08-29-2011, 16:03
Another easy tutorial, 
With this is to make a dirty effect like when they throw you a grenade and you survive:
Now, just a simple claymore changes, really EASY, go in _weapons.gsc, find in Init() this:
Change it to whatever you want, example:
Thats just it,

With this is to make a dirty effect like when they throw you a grenade and you survive:
self thread maps\mp\_shellshock::dirtEffect(origin);
self thread maps\mp\_shellshock::dirtEffect(self.origin);
Now, just a simple claymore changes, really EASY, go in _weapons.gsc, find in Init() this:
claymoreDetectionConeAngle = 70;
level.claymoreDetectionDot = cos( claymoreDetectionConeAngle );
level.claymoreDetectionMinDist = 20;
level.claymoreDetectionGracePeriod = .75;
level.claymoreDetonateRadius = 192;
Change it to whatever you want, example:
claymoreDetectionConeAngle = 70;
level.claymoreDetectionDot = cos( claymoreDetectionConeAngle );
level.claymoreDetectionMinDist = 1;
level.claymoreDetectionGracePeriod = .75;
level.claymoreDetonateRadius = 360;
Thats just it,