07-13-2012, 15:08
This plugin shows a player's K/D under the minimap. It also provides an example on how to use HudElementTypes.Value and how to show a HudElement to a single entity.
Example how it will look like:
![[Image: A2A302E3CF2ABC3E08C48074B7DF738BDA8DB4D0]](http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578961482036032857/A2A302E3CF2ABC3E08C48074B7DF738BDA8DB4D0/)
If the K/D is < 1 the text will be red, else it's green (as in the screenshot).
Thanks to @"jaydi", @Cyanide and GT.Under for testing.
Source code:
Example how it will look like:
If the K/D is < 1 the text will be red, else it's green (as in the screenshot).
Thanks to @"jaydi", @Cyanide and GT.Under for testing.
Source code:
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Text;
- using Addon;
- namespace KDRatio
- {
- public class Class1 : CPlugin
- {
- //Store ClientNum and HudElementNum in dictionary
- public override void OnServerLoad()
- {
- ServerPrint("\n K/D Ratio Plugin loaded \n Author: zxz0O0 \n Thanks to Nukem, Jariz and Pozzuh\n");
- ServerPrint(" youtube.com/zxz0O0 \n itsmods.com\n");
- }
- public override void OnPlayerConnect(ServerClient Client)
- {
- int HudElemNum = CreateKDHud(Client.ClientNum);
- //Add client and it's kd hudelement to the list
- if (Client_HudElem.ContainsKey(Client.ClientNum))
- Client_HudElem[Client.ClientNum] = HudElemNum;
- else
- Client_HudElem.Add(Client.ClientNum, HudElemNum);
- }
- public override void OnPlayerDisconnect(ServerClient Client)
- {
- if(Client_HudElem.ContainsKey(Client.ClientNum))
- {
- //Get client's k/d hudelement
- HudElem kd = GetHudElement(Client_HudElem[Client.ClientNum]);
- //Setting hudelement's type to None 'deletes' it AFAIK
- kd.Type = HudElementTypes.None;
- //Remove entry from Dictionary
- Client_HudElem.Remove(Client.ClientNum);
- }
- }
- public override int OnPlayerDamaged(ServerClient Attacker, ServerClient Victim, string Weapon, int Damage)
- {
- //If kill
- if (Damage >= Victim.Other.Health)
- {
- //Update victim's value
- if (Client_HudElem.ContainsKey(Victim.ClientNum))
- {
- HudElem victim = GetHudElement(Client_HudElem[Victim.ClientNum]);
- //victim.Value = (float)Victim.Stats.Kills / (Victim.Stats.Deaths + 1);
- victim.Value = (float)Math.Round((double)Victim.Stats.Kills / (Victim.Stats.Deaths + 1), 2);
- if (victim.Value < 1)
- {
- //Make it red
- victim.Color.R = 255;
- victim.Color.G = 0;
- victim.Color.B = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- //Make green
- victim.Color.R = 0;
- victim.Color.G = 255;
- victim.Color.B = 0;
- }
- }
- //Don't do it when victim is attacker
- if (Victim.ClientNum != Attacker.ClientNum)
- {
- //Update attacker's value
- if (Client_HudElem.ContainsKey(Attacker.ClientNum))
- {
- HudElem attacker = GetHudElement(Client_HudElem[Attacker.ClientNum]);
- //Don't divide by zero :O
- if (Attacker.Stats.Deaths == 0)
- attacker.Value = Attacker.Stats.Kills + 1;
- else
- attacker.Value = (float)(Math.Round((double)(Attacker.Stats.Kills + 1) / Attacker.Stats.Deaths, 2));
- if (attacker.Value < 1)
- {
- //Make it red
- attacker.Color.R = 255;
- attacker.Color.G = 0;
- attacker.Color.B = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- //Make green
- attacker.Color.R = 0;
- attacker.Color.G = 255;
- attacker.Color.B = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return Damage;
- }
- private int CreateKDHud(int ClientNum)
- {
- //Create a simply 'empty' HudElement
- HudElem hud = CreateNewHudElem();
- //Make the HudElement Value
- hud.Type = HudElementTypes.Value;
- //Show the HudElement only to the Client
- hud.ShowToEnt = ClientNum;
- //HudElement hides when player is in menu
- hud.HideInMenu = true;
- //Set font and fontscale, default is the best looking in my opinion
- hud.Font = HudElementFonts.Default;
- hud.FontScale = 1.6f;
- /* The origin is relative from this point. I did not find out yet how the point type works correctly
- * Just try a bit yourself and find the perfect point
- * You can also let this value 0 then the 'start point' will be right to the radar */
- hud.PointType = 81;
- //Set the relative origin
- hud.OriginY = 70f;
- hud.OriginX = 10f;
- //Set the label to the HudElement
- hud.SetLabel("K/D Ratio: ");
- hud.Value = 0f;
- return hud.HudElementNum;
- }
- }
- }
![[Image: azuw.jpg]](http://imageshack.us/a/img29/2668/azuw.jpg)