I was only able to mod now on aIW, but since it fell down I cant continue with this thing, is unfinished but working, has some basic things, I was going to add much more, but I had no time. The code is really improovable and customizable. This works like PowerPoint, you click left mouse and you jump to the next slide, you can add images, title and text. I was going to add background options, sliding effects and different fonts or bold.
You can use the example I used when testing it, you will have to change it to what you want:
This is how you have to setup CreateSlider();
I hope it has helped to those people who are still modding the game or modding other CODs. If I continue in MW2 Ill move to SP, but I think Ill need a new key.
I was only able to mod now on aIW, but since it fell down I cant continue with this thing, is unfinished but working, has some basic things, I was going to add much more, but I had no time. The code is really improovable and customizable. This works like PowerPoint, you click left mouse and you jump to the next slide, you can add images, title and text. I was going to add background options, sliding effects and different fonts or bold.
You can use the example I used when testing it, you will have to change it to what you want:
self thread PowerPoint( "white", ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ) );
PowerPoint( background, color, border, bcolor)
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "nextone", "+attack" );
self.slides = [];
self.background = createIcon( background, 300, 300 );
self.background.alpha = 1;
self.background.foreground = false;
self.background.color = color;
self.background setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
if( isdefined( border ) )
self.border = createIcon( border, 440, 440 );
self.border.alpha = 1;
self.border.foreground = false;
self.border.color = bcolor;
self.border setPoint( "", "", 0, 0 );
CreateSlider( "PowerComa", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "Second Slide", FixString( "This is Powerpoint test by Yamato from itsmods, I hope you like this project, is a new mod concept based on microsoft office powerpoint, it works with slides and effects." ), "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, "weapon_onemanarmy", 120, 60, ( 1, 0, 0), ( 1, 0.5, 0 ) );
CreateSlider( "Random", FixString( "I luv OMA a lot" ) );
CreateSlider( "World War 2", FixString( "WW2 begun on 1st September 1939 after the german attack on Dantzig, 2 days later Great Britain and France declared the war to Germany." ) , "weapon_onemanarmy", 30, 15 );
for( i = 0; i <= self.slides.size; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( self.title ) )
if( i == 0 )
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 4 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -30 );
} else {
self.title = self createFontString( "default", 2 );
self.title setPoint( "", "", 0, -142 );
self.title.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glow;
self.title.glowalpha = 1;
self.title.foreground = true;
self.title setText( self.slides[i].title );
if( !isdefined( self.text ) )
self.text = self createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
self.text setPoint( "", "", 0, -90 );
self.text.foreground = true;
self.text.glowcolor = self.slides[i].glowt;
self.text.glowalpha = 1;
self.text setText( self.slides[i].text );
if( !isdefined( self.image ) )
self.image = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image, self.slides[i].imagew, self.slides[i].imageh );
self.image setPoint( "", "", -75, 110 );
self.image.foreground = true;
if( !isdefined( self.image2 ) )
self.image2 = self createIcon( self.slides[i].image2, self.slides[i].imagew2, self.slides[i].imageh2 );
self.image2 setPoint( "", "", 75, 110 );
self.image2.foreground = true;
self waittill( "nextone" );
wait ( 2 );
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.image destroy();
self.image2 destroy();
self.text destroy();
self.title destroy();
self.background destroy();
self.border destroy();
FixString( text )
string = " " + text[0];
for( i = 1; i <= 320; i ++ )
if( !isdefined( text[i] ) )
string += text[i];
if( ! isFloat( string.size / 40 ) && string.size > 10 )
string = string + "\n";
return ( string + " " );
CreateSlider( title, text, image, imagew, imageh, image2, imagew2, imageh2, glow, glowt )
i = self.slides.size;
self.slides[i] = spawnstruct();
if( isdefined( title ) )
self.slides[i].title = title;
if( isdefined( text ) )
self.slides[i].text = text;
if( isdefined( image ) )
self.slides[i].image = image;
if( isdefined( imagew ) )
self.slides[i].imagew = imagew;
if( isdefined( imageh ) )
self.slides[i].imageh = imageh;
if( isdefined( image2 ) )
self.slides[i].image2 = image2;
if( isdefined( imagew2 ) )
self.slides[i].imagew2 = imagew2;
if( isdefined( imageh2 ) )
self.slides[i].imageh2 = imageh2;
if( isdefined( glow ) )
self.slides[i].glow = glow;
if( isdefined( glowt ) )
self.slides[i].glowt = glowt;
This is how you have to setup CreateSlider();
CreateSlider( slider title, slider text, image, image width, image height, image2, image width 2, image height 2, title font glow, text font glow );
I hope it has helped to those people who are still modding the game or modding other CODs. If I continue in MW2 Ill move to SP, but I think Ill need a new key.