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Tutorial Adding DLC Maps as Custom Maps.
(08-01-2011, 19:07)zeroy Wrote:
(08-01-2011, 18:58)xetal Wrote: As VALVe stated, games made good for pc doesn't have to worry for piracy.
Why do you think mw2 and bo are so 'pirated' while cod4 and counter-strike are not?

This isnt Valve or MW2 is it? May I remind you that Blackops has official Mod Support? After seeing whats been done with those official tools i wouldnt be surprised if Treyarch dropped the entire thing next time.

well that is your opinion. mw2 was the first very well popular game after cod 4 / waw where they decided to remove the ability to mod.
what happened? people began to reverse the game. why? cause they want more, they want to improve the gameplay, the maps etc...vac chaos aka liberation to be your own host, lobbytracker to display your host, then came on

check active playerstats on steam, there are more people playing mw2 than black ops, and why? cause the game was unbalanced and a lot of people were disappointed about the fact that they promised modding tools before the game was released. we waited almost 8 months for the release of mod tools.

of course that people are now trying to get the most out of the game, like mapping etc...they should be proud that there are guys like this cause this will keep the game alive. it will totally change the game and everything is possible.
you probably know the star wars maps etc from cod4? dunno which cod it is honestly. doesnt matter cause they are still modding, it would be a win win situation if they would run another strategy. i would even pay for a full version of mod tools for black ops or mw2, even for mw3, but then with the ability to build own maps (mapping etc, importing own models easier..)

and it will be the same with mw3, if IW decides not to support modding, it will be a mess cause there will be mods, 100%
if they want it or not

sorry bad grammar, but i think your know what i tried to explain. just my statement

(08-01-2011, 09:31)xetal Wrote: I have figured out the solution to all these models, god mode and that shit.
I'll make a post about it when I'm not so tired.

Great work xetal.
Thanks Big Grin

Give the reference, please, for downloading 3DLC Annihilation.
Or lay out the necessary files.

Almost figured out on how to get the zombie maps fully working.
I'll make a tutorial about it later.

heeey, i want to release tutorial about it ... lol
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

(08-03-2011, 21:38)Se7en Wrote: heeey, i want to release tutorial about it ... lol

Well, you do it then Smile

Do it both. We can compare your work then :-D

orr, no, you can do Big Grin
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

i tried but it says zombie_cosmodrome_fx.gsc is missing and it isnt! (cosmodrom1)

lol, You need to open thoose files and delete all stuff and put only one function ( you will see main(), init(), etc) also put in them maps\mp\_load:: lblalbllalb line :d
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

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