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Release xXx Aimbot xXx
Hello, OMA

Here is a small script I made today(the Aimbot() one, the other one I made it some time ago, not today). I made it to satisfy @raminr63 code request.

What it does?:

- No recoil and no spread on weapon while aiming with sights.
- When you click right mouse button it will aim the closest player in your Field of View(so, no auto 180 headshots).
- Detects Riot Shields.
- The player must be visible(with some thin walls it can fails).
- Aims more or less smoothly the players head(sometimes is not 100% accurate)

    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    target = undefined;
    self setSpreadOverride( 0 );
    self player_recoilScaleOn( 0 );
        target = self getClosestPlayer();
        if ( self AdsButtonPressed() )
            angulation = VectorToAngles( target getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) - self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) );
            firstangles = ( ( angulation[0] - self.angles[0] ) / 3, ( ( angulation[1] + self.angles[1] + 720 ) / 2 ) - 360, 0 );
            self setPlayerAngles( abs( ( firstangles[0], firstangles[1], 0 ) ) );    
            wait 0.05;    
            self setPlayerAngles( ( angulation[0], angulation[1], 0 ) );
            if ( target getCurrentWeapon() == "riotshield_mp" && self AttackButtonPressed() )
                MagicBullet( self getCurrentWeapon(), target.origin + ( 0, 0, 40 ), target.origin, self );
    wait 0.05;

    ptarget = undefined;
    shortest = undefined;
      for ( index = 0; index < level.players.size; index++ )
        player = level.players[index];
        if ( player.sessionstate != "playing" )
        if( !bulletTracePassed( self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), player getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) + ( 0, 0, 40 ), false, self ) )
        if( !isAlive( player ) )
        if ( VectorDot( anglesToForward( self.angles ), VectorNormalize( player.origin - self.origin ) ) <= 0.766 )
        if ( player.pers["team"] != self.pers["team"] )
            if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < 99999999999999 )
                if ( !isDefined( shortest ) )
                    ptarget = player;
                    shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                    if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < shortest )
                        shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                        ptarget = player;
    return ptarget;

If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading

(01-12-2012, 17:57)Yamato Wrote: Hello, OMA

Here is a small script I made today(the Aimbot() one, the other one I made it some time ago, not today). I made it to satisfy @raminr63 code request.

What it does?:

- No recoil and no spread on weapon while aiming with sights.
- When you click right mouse button it will aim the closest player in your Field of View(so, no auto 180 headshots).
- Detects Riot Shields.
- The player must be visible(with some thin walls it can fails).
- Aims more or less smoothly the players head(sometimes is not 100% accurate)


If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading

Looks good, could use some optimizations though.

ex. Replace
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]


I like more the distance function, is the one I use in most of my codes. Wink

When I saw the thread title I was like 'Yay another thread that I can delete'
But sadly, no.
Anyway, GJ

(01-12-2012, 19:20)jariz Wrote: When I saw the thread title I was like 'Yay another thread that I can delete'
But sadly, no.
Anyway, GJ

[Image: MaEIQ.png]

I like using my mod powers Smile
is that illegal?

Quote:If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading

Thanks Yamato , OMA
i love you man. good work.
Yamato is it possible to use randomly AimBone because it's use only j_head !!

my means such as this cod: ( you know better than me Big Grin)

---> gettagorigin(self.AimBone[self.PickedNum])

self thread AimBonerArray();

    self endon("death");
    self.AimBone= [];
    self.AimBone[0] = "tag_origin";
    self.AimBone[1] = "j_mainroot";
    self.AimBone[2] = "pelvis";
    self.AimBone[3] = "j_hip_le";
    self.AimBone[4] = "j_hip_ri";
    self.AimBone[5] = "torso_stabilizer";
    self.AimBone[6] = "j_chin_skinroll";
    self.AimBone[7] = "back_low";
    self.AimBone[8] = "j_knee_le";
    self.AimBone[9] = "j_knee_ri";
    self.AimBone[10] = "back_mid";
    self.AimBone[11] = "j_ankle_le";
    self.AimBone[12] = "j_ankle_ri";
    self.AimBone[13] = "j_ball_le";
    self.AimBone[14] = "j_ball_ri";
    self.AimBone[15] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[16] = "j_clavicle_le";
    self.AimBone[17] = "j_clavicle_ri";
    self.AimBone[18] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[19] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[20] = "j_shoulder_le";
    self.AimBone[21] = "j_shoulder_ri";
    self.AimBone[22] = "j_elbow_bulge_le";
    self.AimBone[23] = "j_elbow_bulge_ri";
    self.AimBone[24] = "j_elbow_le";
    self.AimBone[25] = "j_elbow_ri";
    self.AimBone[26] = "j_shouldertwist_le";
    self.AimBone[27] = "j_shouldertwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[28] = "j_wrist_le";
    self.AimBone[29] = "j_wrist_ri";
    self.AimBone[30] = "j_wristtwist_le";
    self.AimBone[31] = "j_wristtwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[32] = "j_index_le_1";
    self.AimBone[33] = "j_index_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[34] = "j_mid_le_1";
    self.AimBone[35] = "j_mid_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[36] = "j_pinky_le_1";
    self.AimBone[37] = "j_pinky_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[38] = "j_ring_le_1";
    self.AimBone[39] = "j_ring_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[40] = "j_thumb_le_1";
    self.AimBone[41] = "j_thumb_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[42] = "tag_weapon_left";
    self.AimBone[43] = "tag_weapon_right";
    self.AimBone[44] = "j_index_le_2";
    self.AimBone[45] = "j_index_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[46] = "j_mid_le_2";
    self.AimBone[47] = "j_mid_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[48] = "j_pinky_le_2";
    self.AimBone[49] = "j_pinky_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[50] = "j_ring_le_2";
    self.AimBone[51] = "j_ring_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[52] = "j_thumb_le_2";
    self.AimBone[53] = "j_thumb_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[54] = "j_index_le_3";
    self.AimBone[55] = "j_index_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[56] = "j_mid_le_3";
    self.AimBone[57] = "j_mid_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[58] = "j_pinky_le_3";
    self.AimBone[59] = "j_pinky_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[60] = "j_ring_le_3";
    self.AimBone[61] = "j_ring_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[62] = "j_thumb_le_3";
    self.AimBone[63] = "j_thumb_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[64] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[65] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[66] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[67] = "j_cheek_le";
    self.AimBone[68] = "j_cheek_ri";
    self.AimBone[69] = "j_head_end";
    self.AimBone[70] = "j_jaw";
    self.AimBone[71] = "j_levator_le";
    self.AimBone[72] = "j_levator_ri";
    self.AimBone[73] = "j_lip_top_le";
    self.AimBone[74] = "j_lip_top_ri";
    self.AimBone[75] = "j_mouth_le";
    self.AimBone[76] = "j_mouth_ri";
    self.AimBone[77] = "tag_eye";


(01-12-2012, 20:22)raminr63 Wrote:
Quote:If you like it, I think I can improve it, for any suggestion tell him -> OMA

Thanks for reading

Thanks Yamato , OMA
i love you man. good work.
Yamato is it possible to use randomly AimBone because it's use only j_head !!

my means such as this cod: ( you know better than me Big Grin)

---> gettagorigin(self.AimBone[self.PickedNum])

self thread AimBonerArray();

    self endon("death");
    self.AimBone= [];
    self.AimBone[0] = "tag_origin";
    self.AimBone[1] = "j_mainroot";
    self.AimBone[2] = "pelvis";
    self.AimBone[3] = "j_hip_le";
    self.AimBone[4] = "j_hip_ri";
    self.AimBone[5] = "torso_stabilizer";
    self.AimBone[6] = "j_chin_skinroll";
    self.AimBone[7] = "back_low";
    self.AimBone[8] = "j_knee_le";
    self.AimBone[9] = "j_knee_ri";
    self.AimBone[10] = "back_mid";
    self.AimBone[11] = "j_ankle_le";
    self.AimBone[12] = "j_ankle_ri";
    self.AimBone[13] = "j_ball_le";
    self.AimBone[14] = "j_ball_ri";
    self.AimBone[15] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[16] = "j_clavicle_le";
    self.AimBone[17] = "j_clavicle_ri";
    self.AimBone[18] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[19] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[20] = "j_shoulder_le";
    self.AimBone[21] = "j_shoulder_ri";
    self.AimBone[22] = "j_elbow_bulge_le";
    self.AimBone[23] = "j_elbow_bulge_ri";
    self.AimBone[24] = "j_elbow_le";
    self.AimBone[25] = "j_elbow_ri";
    self.AimBone[26] = "j_shouldertwist_le";
    self.AimBone[27] = "j_shouldertwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[28] = "j_wrist_le";
    self.AimBone[29] = "j_wrist_ri";
    self.AimBone[30] = "j_wristtwist_le";
    self.AimBone[31] = "j_wristtwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[32] = "j_index_le_1";
    self.AimBone[33] = "j_index_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[34] = "j_mid_le_1";
    self.AimBone[35] = "j_mid_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[36] = "j_pinky_le_1";
    self.AimBone[37] = "j_pinky_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[38] = "j_ring_le_1";
    self.AimBone[39] = "j_ring_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[40] = "j_thumb_le_1";
    self.AimBone[41] = "j_thumb_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[42] = "tag_weapon_left";
    self.AimBone[43] = "tag_weapon_right";
    self.AimBone[44] = "j_index_le_2";
    self.AimBone[45] = "j_index_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[46] = "j_mid_le_2";
    self.AimBone[47] = "j_mid_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[48] = "j_pinky_le_2";
    self.AimBone[49] = "j_pinky_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[50] = "j_ring_le_2";
    self.AimBone[51] = "j_ring_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[52] = "j_thumb_le_2";
    self.AimBone[53] = "j_thumb_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[54] = "j_index_le_3";
    self.AimBone[55] = "j_index_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[56] = "j_mid_le_3";
    self.AimBone[57] = "j_mid_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[58] = "j_pinky_le_3";
    self.AimBone[59] = "j_pinky_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[60] = "j_ring_le_3";
    self.AimBone[61] = "j_ring_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[62] = "j_thumb_le_3";
    self.AimBone[63] = "j_thumb_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[64] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[65] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[66] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[67] = "j_cheek_le";
    self.AimBone[68] = "j_cheek_ri";
    self.AimBone[69] = "j_head_end";
    self.AimBone[70] = "j_jaw";
    self.AimBone[71] = "j_levator_le";
    self.AimBone[72] = "j_levator_ri";
    self.AimBone[73] = "j_lip_top_le";
    self.AimBone[74] = "j_lip_top_ri";
    self.AimBone[75] = "j_mouth_le";
    self.AimBone[76] = "j_mouth_ri";
    self.AimBone[77] = "tag_eye";


Here you go, it will shot random tags:

    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    target = undefined;
    self setSpreadOverride( 0 );
    self player_recoilScaleOn( 0 );
    self.AimBone= [];
    self.AimBone[0] = "tag_origin";
    self.AimBone[1] = "j_mainroot";
    self.AimBone[2] = "pelvis";
    self.AimBone[3] = "j_hip_le";
    self.AimBone[4] = "j_hip_ri";
    self.AimBone[5] = "torso_stabilizer";
    self.AimBone[6] = "j_chin_skinroll";
    self.AimBone[7] = "back_low";
    self.AimBone[8] = "j_knee_le";
    self.AimBone[9] = "j_knee_ri";
    self.AimBone[10] = "back_mid";
    self.AimBone[11] = "j_ankle_le";
    self.AimBone[12] = "j_ankle_ri";
    self.AimBone[13] = "j_ball_le";
    self.AimBone[14] = "j_ball_ri";
    self.AimBone[15] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[16] = "j_clavicle_le";
    self.AimBone[17] = "j_clavicle_ri";
    self.AimBone[18] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[19] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[20] = "j_shoulder_le";
    self.AimBone[21] = "j_shoulder_ri";
    self.AimBone[22] = "j_elbow_bulge_le";
    self.AimBone[23] = "j_elbow_bulge_ri";
    self.AimBone[24] = "j_elbow_le";
    self.AimBone[25] = "j_elbow_ri";
    self.AimBone[26] = "j_shouldertwist_le";
    self.AimBone[27] = "j_shouldertwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[28] = "j_wrist_le";
    self.AimBone[29] = "j_wrist_ri";
    self.AimBone[30] = "j_wristtwist_le";
    self.AimBone[31] = "j_wristtwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[32] = "j_index_le_1";
    self.AimBone[33] = "j_index_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[34] = "j_mid_le_1";
    self.AimBone[35] = "j_mid_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[36] = "j_pinky_le_1";
    self.AimBone[37] = "j_pinky_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[38] = "j_ring_le_1";
    self.AimBone[39] = "j_ring_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[40] = "j_thumb_le_1";
    self.AimBone[41] = "j_thumb_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[42] = "tag_weapon_left";
    self.AimBone[43] = "tag_weapon_right";
    self.AimBone[44] = "j_index_le_2";
    self.AimBone[45] = "j_index_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[46] = "j_mid_le_2";
    self.AimBone[47] = "j_mid_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[48] = "j_pinky_le_2";
    self.AimBone[49] = "j_pinky_ri_2";    
    self.AimBone[50] = "j_ring_le_2";
    self.AimBone[51] = "j_ring_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[52] = "j_thumb_le_2";
    self.AimBone[53] = "j_thumb_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[54] = "j_index_le_3";
    self.AimBone[55] = "j_index_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[56] = "j_mid_le_3";
    self.AimBone[57] = "j_mid_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[58] = "j_pinky_le_3";
    self.AimBone[59] = "j_pinky_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[60] = "j_ring_le_3";
    self.AimBone[61] = "j_ring_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[62] = "j_thumb_le_3";
    self.AimBone[63] = "j_thumb_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[64] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[65] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[66] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[67] = "j_cheek_le";
    self.AimBone[68] = "j_cheek_ri";
    self.AimBone[69] = "j_head_end";
    self.AimBone[70] = "j_jaw";
    self.AimBone[71] = "j_levator_le";
    self.AimBone[72] = "j_levator_ri";
    self.AimBone[73] = "j_lip_top_le";
    self.AimBone[74] = "j_lip_top_ri";
    self.AimBone[75] = "j_mouth_le";
    self.AimBone[76] = "j_mouth_ri";
    self.AimBone[77] = "tag_eye";
        target = self getClosestPlayer();
        if ( self AdsButtonPressed() )
            angulation = VectorToAngles( target getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) - self getTagOrigin( self.AimBone[ RandomInt( self.AimBone.size ) ] ) );
            firstangles = ( ( angulation[0] - self.angles[0] ) / 3, ( ( angulation[1] + self.angles[1] + 720 ) / 2 ) - 360, 0 );
            self setPlayerAngles( abs( ( firstangles[0], firstangles[1], 0 ) ) );    
            wait 0.05;    
            self setPlayerAngles( ( angulation[0], angulation[1], 0 ) );
            if ( target getCurrentWeapon() == "riotshield_mp" && self AttackButtonPressed() )
                MagicBullet( self getCurrentWeapon(), target.origin + ( 0, 0, 40 ), target.origin, self );
    wait 0.05;

    ptarget = undefined;
    shortest = undefined;
      for ( index = 0; index < level.players.size; index++ )
        player = level.players[index];
        if ( player.sessionstate != "playing" )
        if( !bulletTracePassed( self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), player getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) + ( 0, 0, 40 ), false, self ) )
        if( !isAlive( player ) )
        if ( VectorDot( anglesToForward( self.angles ), VectorNormalize( player.origin - self.origin ) ) <= 0.766 )
        if ( player.pers["team"] != self.pers["team"] )
            if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < 99999999999999 )
                if ( !isDefined( shortest ) )
                    ptarget = player;
                    shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                    if ( distance( self.origin, player.origin ) < shortest )
                        shortest = distance( self.origin, player.origin );
                        ptarget = player;
    return ptarget;

thanks bout not work it always take j_head...

Another OMA release if wasnt him mw2 would be dead, keep up the good work man.

Thanks Barata...
Don't worry if things aren't the way you planned, in the end everything will solve itself...

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