How remove immune players fromAll thanks, the list?
As here in an example.
How as to make here?
in sv_config
question is solved.
As here in an example.
PHP Code:
string immunePlayersXUID = GetServerCFG("VOTEKICK", "immunePlayers_xuid", "");
PHP Code:
//remove inactive and immune players from the list
if ((player.Ping < 999) && (player.Ping > 0) && !(immunePlayers.Contains(player.XUID)))
TellClient(Client.ClientNum, "^2" + player.ClientNum + " ^0- " + "^3" + player.Name, true);
validPN.Add(player.ClientNum); Thread.Sleep(1000);
How as to make here?
PHP Code:
//fetches the playerinfo of the entered player, or all players
void playerInfo(String Message, ServerClient issuer)
System.Collections.Generic.List<ServerClient> clientList = GetClients();
Char[] delimit = { ' ' };
String[] split = Message.Split(delimit);
String name = "";
for (int i = 1; i < split.Length; i++)
name += split[i];
if (i > 1)
name += " ";
if (split.Length == 1)
Thread statusThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(statusAll));
foreach (ServerClient currClient in clientList)
if (currClient.Name.ToLower().Contains(name) || name=="")
if (currClient.Name != "")
TellClient(issuer.ClientNum, "^1Name: " + currClient.Name + " ^2Clientnum: " + currClient.ClientNum + " ^3XUID:" + currClient.XUID + " ^1Warnings: " + warner.getWarnings(currClient) + " ^4Group:"
+ bouncer.getUserGroup(currClient.XUID), true);
in sv_config
[ServerAdmin] immunePlayers_xuid=xuid1,xuid2
question is solved.