Metal detector missing bound origins for claymore test" );

    detector_1 = getent(, "targetname" );
    detector_2 = getent(, "targetname" );

    assertex( isdefined( detector_1 ) && isdefined( detector_2 ), "Recompile the bsp to fix this, metal detector prefab changed." );

    bounds = [];
    bound_x_min = min( bound_org_1.origin[ 0 ], bound_org_2.origin[ 0 ] );    bounds[ 0 ] = bound_x_min;
    bound_x_max = max( bound_org_1.origin[ 0 ], bound_org_2.origin[ 0 ] );    bounds[ 1 ] = bound_x_max;
    bound_y_min = min( bound_org_1.origin[ 1 ], bound_org_2.origin[ 1 ] );    bounds[ 2 ] = bound_y_min;
    bound_y_max = max( bound_org_1.origin[ 1 ], bound_org_2.origin[ 1 ] );    bounds[ 3 ] = bound_y_max;
    bound_z_min = min( bound_org_1.origin[ 2 ], bound_org_2.origin[ 2 ] );    bounds[ 4 ] = bound_z_min;
    bound_z_max = max( bound_org_1.origin[ 2 ], bound_org_2.origin[ 2 ] );    bounds[ 5 ] = bound_z_max;

    bound_org_1 delete();
    bound_org_2 delete();

    if ( !isSP() )
        self.alarm_interval = CONST_alarm_interval;
        self.alarm_interval = CONST_alarm_interval_sp;

    self.alarm_playing = 0;
    self.alarm_annoyance = 0;
    self.tolerance = CONST_alarm_tolerance;

    self thread metal_detector_dmg_monitor( damage_trig );
    self thread metal_detector_touch_monitor();
    self thread metal_detector_weapons( bounds, "weapon_claymore", "weapon_c4" );

    light_pos1 = ( detector_1.origin[ 0 ], detector_1.origin[ 1 ], bound_z_max );
    light_pos2 = ( detector_2.origin[ 0 ], detector_2.origin[ 1 ], bound_z_max );

    //light_pos1 = ( bound_x_min,  bound_y_min, bound_z_max );
    //light_pos2 = ( bound_x_max,  bound_y_max, bound_z_max );    
    md_light = loadfx( "props/metal_detector_light" );

    while ( 1 )
        self waittill_any( "dmg_triggered", "touch_triggered", "weapon_triggered" );
        self thread playsound_and_light( "alarm_metal_detector", md_light, light_pos1, light_pos2 );

playsound_and_light( sound, light, light_pos1, light_pos2 )
    level endon( "game_ended" );

    if ( !self.alarm_playing )
        self.alarm_playing = 1;
        self thread annoyance_tracker();

        if ( !self.alarm_annoyance )
            self playsound( sound );
                      playfx( light, light_pos1 );
                                           wait 0.6;
            self playsound( sound );
                      playfx( light, light_pos1 );
                                          wait 0.6;
            self playsound( sound );
                      playfx( light, light_pos1 );
                                           wait 0.6;
            self playsound( sound );
                      playfx( light, light_pos1 );
                                          wait 0.6;
            self playsound( sound );

        // 1000ms red light fx
        playfx( light, light_pos1 );
        playfx( light, light_pos2 );

        wait self.alarm_interval;
        self.alarm_playing = 0;

    level endon( "game_ended" );

    if ( !self.tolerance )

    interval = self.alarm_interval + 0.15;
    if ( self.tolerance )
        self.tolerance -- ;
        self.alarm_annoyance = 1;

    current_time = gettime();// ms

    alarm_timeout = CONST_alarm_interval;
    if ( isSP() )
        alarm_timeout = CONST_alarm_interval_sp;

    self waittill_any_or_timeout( "dmg_triggered", "touch_triggered", "weapon_triggered", ( alarm_timeout + 2 ) );

    time_delta = ( gettime() - current_time );
    if ( time_delta > ( ( alarm_timeout * 1000 ) + 1150 ) )
        self.alarm_annoyance = 0;
        self.tolerance = CONST_alarm_tolerance;

waittill_any_or_timeout( msg1, msg2, msg3, timer )
    level endon( "game_ended" );

    self endon( msg1 );
    self endon( msg2 );
    self endon( msg3 );
    wait timer;

metal_detector_weapons( bounds, weapon_1, weapon_2 )
    level endon( "game_ended" );
    while ( 1 )
        self waittill_weapon_placed();

        all_grenades = getentarray( "grenade", "classname" );
        foreach ( grenade in all_grenades )
            if ( isdefined( grenade.model ) && ( grenade.model == weapon_1 || grenade.model == weapon_2 ) )
                if ( isInBound( grenade, bounds ) )
                    self thread weapon_notify_loop( grenade, bounds );

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    self endon( "dmg_triggered" );
    self waittill( "touch_triggered" );

weapon_notify_loop( grenade, bounds )
    grenade endon( "death" );

    while ( isInBound( grenade, bounds ) )
        self notify( "weapon_triggered" );
        wait self.alarm_interval;

isInBound( ent, bounds )
    bound_x_min = bounds[ 0 ]; bound_x_max = bounds[ 1 ];
    bound_y_min = bounds[ 2 ]; bound_y_max = bounds[ 3 ];
    bound_z_min = bounds[ 4 ]; bound_z_max = bounds[ 5 ];

    ent_x = ent.origin[ 0 ];
    ent_y = ent.origin[ 1 ];
    ent_z = ent.origin[ 2 ];

    if ( isInBound_single( ent_x, bound_x_min, bound_x_max ) )
        if ( isInBound_single( ent_y, bound_y_min, bound_y_max ) )
            if ( isInBound_single( ent_z, bound_z_min, bound_z_max ) )
                return true;
    return false;

isInBound_single( var, v_min, v_max )
    if ( var > v_min && var < v_max )
        return true;
    return false;

metal_detector_dmg_monitor( damage_trig )
    level endon( "game_ended" );
    while ( 1 )
        damage_trig waittill( "damage", damage, other, direction_vec, P, type );
        if ( isdefined( type ) && alarm_validate_damage( type ) )
            self notify( "dmg_triggered" );

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    while ( 1 )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter" );
        while ( anythingTouchingTrigger( self ) )
            self notify( "touch_triggered" );
            wait self.alarm_interval;

alarm_validate_damage( damageType )
    //disallowed_dmg = "mod_pistol_bullet mod_rifle_bullet bullet mod_crush mod_grenade_splash mod_projectile_splash splash unknown";
    //disallowed_dmg_array = strtok( disallowed_damage, " " );    

    allowed_dmg = "mod_melee melee mod_grenade mod_projectile mod_explosive mod_impact";
    allowed_dmg_array = strtok( allowed_dmg, " " );

    foreach ( dmg in allowed_dmg_array )
        if ( ToLower( dmg ) == ToLower( damageType ) )
            return true;
    return false;

// ================================================================================ //

    level endon( "game_ended" );

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter", player );
        player thread do_creak( self );

do_creak( trigger )
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    self endon( "death" );

    self playSound( "step_walk_plr_woodcreak_on" );

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger_leave", leftTrigger );
        if ( trigger != leftTrigger )

        self playSound( "step_walk_plr_woodcreak_off" );

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    self.moveTracker = true;

    self.lightsOn = false;
    lights = getEntArray(, "targetname" );
    assertEx( lights.size, "ERROR: trigger_ * _motion_light with no targets at " + self.origin );

    precacheModel( "com_two_light_fixture_off" );
    precacheModel( "com_two_light_fixture_on" );

    foreach ( light in lights )
        light.lightRigs = [];
        infoNull = getEnt(, "targetname" );
        if ( !isDefined( ) )

        light.lightRigs = getEntArray(, "targetname" );

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter" );

        while ( anythingTouchingTrigger( self ) )
            objectMoved = false;
            foreach ( object in self.touchList )
                if ( isDefined( object.distMoved ) && object.distMoved > 5.0 )
                    objectMoved = true;

            if ( objectMoved )
                if ( !self.lightsOn )
                    self.lightsOn = true;
                    lights[ 0 ] playSound( "switch_auto_lights_on" );

                    foreach ( light in lights )
                        light setLightIntensity( 1.0 );

                        if ( isdefined( light.lightRigs ) )
                            foreach ( rig in light.lightRigs )
                                rig setModel( "com_two_light_fixture_on" );
                self thread motion_light_timeout( lights, 10.0 );

            wait( 0.05 );

motion_light_timeout( lights, timeOut )
    self notify( "motion_light_timeout" );
    self endon( "motion_light_timeout" );

    wait( timeOut );

    foreach ( light in lights )
        light setLightIntensity( 0 );
        if ( isdefined( light.lightRigs ) )
            foreach ( rig in light.lightRigs )
                rig setModel( "com_two_light_fixture_off" );

    lights[ 0 ] playSound( "switch_auto_lights_off" );

    self.lightsOn = false;


    if( !isdefined( level.outdoor_motion_light ) )
            level.outdoor_motion_light = loadFx( "misc/outdoor_motion_light" );
    level endon( "game_ended" );
    self.moveTracker = true;

    self.lightsOn = false;
    lightRig = getEnt(, "targetname" );
    assertEx( lightRig.size, "ERROR: trigger_ * _motion_light with no targets at " + self.origin );
    lights = getEntArray(, "targetname" );
    assertEx( lights.size, "ERROR: trigger_ * _motion_light model target with no light targets at " + lightRig.origin );

    precacheModel( "com_two_light_fixture_off" );
    precacheModel( "com_two_light_fixture_on" );

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter" );

        while ( anythingTouchingTrigger( self ) )
            objectMoved = false;
            foreach ( object in self.touchList )
                if ( isDefined( object.distMoved ) && object.distMoved > 5.0 )
                    objectMoved = true;

            if ( objectMoved )
                if ( !self.lightsOn )
                    self.lightsOn = true;
                    lightRig playSound( "switch_auto_lights_on" );
                    lightRig setModel( "com_two_light_fixture_on" );

                    foreach ( light in lights )
                        assert( !isDefined( light.lightEnt ) );
                        light.lightEnt = spawn( "script_model", light.origin );
                        light.lightEnt setModel( "tag_origin" );
                        playFxOnTag( level.outdoor_motion_light, light.lightEnt, "tag_origin" );
                self thread outdoor_motion_dlight_timeout( lightRig, lights, 10.0 );

            wait( 0.05 );

outdoor_motion_dlight_timeout( lightRig, lights, timeOut )
    self notify( "motion_light_timeout" );
    self endon( "motion_light_timeout" );

    wait( timeOut );

    foreach ( light in lights )
        assert( isDefined( light.lightEnt ) );
        light.lightEnt delete();

    lightRig playSound( "switch_auto_lights_off" );
    lightRig setModel( "com_two_light_fixture_off" );

    self.lightsOn = false;

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    self.moveTracker = true;

    dogOrigin = getEnt(, "targetname" );
    assertEx( isDefined( dogOrigin ), "ERROR: trigger_multiple_dog_bark with no target at " + self.origin );

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter", player );

        while ( anythingTouchingTrigger( self ) )
            maxDistMoved = 0;
            foreach ( object in self.touchList )
                if ( isDefined( object.distMoved ) && object.distMoved > maxDistMoved )
                    maxDistMoved = object.distMoved;

            if ( maxDistMoved > 6.0 )
                dogOrigin playSound( "dyn_anml_dog_bark" );
                wait( randomFloatRange( 16 / maxDistMoved, 16 / maxDistMoved + randomFloat( 1.0 ) ) );
                wait( 0.05 );

    doorEnt = getEnt(, "targetname" );
    assertEx( isDefined( doorEnt ), "ERROR: trigger_multiple_dyn_door with no door brush at " + self.origin );

    self.doorEnt = doorEnt;
    self.doorAngle = getVectorRightAngle( vectorNormalize( self getOrigin() - doorEnt getOrigin() ) );
    doorEnt.baseYaw = doorEnt.angles[ 1 ];
    openTime = 1.0;

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter", player );

        doorEnt thread doorOpen( openTime, self getDoorSide( player ) );

        if ( anythingTouchingTrigger( self ) )
            self waittill( "trigger_empty" );

        wait( 3.0 );

        if ( anythingTouchingTrigger( self ) )
            self waittill( "trigger_empty" );

        doorEnt thread doorClose( openTime );

doorOpen( openTime, doorSide )
    if ( doorSide )
        self rotateTo( ( 0, self.baseYaw + 90, 1 ), openTime, 0.1, 0.75 );
        self rotateTo( ( 0, self.baseYaw - 90, 1 ), openTime, 0.1, 0.75 );

    self playSound( "door_generic_house_open" );

    wait( openTime + 0.05 );

doorClose( openTime )
    self rotateTo( ( 0, self.baseYaw, 1 ), openTime );
    self playSound( "door_generic_house_close" );

    wait( openTime + 0.05 );

getDoorSide( player )
    return( vectorDot( self.doorAngle, vectornormalize( player.origin - self.doorEnt getOrigin() ) ) > 0 );

getVectorRightAngle( vDir )
    return( vDir[ 1 ], 0 - vDir[ 0 ], vDir[ 2 ] );

    if ( self.classname != "trigger_use_touch" )

    lights = getEntArray(, "targetname" );
    assert( lights.size );

    self.lightsOn = 1;
    foreach ( light in lights )
        light setLightIntensity( 1.5 * self.lightsOn );

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger" );

        self.lightsOn = !self.lightsOn;
        if ( self.lightsOn )
            foreach ( light in lights )
                light setLightIntensity( 1.5 );

            self playSound( "switch_auto_lights_on" );
            foreach ( light in lights )
                light setLightIntensity( 0 );

            self playSound( "switch_auto_lights_off" );


photo_copier_init( trigger )
    // self is trigger
    self.copier = get_photo_copier( trigger );
    assertex( self.copier.classname == "script_model", "Photocopier at " + trigger.origin + " doesn't target a photo copier" );

    copy_bar = getent(, "targetname" );
    assertex( copy_bar.classname == "script_brushmodel", "Photocopier at " + trigger.origin + " doesn't target a photo copier" );

    light = getent(, "targetname" );
    assertex( light.classname == "light_spot" || light.classname == "light", "Photocopier at " + trigger.origin + " doesn't have a light" );

    light.intensity = light getlightintensity();
    light setlightintensity( 0 );
    trigger.copy_bar = copy_bar;
    trigger.start_pos = copy_bar.origin;
    trigger.light = light;

    angles = self.copier.angles + ( 0, 90, 0 );
    forward = anglestoforward( angles );
    trigger.end_pos = trigger.start_pos + vector_multiply( forward, 30 );

get_photo_copier( trigger )
    if ( !isdefined( ) )
        //cant target directly to a destructible toy, so we are grabing the nearest one, since primary light requires them to be far anyway
        toys = getentarray( "destructible_toy", "targetname" );
        copier = toys[ 0 ];
        foreach ( toy in toys )
            if ( isdefined( toy.destructible_type ) && toy.destructible_type == "toy_copier" )
                if ( distance( trigger.origin, copier.origin ) > distance( trigger.origin, toy.origin ) )
                    copier = toy;
        assertex( distance( trigger.origin, copier.origin ) < 128, "Photocopier at " + trigger.origin + " doesn't contain a photo copier" );
        copier = getent(, "targetname" );
        assertex( isdefined( copier ), "Photocopier at " + trigger.origin + " doesn't target a photo copier" );
        copier setcandamage( true );
    return copier;

    self.copier endon( "FX_State_Change0" );
    self.copier endon( "death" );

    self waittill( "trigger_enter" );

    level endon( "game_ended" );
    photo_copier_init( self );

    self.copier endon( "FX_State_Change0" );    // this is when copier breaks
    self thread photo_copier_stop();            // monitor copier for quick stop

    for ( ;; )

        self playSound( "mach_copier_run" );

        if ( isdefined( self.copy_bar ) )
            reset_copier( self );
            thread photo_copier_copy_bar_goes();
            thread photo_copier_light_on();
        wait( 3 );

    level endon( "game_ended" );

    self.copier  = get_photo_copier( self );
    assertex( self.copier.classname == "script_model", "Photocopier at " + self.origin + " doesn't target or contain a photo copier" );
    self.copier endon( "FX_State_Change0" );    // this is when copier breaks

    for ( ;; )
        self playSound( "mach_copier_run" );
        wait( 3 );

// reset light and copy bar position, interruptes previous copy in progress
reset_copier( trigger )
    trigger.copy_bar moveto( trigger.start_pos, 0.2 );    // reset position
    trigger.light setlightintensity( 0 );

    self.copier notify( "bar_goes" );
    self.copier endon( "bar_goes" );
    self.copier endon( "FX_State_Change0" );
    self.copier endon( "death" );

    copy_bar = self.copy_bar;
    wait( 2.0 );
    copy_bar moveto( self.end_pos, 1.6 );
    wait( 1.8 );
    copy_bar moveto( self.start_pos, 1.6 );
    wait( 1.6 );    // wait( 13.35 );

    light = self.light;
    timer = 0.2;
    steps = timer / 0.05;

    for ( i = 0; i < steps; i++ )
        intensity = i * 0.05;
        intensity /= timer;
        intensity = 1 - ( intensity * light.intensity );
        if ( intensity > 0 )
            light setlightintensity( intensity );
        wait( 0.05 );

    self.copier notify( "light_on" );
    self.copier endon( "light_on" );
    self.copier endon( "FX_State_Change0" );
    self.copier endon( "death" );

    light = self.light;
    timer = 0.2;
    steps = timer / 0.05;

    for ( i = 0; i < steps; i++ )
        intensity = i * 0.05;
        intensity /= timer;
        light setlightintensity( intensity * light.intensity );
        wait( 0.05 );

    photo_light_flicker( light );

// stopping light and bar move on death
    self.copier waittill( "FX_State_Change0" );
    self.copier endon( "death" );

    reset_copier( self );

photo_light_flicker( light )
    // flicker
    light setlightintensity( 1 );
    wait( 0.05 );
    light setlightintensity( 0 );
    wait( 0.10 );
    light setlightintensity( 1 );
    wait( 0.05 );
    light setlightintensity( 0 );
    wait( 0.10 );
    light setlightintensity( 1 );

fan_blade_rotate( type )
    assert( isdefined( type ) );

    speed = 0;
    time = 20000;

    speed_multiplier = 1.0;
    if( isdefined( self.speed ) )
        speed_multiplier = self.speed;
    if ( type == "slow" )
        speed = randomfloatrange( 150*speed_multiplier, 360*speed_multiplier );
    else if ( type == "fast" )
        speed = randomfloatrange( 780*speed_multiplier, 1000*speed_multiplier );
        assertmsg( "Type must be fast or slow" );

    wait randomfloatrange( 0, 1 );

    fan_angles      = self.angles;
    fan_vec      = Vector_multiply( AnglesToRight( self.angles ), 100 );    // assures normalized vector is length of "1"
    fan_vec      = VectorNormalize( fan_vec );

    while ( true )
        dot_x      = abs( vectorDot( fan_vec, ( 1, 0, 0 ) ) );
        dot_y      = abs( vectorDot( fan_vec, ( 0, 1, 0 ) ) );
        dot_z      = abs( vectorDot( fan_vec, ( 0, 0, 1 ) ) );

        if ( dot_x > 0.9 )
            self rotatevelocity( ( speed, 0, 0 ), time );
        else if ( dot_y > 0.9 )
            self rotatevelocity( ( speed, 0, 0 ), time );
        else if ( dot_z > 0.9 )
            self rotatevelocity( ( 0, speed, 0 ), time );
            self rotatevelocity( ( 0, speed, 0 ), time );

        wait time;

triggerTouchThink( enterFunc, exitFunc )
    level endon( "game_ended" );

    self.entNum = self getEntityNumber();

    while ( true )
        self waittill( "trigger", player );

        if ( !isPlayer( player ) && !isDefined( player.finished_spawning ) )

        if ( !isAlive( player ) )

        if ( !isDefined( player.touchTriggers[ self.entNum ] ) )
            player thread playerTouchTriggerThink( self, enterFunc, exitFunc );

playerTouchTriggerThink( trigger, enterFunc, exitFunc )
    if ( !isPlayer( self ) )
        self endon( "death" );

    if ( !isSP() )
        touchName = self.guid;    // generate GUID
        touchName = "player" + gettime();        // generate GUID

    trigger.touchList[ touchName ] = self;
    if ( isDefined( trigger.moveTracker ) )
        self.moveTrackers++ ;

    trigger notify( "trigger_enter", self );
    self notify( "trigger_enter", trigger );

    if ( isDefined( enterFunc ) )
        self thread [[ enterFunc ]]( trigger );

    self.touchTriggers[ trigger.entNum ] = trigger;

    while ( isAlive( self ) && self isTouching( trigger ) && ( isSP() || !level.gameEnded ) )
        wait( 0.05 );

    // disconnected player will skip this code
    if ( isDefined( self ) )
        self.touchTriggers[ trigger.entNum ] = undefined;
        if ( isDefined( trigger.moveTracker ) )
            self.moveTrackers -- ;

        self notify( "trigger_leave", trigger );

        if ( isDefined( exitFunc ) )
            self thread [[ exitFunc ]]( trigger );

    if ( !isSP() && level.gameEnded )

    trigger.touchList[ touchName ] = undefined;
    trigger notify( "trigger_leave", self );

    if ( !anythingTouchingTrigger( trigger ) )
        trigger notify( "trigger_empty" );

    self endon( "disconnect" );

    if ( !isPlayer( self ) )
        self endon( "death" );

    self.moveTrackers = 0;
    self.distMoved = 0;

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "trigger_enter" );

        lastOrigin = self.origin;
        while ( self.moveTrackers )
            self.distMoved = distance( lastOrigin, self.origin );
            lastOrigin = self.origin;
            wait( 0.05 );

        self.distMoved = 0;

anythingTouchingTrigger( trigger )
    return( trigger.touchList.size );

playerTouchingTrigger( player, trigger )
    assert( isDefined( trigger.entNum ) );
    return( isDefined( player.touchTriggers[ trigger.entNum ] ) );

you are so funny xD

Why doesn't this look like a script you wrote? :O
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

(07-19-2011, 18:42)Pozzuh Wrote: Why doesn't this look like a script you wrote? :O

Because this is a very long code and was made by IW? Troll . I simply change parametres and stuff like that. This is something simple.

ok Nyan Cat
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

how to shoot the soda's out of the vending machine??

use button

the soda's are coming out the vending machine,
but they shoot not as far as in your preview?

lol Fuck yea!
[Image: 1fxsnb.jpg]

(07-19-2011, 21:29)_Smile_Man_ Wrote: yes!!
the soda's are coming out the vending machine,
but they shoot not as far as in your preview?

CONST_soda_launch_force = 5000; // soda shoot out force

Is at the beggining of the file, increase it, Big Grin

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