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Release Outdated ranked server files for MW3
please enable server logging when possible, so we can use bigbrotherbot to administrate the server, anyone know the used rcon protocoll in mw3?


Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you, however it works for me and I can join my server using these files. I will work on a fix with @Radec method.
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

(11-21-2011, 16:04)OrangePL Wrote: Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you, however it works for me and I can join my server using these files. I will work on a fix with @Radec method.
You know, you've nulled the CPU check message but you didn't stop it from breaking. I'll get my hands on your .exe and olly right now, to see which part is jumping.

(11-21-2011, 16:08)3p3r Wrote:
(11-21-2011, 16:04)OrangePL Wrote: Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you, however it works for me and I can join my server using these files. I will work on a fix with @Radec method.
You know, you've nulled the CPU check message but you didn't stop it from breaking. I'll get my hands on your .exe and olly right now, to see which part is jumping.

@Radec already did AFAIK

Updated. Thanks @Radec

(11-21-2011, 16:08)3p3r Wrote:
(11-21-2011, 16:04)OrangePL Wrote: Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you, however it works for me and I can join my server using these files. I will work on a fix with @Radec method.
You know, you've nulled the CPU check message but you didn't stop it from breaking. I'll get my hands on your .exe and olly right now, to see which part is jumping.
Buuuut, it works for me while I also had CPU problem with original exe ?
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

(11-21-2011, 16:12)OrangePL Wrote: Updated. Thanks @Radec

(11-21-2011, 16:08)3p3r Wrote:
(11-21-2011, 16:04)OrangePL Wrote: Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you, however it works for me and I can join my server using these files. I will work on a fix with @Radec method.
You know, you've nulled the CPU check message but you didn't stop it from breaking. I'll get my hands on your .exe and olly right now, to see which part is jumping.
Buuuut, it works for me while I also had CPU problem with original exe ?

You're welcome OrangePL. Smile

[Image: General_Mael_Radec.jpg]

ours is a real dedicated server with a poor cpu but your's is a normal pc.
look at these:
Search - Text strings referenced in iw5mp_server, item 2337
  Address = 004CC277
  Command = PUSH OFFSET 006ECE28
  Comments = ASCII "18 player sys_configureGHz req'd"

Search - Text strings referenced in iw5mp_server, item 2338
  Address = 004CC299
  Command = PUSH OFFSET 006ECE14
  Comments = ASCII "cpu_speed_18players"
I think if we can modify the solid value of the check, then we're good. Big Grin I'm on it.
Here is the dump of the whole block:
It's most likely a switch, just look at the ESP increasing for the check.
CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump          Command                                  Comments
004E4F90  /$  83EC 08       SUB ESP,8
004E4F93  |.  56            PUSH ESI
004E4F94  |.  57            PUSH EDI
004E4F95  |.  E8 56EB0300   CALL 00523AF0                            ; [iw5mp_server.00523AF0
004E4F9A  |.  84C0          TEST AL,AL
004E4F9C  |.  74 47         JE SHORT 004E4FE5
004E4F9E  |.  E8 8D230400   CALL 00527330
004E4FA3  |.  8BF0          MOV ESI,EAX
004E4FA5  |.  33FF          XOR EDI,EDI
004E4FA7  |.  E8 44EB0300   CALL 00523AF0                            ; [iw5mp_server.00523AF0
004E4FAC  |.  84C0          TEST AL,AL
004E4FAE  |.  74 35         JE SHORT 004E4FE5
004E4FB0  |.  53            PUSH EBX
004E4FB1  |.  8B1D EC806D00 MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.Sleep>]
004E4FB7  |>  E8 74230400   /CALL 00527330
004E4FBC  |.  33C9          |XOR ECX,ECX
004E4FBE  |.  2BC6          |SUB EAX,ESI
004E4FC0  |.  1BCF          |SBB ECX,EDI
004E4FC2  |.  85C9          |TEST ECX,ECX
004E4FC4  |.  77 1E         |JA SHORT 004E4FE4
004E4FC6  |.  72 05         |JB SHORT 004E4FCD
004E4FC8  |.  83F8 0A       |CMP EAX,0A
004E4FCB  |.  73 17         |JNB SHORT 004E4FE4
004E4FCD  |>  6A 00         |PUSH 0                                  ; /Arg1 = 0
004E4FCF  |.  E8 ECFA0300   |CALL 00524AC0                           ; \iw5mp_server.00524AC0
004E4FD4  |.  83C4 04       |ADD ESP,4
004E4FD7  |.  6A 0A         |PUSH 0A
004E4FD9  |.  FFD3          |CALL EBX
004E4FDB  |.  E8 10EB0300   |CALL 00523AF0                           ; [iw5mp_server.00523AF0
004E4FE0  |.  84C0          |TEST AL,AL
004E4FE2  |.^ 75 D3         \JNE SHORT 004E4FB7
004E4FE4  |>  5B            POP EBX
004E4FE5  |>  A1 F432FA01   MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[1FA32F4]
004E4FEA  |.  8B70 0C       MOV ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0C]
004E4FED  |.  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; /Arg1
004E4FEE  |.  E8 6DF90300   CALL 00524960                            ; \iw5mp_server.00524960
004E4FF3  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
004E4FF6  |.  84C0          TEST AL,AL
004E4FF8  |.  0F85 D6000000 JNE 004E50D4
004E4FFE  |.  E8 4DF20300   CALL 00524250                            ; [iw5mp_server.00524250
004E5003  |.  83F8 03       CMP EAX,3
004E5006  |.  75 14         JNE SHORT 004E501C
004E5008  |.  68 C4556F00   PUSH OFFSET 006F55C4                     ; ASCII "Invalid server configuration - strict NAT detected.
004E500D  |.  6A 0F         PUSH 0F
004E500F  |.  E8 8C68FEFF   CALL 004CB8A0
004E5014  |.  83C4 08       ADD ESP,8
004E5017  |.  E9 A1000000   JMP 004E50BD
004E501C  |>  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; /Arg1
004E501D  |.  E8 AE82FEFF   CALL 004CD2D0                            ; \iw5mp_server.004CD2D0
004E5022  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
004E5025  |.  8BF8          MOV EDI,EAX
004E5027  |.  E8 84E70300   CALL 005237B0
004E502C  |.  3BC7          CMP EAX,EDI
004E502E  |.  7D 3A         JGE SHORT 004E506A
004E5030  |.  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; /Arg1
004E5031  |.  E8 9A82FEFF   CALL 004CD2D0                            ; \iw5mp_server.004CD2D0
004E5036  |.  99            CDQ
004E5037  |.  81E2 FF030000 AND EDX,000003FF
004E503D  |.  03C2          ADD EAX,EDX
004E503F  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
004E5042  |.  C1F8 0A       SAR EAX,0A
004E5045  |.  50            PUSH EAX
004E5046  |.  56            PUSH ESI
004E5047  |.  E8 64E70300   CALL 005237B0
004E504C  |.  99            CDQ
004E504D  |.  81E2 FF030000 AND EDX,000003FF
004E5053  |.  03C2          ADD EAX,EDX
004E5055  |.  C1F8 0A       SAR EAX,0A
004E5058  |.  50            PUSH EAX
004E5059  |.  68 50556F00   PUSH OFFSET 006F5550                     ; ASCII "Invalid server configuration - insufficient upstream bandwidth %i kbps for %i clients. Minimum %d kbps required.
004E505E  |.  6A 0F         PUSH 0F
004E5060  |.  E8 3B68FEFF   CALL 004CB8A0
004E5065  |.  83C4 14       ADD ESP,14
004E5068  |.  EB 53         JMP SHORT 004E50BD
004E506A  |>  E8 11E70300   CALL 00523780
004E506F  |.  DD5C24 08     FSTP QWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.1]
004E5073  |.  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; /Arg1
004E5074  |.  E8 B782FEFF   CALL 004CD330                            ; \iw5mp_server.004CD330
004E5079  |.  DC5C24 0C     FCOMP QWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.1]
004E507D  |.  83C4 04       ADD ESP,4
004E5080  |.  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; /Arg1
004E5081  |.  DFE0          FSTSW AX                                 ; |
004E5083  |.  F6C4 41       TEST AH,41                               ; |
004E5086  |.  75 26         JNE SHORT 004E50AE                       ; |Taken if ST<=[ESP+0C] in preceding FCOMP at 004E5079
004E5088  |.  E8 A382FEFF   CALL 004CD330                            ; \iw5mp_server.004CD330
004E508D  |.  51            PUSH ECX
004E508E  |.  DD1C24        FSTP QWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.5]
004E5091  |.  56            PUSH ESI
004E5092  |.  E8 E9E60300   CALL 00523780
004E5097  |.  83EC 08       SUB ESP,8
004E509A  |.  DD1C24        FSTP QWORD PTR SS:[LOCAL.8]
004E509D  |.  68 D8546F00   PUSH OFFSET 006F54D8                     ; ASCII "Invalid server configuration - insufficient cpu performance %1.4f ghz for %i clients. Minimum %1.4f ghz required.
004E50A2  |.  6A 0F         PUSH 0F
004E50A4  |.  E8 F767FEFF   CALL 004CB8A0
004E50A9  |.  83C4 1C       ADD ESP,1C
004E50AC  |.  EB 0F         JMP SHORT 004E50BD
004E50AE  |>  68 A8546F00   PUSH OFFSET 006F54A8                     ; ASCII "Invalid server configuration for %d clients
004E50B3  |.  6A 0F         PUSH 0F
004E50B5  |.  E8 E667FEFF   CALL 004CB8A0
004E50BA  |.  83C4 0C       ADD ESP,0C
004E50BD  |>  68 804F4E00   PUSH 004E4F80                            ; /Arg2 = iw5mp_server.4E4F80
004E50C2  |.  6A 00         PUSH 0                                   ; |Arg1 = 0
004E50C4  |.  E8 F7A0FDFF   CALL 004BF1C0                            ; \iw5mp_server.004BF1C0
004E50C9  |.  83C4 08       ADD ESP,8
004E50CC  |.  5F            POP EDI
004E50CD  |.  32C0          XOR AL,AL
004E50CF  |.  5E            POP ESI
004E50D0  |.  83C4 08       ADD ESP,8
004E50D3  |.  C3            RETN
004E50D4  |>  5F            POP EDI
004E50D5  |.  B0 01         MOV AL,1
004E50D7  |.  5E            POP ESI
004E50D8  |.  83C4 08       ADD ESP,8
004E50DB  \.  C3            RETN
@OP: Would you please PM me the offset, I need it while I'm debugging please.
You didn't give me the offset but i fixed it for you Big Grin

.zip   RANKED1.3 (Size: 1.82 MB / Downloads: 56)

Hi all,

I had just been on one of your XP server. But after a kill, I was lvl 80th

Is it possible that somebody edit the file server so that it gets about 50,000 XP per kill?

Sry for my bad Englisch, but Im from France!


Fixed already few hours ago, thanks to @Radec , no idea why it didn't work for you.
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

^^ Has nobody an idea for my Problem? Because I want lvl up only max. 10 lvls!

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