I want to change the weapon name (displayed @ ammo hud thingy)
but i dont want the real names to show up
edit: yes i know that this text is not in the right position
PHP Code:
self.WeaponName = CreateFontString("objective", 1);
self.WeaponName setpoint("RIGHT", "BOTTOM", 0, 0);
self.WeaponName setText(" ");
self.WeaponName.alpha = 0;
self thread WeaponNames();
wait 1;
self.WeaponName.alpha = 1;
if(self getCurrentWeapon() == self.wep[i])
self.WeaponName setText(self.weaponNameID[i]);
self.weaponnumber = 5;
self.wep = [];
self.wep[0] = "mp5k_mp";
self.wep[1] = "ak74u_mp";
self.weaponNameID = [];
self.weaponNameID[0] = "Blabla name";
self.weaponNameID[1] = "AK74 F#@K U!";
but i dont want the real names to show up

edit: yes i know that this text is not in the right position

(08-10-2011, 12:58)Pozzuh Wrote:Se7en Wrote:Stealed, from cod4 mod ...look who's talking
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