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Release Ripping weapons from other games and importing them into black ops [NOT FROM COD]
In this tutorial you will learn how to rip weapons from other games and use them in black ops.

First of all, You're gonna need alot, alot, alot & alot of skill with maya, modtools, 3ds max, GSC scripting and more. Because i'm not gonna explain every little detail.
Second of all, You're going to have to listen carefully at what I say, Because this isn't easy and it has alot of important details!
Third of all, Don't expect everything to go as you want it, Alot of games don't work with 3DRipperDX! And the modtools don't always listen as they should, It took me 3 days to convert the portal gun
And at last, The images in this tutorial are spoiler'd (because they fuck up the whole thread), You should click on show though, because they're very important

I don't know yet if it has any mistakes

You will need (Without any of these programs, you shouldn't even start on this tutorial)
  • Autodesk Maya 2009 (not a version less or more)
  • Autodesk 3DS Max (NOT 2012!!!)
  • CrazyBump
  • 3D Ripper DX (click here)
  • Call of duty Black Ops LEGAL
  • Black Ops Mod Tools
  • Black Ops Maya plug-in (comes with mod tools, search for other threads @ itsmods on how to install it)
  • 3DS Max copy and paste plugin (more information in the little guide down here)
NOTE: Install 3D Ripper DX AFTER you've installed 3DS MAX

3ds max copy paste plugin guide:
Quote:1. Click Maxscript / Run Script and choose wherever you downloaded this file to
1a. It will seem like nothing happened but that's exactly what it should do - you now need to assign a shortcut to it
2. Click Customize / Customize User Interface / Keyboard (tab)
3. Change the Category to 'CG_Tools'
4. Click 'Copy Objects to File' and change its Hotkey to something - maybe Ctrl+Shift+C .Click Assign
5. Click 'Paste Objects from File' and change its Hotkey to something - maybe Ctrl+Shift+V. Click Assign
6. Click Save and save your custom UI settings to a file - do yourself a favor and don't use the default.
7. That's it.

  1. Make sure you got every program I just summarized
  2. Start 3DRipperDX (shortcut on your desktop)
  3. Enter the path to the executable of your game
    Little side note: (according to other modders) Steam seems to be detecting 3dripper as a hack(!) So don't use steam games or risk a ban
  4. Go to the point in your game where your character holds your favorite gun you want to rip and press F12, the game will now freeze for a few mins, DO NOT EXIT just wait for the game to continue.
  5. Start up your 3DS Max, Hit the big button in the upper-left, And select Import, in the next window go to your documents and open the directory '3DReaperDX' or '3DRipperDX' and open the directory 'Frames' and open the most recent file
  6. Try to find your weapon in the scene, It should be somewhere around the checkered field
  7. Select it and press CTRL+SHIFT+C or whatever button you assigned the plugin to (if you installed the copypaste plugin this should copy the current selected model)
  8. Hit the big button again and select NEW
  9. Now press CTRL+SHIFT+V or whatever button you assigned the plugin to
  10. If all went well, the weapon should show up in your new scene.
  11. Big button > Export > As OBJ file
  12. Start up maya, open the OBJ file you just saved
  13. Select the model and press W, when it looks like this (the pivot (movement thingy) isn't at the center of the model):
    You MUST press insert and drag the pivot to the center of the model
    When your done, press insert again
    If you won't do this, Black Ops's convert tool will crash, also, It's really annoying
  14. Place the model on the ground with the rotation tool, it must be in this position:
  15. If the materials didn't show up continue this step, if they did show up skip this step.
    Its probaly because some stupid read error in maya/3dsmax. Open up the hypershade (Window > Rendering editors > Hypershade) Go to the tab 'Textures' and doubleclick on one of them,
    Look at the main window where it should show a filename somewhere
    You can see it's all fucked up (no slashes),
    Change it from (for example) to C:\Users\Jari\Documents\3DReaperDX\Textures\
    And press enter
  16. Go to Window > Outliner
  17. Ok, awesomeness. Now go to Skeleton > Joint Tool
  18. We're gonna add Tags now, This are very important for black ops and tell the game which position/part of the weapon is used for what.
  19. Press space and look at the 1st viewport, if your model doesnt show up there press A
  20. Click at where you want the hands to be (mostly around the handle of the weapon) for example:
  21. Now go to your Outliner, and look for joint1, doubleclick it, and rename it to 'j_gun'
  22. Okay, now (with your joint tool still open and your j_gun tag selected) click your mouse but don't release the button, and drag it to the END OF THE BARREL OF THE GUN, like this:
  23. Go to your outliner again and call this joint 'tag_flash'
  24. Okay, select j_gun in your outliner, and drag a new joint to the place you want to the shells of the bullets to come out
  25. Okay call this joint 'tag_brass'
  26. You can add more joints if you like, but those are the most important ones,
    If you want to see which joint is used for what, Open up a model with modelexporter and look at the places and names
  27. WARNING: you should probaly also watch other viewports to see if your tags are at the Z-center of your gun.
    TL;DR it shouldnt look like
    It should look like this instead:
  28. Click on j_gun in your outliner, hold ctrl and click on your weapon mesh, outliner should look like
  29. With these 2 selected go to Skin > Bind Skin > Smooth Bind
  30. Your gun should turn purple now, it means the gun is attached to the tag.
  31. Ok awesomeness, let's start exporting it to black ops shall we?
  32. Expand your j_gun if you haven't already
  33. hold shift and select everything, it should look like this
  34. COD Tools > Model Exporter
  35. Click force export joints
  36. Fill in filename and hit enter
  37. Click set exports
  38. Check if everythings there with 'edit exports'
  39. Click export all
  40. Go to codbo folder\bin\maya\tools\model_export
  41. Copy the file you just exported to blackops\model_export
  42. Open up asset manager (mod tools > asset manager)
  43. Open > blackops\source_data
  44. Choose a weapon that looks like your weapon (portal gun for example looks like a shotgun)
  45. Choose the right bulletweapon, and hit Copy to
  46. Assetmanager > New
  47. Choose xmodel, new entry, enter model name, choose model filename (model_export\yourweapon.XMODEL_EXPORT)
  48. Choose bulletweapon and click paste from
  49. Enter your new weapon name
  50. Scroll down to viewmodel
  51. Enter the name of your model you created 20 secs ago
  52. Ok awesomeness but we dont have any materials right now.
  54. Fire up CrazyBump, Click open
  55. Double click the texture in hypershade @ maya, copy filename
  56. Go back to CrazyBump , Open from photograph
  57. CTRL+V the filename of the texture in maya
  58. Do what the program wants you to do
  59. When you see a save icon, choose save all
  60. in the window that opens goto blackops\texture_assets
  61. Create a new folder
  62. Enter filename, CHOOSE TGA as extension
  64. Ok now that you got all your models supplied with different maps,
    Create a new material (with exactly the same material name as in the hypershade (hypershade > materials))
  65. Change 'model phong' to 'weapon phong' Leave it @ model phong, you can try weapon phong, but you're gonna have to add alot of maps and i don't know which ones
  66. At the color map choose Filename_COLOR.tga
  67. At the normal map choose Filename_NRM.tga
  68. <snip>
  69. Ok you should probaly repeat those last steps for every material again
  70. Now build press save
  71. Select and item an press F10, repeat this step for each item you got (warning, build materials before xmodel)
  72. Ok, now that we're done let's add this stuff to your mod
  73. Create a new mod with the mod launcher, browse to the location and create a clean _rank.gsc (copy it from maps\gametypes\mp\_rank.gsc)
  74. Add this to main()
  75. Add this to onPlayerSpawned, after for(;; )
        self TakeAllWeapons();
        self AllowSprint( true );
        self GiveWeapon( "urweapon", 0 );
        self GiveMaxAmmo( "urweapon" );
        self SwitchToWeapon( "urweapon" );
        self EnableWeapons();
    And change urweapon to urweapon ofc
  76. Go to blackops\raw\images
  77. Sort files on date, copy all iwi's the contain names of your materials
  78. create folder 'images' in your mod
  79. Paste the iwi's
  80. Go to your modlauncher, reselect your mod from the dropdown
  81. Check folder 'images' in modlauncher
  82. Select 'link ff' & 'build iwd'
  83. Click edit zone source
  84. Copy paste the following stuff (if you got more materials, you should add another material,yourmaterial )
  85. click build mod
  86. Start blackops > mods > your mod > and test
  87. If you actually did it without creating one mistake, your not human, Because I also didn't managed to do it without getting it exactly as i wanted
  88. OMA
  89. Thank & respect me for writing this unbelievably long tutorial


Gonna Try it asp and nice btw too much awesomness

90 steps, i broke my old record

looks like a good tutorial for the newbs.
Just an addition: warn them that DX Ripper can get you banned on games with anti-cheats.

[grammar/spelling police]
Go to bloops\raw\images
i also didnt managed


[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

@Nukem iknow but im to lazy to explain how to create something else then _rank.gsc, it already has enough steps xD
@Nukem will fix it right away sir
edit: @Nukem i already did -.-
Quote:Little side note: (according to other modders) Steam seems to be detecting 3dripper as a hack(!) So don't use steam games or risk a VAC ban

Sherlock's Novice Ready To Find Your Errors!!!!

EDIT: He means not only games with VAC

okay imma change

i can use Cinema 4d too r not? cause i dont give a fuck to maya and 3dsmax : P
i can just imort the model to maya (or 3ds max )

Um you cannot sir, 3DRIPPERDX requires 3dsmax to be used, you can use the programs I described in the thread and nothing else

aah fuck it xD
Can i import it to C4D?
I think i can or not?

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