Another simple gsc tutorial, this time is a command meant for mapedits, is the killtrigger, what it does is to create a death area, if you touch that area, you die, like in outside maps, . The command is located in _utility.gsc, so is easy to use.
This is it:
An example(using classic mapedits):
If you are interested in the code it uses:
I find this command usefull to delete a glitch, a spot or to delete under map spots.
Another simple gsc tutorial, this time is a command meant for mapedits, is the killtrigger, what it does is to create a death area, if you touch that area, you die, like in outside maps, . The command is located in _utility.gsc, so is easy to use.
This is it:
killTrigger( position, radius, height )
An example(using classic mapedits):
[b]thread killTrigger((850,-130,596),80,1); [/b]
If you are interested in the code it uses:
killTrigger( pos, radius, height )
trig = spawn( "trigger_radius", pos, 0, radius, height );
if ( getdvar( "scr_killtriggerdebug" ) == "1" )
thread killTriggerDebug( pos, radius, height );
for ( ;; )
if ( getdvar( "scr_killtriggerradius" ) != "" )
radius = int(getdvar( "scr_killtriggerradius" ));
trig waittill( "trigger", player );
if ( !isPlayer( player ) )
player suicide();
killTriggerDebug( pos, radius, height )
for ( ;; )
for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
angle = i / 20 * 360;
nextangle = (i+1) / 20 * 360;
linepos = pos + (cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius, 0);
nextlinepos = pos + (cos(nextangle) * radius, sin(nextangle) * radius, 0);
line( linepos, nextlinepos );
line( linepos + (0,0,height), nextlinepos + (0,0,height) );
line( linepos, linepos + (0,0,height) );
wait .05;
I find this command usefull to delete a glitch, a spot or to delete under map spots.