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Request Silent steps
Hi. i need a dvar or code to make my footstep totaly silent. so if i activate it enemyes cant hear me at all. i need this to detect WH.
Thank you.

i tryed this. but it torn off my sounds for me only

self setClientDvar("snd_enable2d", 0);
self setClientDvar("snd_enable3d", 0);

What about Ninja Pro + Crouch?

(10-12-2012, 14:14)GravzyUK Wrote: That's because you set a CLIENT Dvar

He said it disables sound ingame.
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(10-12-2012, 14:14)GravzyUK Wrote: That's because you set a CLIENT Dvar

is there any other dvars? how can i disable only my sounds for everyone?

Ninja Pro + Crouch is fine but hackers is not so stupid . they can see if you running or walking

(10-12-2012, 16:18)islamsaab Wrote: is there any other dvars? how can i disable only my sounds for everyone?

Ninja Pro + Crouch is fine but hackers is not so stupid . they can see if you running or walking

Why are you want to disable your sounds?
"they can see if you running or walking" through walls so this is pointless

(10-12-2012, 16:23)TheRaZ Wrote:
(10-12-2012, 16:18)islamsaab Wrote: is there any other dvars? how can i disable only my sounds for everyone?

Ninja Pro + Crouch is fine but hackers is not so stupid . they can see if you running or walking

Why are you want to disable your sounds?
"they can see if you running or walking" through walls so this is pointless

You know that moment when everyone calling someone Wallhacker, and that guy answer that he using good headsets. sometimes it could be true some times its not. so i need that silent running code to test them. if someone ever will say that he knew that im coming coz of footsteps then i will ban for WH. because he wasnt able to hear me at all, coz my sounds disabled.

(10-12-2012, 16:56)GravzyUK Wrote: Why not just set up an appeal forum, ban for WH anyway, if they are legit, they can appeal on your forum...?

Yes, but who will do appeal? almost nobody. and i dont wanna loose players without 100 percent proofs Wink

Ninja perk or not, accept it

(11-13-2012, 20:59)Ra3shed Wrote: Ninja perk or not, accept it
Ninja Pro doesnt make you 100 percent silent.

(11-14-2012, 07:46)islamsaab Wrote:
(11-13-2012, 20:59)Ra3shed Wrote: Ninja perk or not, accept it
Ninja Pro doesnt make you 100 percent silent.

Could you please find the perk client dvar for ninja perk from here?

perk_armorPiercingDamage "40"
perk_blastShield "65"
perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier "2"
perk_diveDistanceCheck "64"
perk_diveGravityScale "0.75"
perk_diveVelocity "250"
perk_diveViewRollResetSpeed "4"
perk_diveViewRollSpeed "0.5"
perk_diveViewRollTarget "45"
perk_extendedMagsMGAmmo "10"
perk_extendedMagsPistolAmmo "5"
perk_extendedMagsRifleAmmo "10"
perk_extendedMagsSMGAmmo "10"
perk_extendedMagsSpreadAmmo "5"
perk_extendedMeleeRange "176"
perk_extraBreath "5"
perk_fastSnipeScale "2"
perk_footstepVolumeAlly "0.25"
perk_footstepVolumeEnemy "4"
perk_footstepVolumePlayer "0.25"
perk_grenadeDeath "frag_grenade_short_mp"
perk_improvedExtraBreath "5"
perk_lightWeightViewBobScale "0.75"
perk_parabolicAngle "180"
perk_parabolicIcon "specialty_parabolic"
perk_parabolicRadius "400"
perk_quickDrawSpeedScale "1.5"
perk_scavengerMode "0"
perk_sprintMultiplier "2"
perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierActual "0.6"
perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierVisual "0.6"
perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.75"
perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.5"
perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.65"

I am too lazy to find it for ya Sleepy
But I think it could be from:
perk_footstepVolumeAlly "0.25"
perk_footstepVolumeEnemy "4"

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