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Release xKMod LIVE v1.1 - Final Release | Competitive Mod
(07-11-2011, 17:54)Amoc_ns0 Wrote: You guys sucks so hard,

I guess the only Reason why you dont stop to flame is, you think youre high or something else, you get pwnd in pcw cause youre to low, and then login to itsmods and flame the xkmod.


Xerok, you did a great job yet. You have to distingushin between serious feedback and mindless flames. Just take a closer look into cod4 promod, the weapon damage is great and everybody loves it.

lets see when u got killed by 2 bullets across the map in ure feet Wink i think the option i suggested is the best, but i can settle with xeroks latest option and just so u know not everyone is flaming most are just giving feedback

(07-11-2011, 17:58)zlol Wrote:
(07-11-2011, 17:54)Amoc_ns0 Wrote: You guys sucks so hard,

I guess the only Reason why you dont stop to flame is, you think youre high or something else, you get pwnd in pcw cause youre to low, and then login to itsmods and flame the xkmod.


Xerok, you did a great job yet. You have to distingushin between serious feedback and mindless flames. Just take a closer look into cod4 promod, the weapon damage is great and everybody loves it.

lets see when u got killed by 2 bullets across the map in ure feet Wink i think the option i suggested is the best, but i can settle with xeroks latest option and just so u know not everyone is flaming most are just giving feedback

Did you take a closer look into your log or why are you so sure that it was the feet?

Quote:I agree with the first part but with almost none of ure ps's,
ps1: red dots and red crosshairs should stay,
ps2: if its an easy fix it could be done, all though this bug can easily be checked through democlient incase of suspicion and i totally agree with the limbs through walls floors thingy should be looked into
and ps3: didnt even noticed it changed so its useless imo
and stakeout shouldn't have the delay or it has to be replaced with spas but with less ammo in the mag

r_znear is associated with players clipping through walls as well as peeking through walls if my knowledge servers me right. Also why do you think that the red dots and crosshairs should stay? Imagine if a player looked at a corner and a little blip of an enemys head were there but he only noticed it cuz his crosshair turned red, that's the kind of situation I would want to avoid by granting removal of red crosshairs. Also red dots on radar are just stupid, a player shouldn't be given the exact position of an enemy because simply because they fire once, and besides this would just encourage usage of sound. Another idea i had were to use the setperk function and add lightweight for all players onspawn so that there's nobody wearing ghillie suits and hiding in bushes (you could just set the lightweight speed multiplier to 1 to make it have no effect on movement speed). Finally replacing the stakeout with the spas would be a very bad idea since people would just spray it like mad.

(07-11-2011, 18:16)Pyroh Wrote: r_znear is associated with players clipping through walls as well as peeking through walls if my knowledge servers me right. Also why do you think that the red dots and crosshairs should stay? Imagine if a player looked at a corner and a little blip of an enemys head were there but he only noticed it cuz his crosshair turned red, that's the kind of situation I would want to avoid by granting removal of red crosshairs. Also red dots on radar are just stupid, a player shouldn't be given the exact position of an enemy because simply because they fire once, and besides this would just encourage usage of sound. Another idea i had were to use the setperk function and add lightweight for all players onspawn so that there's nobody wearing ghillie suits and hiding in bushes (you could just set the lightweight speed multiplier to 1 to make it have no effect on movement speed). Finally replacing the stakeout with the spas would be a very bad idea since people would just spray it like mad.

Red dots should stay so people so people have to think before shooting,
red crosshair tbh i dont rlly care cause i havent seen an advantage or disadvantage, i leave this to the majority xD
and as u said people have to relly more on sound when red dots are removed but u have ninja pro when someone is crouching or adsing so u can practically do anything except shooting and no one will hear u, if it was normal ninja aka 75% less sound then i would probly agree to remove the red dots
and finally whats the difference between a stakeout without reload time as u suggested and a spas with less ammo in the mag as i suggested?

And to the guy that has nothing better to do u flaming flamers is as good as flamers flaming the mod not gonna wast a word more on u Smile

I didnt mean in my 1st post that u need 4 headshots for kill.
Head 2
Neck 2
other 3-4
and to u flamers: im not sick, indeed, u guys have to deal with a FAIR mod not only for u advantage...... its a normal human way that ppl who are not as strong as other ppl get more help, in any way of life, why it should be different in a game....
YEA Support the high skillers so the low guys can go play in a sandbox.... sry FAIL!!!

XeroK nice mod its very good and will be perfect if u balance the damage a bit

hi I have a problem and that I can choose between the public and not xkmode mymatch change have changed everything in the comp I eas wolter gesaved and uploaded to server but nothing is not public does not mymatcht not comp, etc.
can someone help me
I also tried it ingame
e.g. rcon comp xk_mode xk_mode public
mymatch or nothing works

even if I invite one of three league configs happens almost nothing at all.
I alternate in the cfg hc one and resync and restart it loads only softcore
I alternate one nothing happens, the time limit will remain at 2.5 min

and ingame bug
bomb sound stops after 1.2 seconds to tick on the planned
sry that I write so much

Any help getting this thing loaded to a unranked server ?????? i've loaded it 15times and the mod doesn't load and it's just tdm on array . it's fucking stupid...........................................

(07-11-2011, 21:20)WalterWhite Wrote: Any help getting this thing loaded to a unranked server ?????? i've loaded it 15times and the mod doesn't load and it's just tdm on array . it's fucking stupid...........................................

make exactly this and it works

(07-11-2011, 19:48)zlol Wrote:
(07-11-2011, 18:16)Pyroh Wrote: r_znear is associated with players clipping through walls as well as peeking through walls if my knowledge servers me right. Also why do you think that the red dots and crosshairs should stay? Imagine if a player looked at a corner and a little blip of an enemys head were there but he only noticed it cuz his crosshair turned red, that's the kind of situation I would want to avoid by granting removal of red crosshairs. Also red dots on radar are just stupid, a player shouldn't be given the exact position of an enemy because simply because they fire once, and besides this would just encourage usage of sound. Another idea i had were to use the setperk function and add lightweight for all players onspawn so that there's nobody wearing ghillie suits and hiding in bushes (you could just set the lightweight speed multiplier to 1 to make it have no effect on movement speed). Finally replacing the stakeout with the spas would be a very bad idea since people would just spray it like mad.

Red dots should stay so people so people have to think before shooting,
red crosshair tbh i dont rlly care cause i havent seen an advantage or disadvantage, i leave this to the majority xD
and as u said people have to relly more on sound when red dots are removed but u have ninja pro when someone is crouching or adsing so u can practically do anything except shooting and no one will hear u, if it was normal ninja aka 75% less sound then i would probly agree to remove the red dots
and finally whats the difference between a stakeout without reload time as u suggested and a spas with less ammo in the mag as i suggested?

And to the guy that has nothing better to do u flaming flamers is as good as flamers flaming the mod not gonna wast a word more on u Smile

Well because the spas fires very fast and does just as much damage as a stakeout, thus being overpowered. Although having both of the shotguns available would be fair, if the spas only had 4 bullets in the mag and the stakeout 6 bullets with the delay removed.

(07-11-2011, 20:36)Kanesommer Wrote: hi I have a problem and that I can choose between the public and not xkmode mymatch change have changed everything in the comp I eas wolter gesaved and uploaded to server but nothing is not public does not mymatcht not comp, etc.
can someone help me
I also tried it ingame
e.g. rcon comp xk_mode xk_mode public
mymatch or nothing works


Right format is

/rcon xk_mode "the mode you want"

for the custom comp mode it would be /rcon xk_mode mymatch

(07-11-2011, 17:32)Pyroh Wrote: imo it's not the weapons that need changing, it's the hitboxes. The sniper tags a lot more in xkmod than it does in promod not due to damage since they do about the same, but due to the hitboxes being placed oddly, e.g. the lower torso and upper torso hitbox are relatively small compared to the limbs as many times if you shoot the lower chest it counts as a leg tag as an upper chest shot sometimes counts as an arm or neck tag. It'd be good to keep the weapon damage as it is, since it makes the gameplay more fast paced and rewards the player with the better reflexes. One more thing is that the sunlight option in the multiplayer settings is relatively unecessary since you have to change it almost every map just to make it look right. Finally, the maxpackets and maxfps should be completely adjustable within a range of say 60-100 for maxpackets to prevent lag and 40-250 for maxfps since 333 provides an enormous boost in player speed. The range could be 40-125 to make it so players are on a more even playing field, although people with 120hz+ monitors (e.g. a 150-200hz crt) would be disatisfied so it'd be best to just cap it at 250. Another idea I had would be to make the mantle key a seperate key as many people including myself die when climbing objects. Additionally thanks to a recent patch by treyarch when using ninja no noise is made when dropping, and since you enable silent footsteps with the setperk function i'd recommend disabling the silent drop. ANOTHER idea (lol), would be to remove nade throwback (should be relatively simple and increase the nade indicator radius to that of the actual kill radius. The nade pickup should be disabled since nades are supposed to prevent people rushing certain routes and helping teams push bomb sites and it wouldn't be fair if someone could just pick it up and toss it back. Anyways 1 more thing, in order to keep people on an even playing field g_smoothclients and g_antilag should be forced to 1 so everyone is experiencing relatively the same ammount of interpolation (although g_antilag should be set to 0 in lan mode just like in promod).

Well that's just my opinion on it, great job on the mod so far Big Grin (p.s. r_normalmap should be adjustable as fovscale is currently)

p.s. x2: Two more ideas I have are to remove the red dots on radar for obvious reasons and have it so that bodies dissapear after you kill them (in css many people have this in their configs) as some people hide inside dead bodies which is dumb lol. Additionally, the supposedly disabled red crosshairs are enabled as of the last time I checked (not on a dedi) and another good idea would be to make it so waypointiconheight have to equal waypointiconwidth as compassplayerheight should equal compassplayerwidth since some people have it so that they are lines making it very easy to nade specific spots. FINARRY, a friend told me that nades we're coded to roll towards people, now I'm not completely sure that this is true but who knows.

p.s. x3: (yes i know this is getting excessive lol) Another issue which affects competetive play is when people clip through walls. There are multiple spots I know of in which you can lean into the wall and see choke spots or objectives. I believe this is fixable by changing r_znear to a specific value but I don't know which. A bunch of these mods set it to 3 although there's still noticeable clipping (like in top wood on firingrange at certain areas players in bottom wood can see the top wood players feet) so you could try setting r_znear to 0.001 to correct this, although that value might not work since i'm not too familiar with the whole r_znear and r_zfar commands.

p.s. x4: (lololol) I'm aware that you set g_speed to 196 because it was used in cod4 promod, but is there any reason that it's used other than the fact that it was in cod4 promod? cod4 promod is a fantastic mod but just because it worked well in cod4 doesn't mean that it will work well in BO. And besides the change is so minor why implement it at all?

-PYRONE Big Grin

(also stakeout doesn't need that weird delay where you can't shoot it, it only has 4 rounds and is relatively balanced anyways.)

That was long but I read all of it lol.

1. Hit boxes: Shouldn't be too hard to modify, I'll see what I can do
2. Sunlight option in the advanced menu was put there for people that might want to change it, it has been unforced on every round in the 2.7 version
3. Max FPS limit already is 250, I might change the minimal value, max packets' range might also increase
4. I'm not sure key separation for auto-climbing is possible
5. I've been struggling with the silent landing since 1.5, it has to be a way to disable footsteps within sound files and not adding the ninja perk to the player, wait for a modtools update
6. Grenades can no longer be thrown back in 2.7; Radius change might be possible
7. g_smoothclients and g_antilag are both forced to 1
8. When r_normalmap is set to 1 FPS drop, I don't think that'll be changed
9. I don't really see the "obvious reasons" for the red dots, they appear when an enemy shoots, and it always has been that way.
10. We'll have to discuss about bodies. I personally think it's a plus to the competitive aspect since you sometimes shoot a body thinking it's an enemy who's proning
11. I'll re-check red crosshair
12. Players can change waypoint/compassplayer sizes within their config_mp, it's up to them
13. Never heard about nades being coded to do that
14. I've never changed z_near since the beginning of the mod, thanks for telling me, I'll see what I can do
15. I personally believe g_speed set to 196 adds a little speed to the game which extremely slow
16. I have to admit I haven't tested the Stakeout at all, I forgot to, I'll play a couple games with it and tell you what I think

Thank you for your time Pyroh, as usual.

In other news, 2.7 is approaching really fast, it might appear tomorrow, who knows.

Also, french people might want to read this:

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