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Wo muss ich codes hinkopieren?

htte gerne Hilfe auf deutsch Smile

bei manchen mods kann man ja nix downloaden da gibts nur solche codes wie hier z.b.( )

Wo gehren diese codes hin?

kann mir das vL wer erklren oder mir ne deutsche tutorial schicken?

Hallo, mein deutsch ist nicht das besten aber ich woll probieren. Sie mussen eigentlich english erzahlen.

Sie mussen die code in _rank.gsc platzen fur beispiel.

Einfach eine text datei erstellen, den kompletten code reinkopieren und die text datei dann in _rank.gsc ndern.
achtung, die endung muss .gsc sein und nicht .txt. daher solltest du in den ordnereigenschaften versteckte dateiendung aktivieren!

das nchste mal bitte in english probieren da dein thread ansonsten geschlossen wird


just create a txt file and copy paste the complete code into it, then rename the txt file to _rank.gsc. its important that the file ends with .gsc and not .txt. look into the folder options and enable hidden or known file extensions.

next time try to create a thread in english, otherwise your thread will be deleted!

(03-24-2011, 18:05)surtek Wrote: Hallo, mein deutsch ist nicht das besten aber ich woll probieren. Sie mussen eigentlich english erzahlen.

Sie mussen die code in _rank.gsc platzen fur beispiel.

where i find _rank.gsc?

This is now a thread to show why german people should not go wild on the internet.

YouTube 1:Azumikkel- Modding
YouTube 2:DerpShark- Gaming Entertainment
Contact: im[at]

(03-24-2011, 18:14)NikeRapid Wrote:
(03-24-2011, 18:05)surtek Wrote: Hallo, mein deutsch ist nicht das besten aber ich woll probieren. Sie mussen eigentlich english erzahlen.

Sie mussen die code in _rank.gsc platzen fur beispiel.

where i find _rank.gsc?

you must be kidding me, i exactly told you what to do. its idiot proof.
please re-read it!

@azumikkel: i am too wild for ya?
only for you, HERE (going to catch you!)

[Image: o50496334d8962888112ev34.gif]

You need to put the code in a textfile named: _rank.txt. Than you need to change the .txt to .gsc oke?

@doh when you look away from the fact that raping me would not make you a pedophile, and that pedobear is not german - suuuuuuure
YouTube 1:Azumikkel- Modding
YouTube 2:DerpShark- Gaming Entertainment
Contact: im[at]

Quote:Him: hey what the heck, you bum hacked my acc. my stats got resetted due to your mods. everything is on 0 and i got - kills. fix it or i am going to report you, i got your steam name and acc. think about it
Me: wat?
Him: dude, you want to get a steam ban or what. i got your steam name. you changed my stats overall. i had 2500 kills and 500 headshots with my intervention, so fix that till friday, then you wont get banned, otherwise you can go and buy a new game now
Me: wat??
Him: well its kinda stupid if you can see other players that have a shitty ping and seems to be the host. thats how i got your name and steam name. blabla and you are so stupid to put your youtube link into the mod. today its friday and i am going to tell the support about blabla...say bye bye to your steam acc and get a new game and stop the shit modding


Haha, d0h hasn't even a youtube account. LMAO

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