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how to add bots

Could someone help me with adding bots to mods,
i would like to put bots in Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod for when my friends aren't online Big Grin

Could someone tell me how i can add them to QCZM or other mods?

Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

(03-25-2011, 15:34)ddaavvee Wrote: Hi,

Could someone help me with adding bots to mods,
i would like to put bots in Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod for when my friends aren't online Big Grin

Could someone tell me how i can add them to QCZM or other mods?


play in Combat Training?
(08-10-2011, 12:58)Pozzuh Wrote:
Se7en Wrote:Stealed, from cod4 mod ...
look who's talking

[Release] Old School Mod v2.2
[Release] Scroll menu


(03-25-2011, 15:37)iAegle Wrote:
(03-25-2011, 15:34)ddaavvee Wrote: Hi,

Could someone help me with adding bots to mods,
i would like to put bots in Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod for when my friends aren't online Big Grin

Could someone tell me how i can add them to QCZM or other mods?


play in Combat Training?

I'm talking about MW2 -_-

Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

(03-25-2011, 15:40)ddaavvee Wrote:
(03-25-2011, 15:37)iAegle Wrote:
(03-25-2011, 15:34)ddaavvee Wrote: Hi,

Could someone help me with adding bots to mods,
i would like to put bots in Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod for when my friends aren't online Big Grin

Could someone tell me how i can add them to QCZM or other mods?


play in Combat Training?

I'm talking about MW2 -_-

omg nvm, i think there is a guy on the AlterIW forums who makes all the mods with bots take a look @ it
(08-10-2011, 12:58)Pozzuh Wrote:
Se7en Wrote:Stealed, from cod4 mod ...
look who's talking

[Release] Old School Mod v2.2
[Release] Scroll menu


(03-25-2011, 15:34)ddaavvee Wrote: Hi,

Could someone help me with adding bots to mods,
i would like to put bots in Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod for when my friends aren't online Big Grin

Could someone tell me how i can add them to QCZM or other mods?


u can use liberation and create a public host to play with real people too

(03-25-2011, 15:43)d0h! Wrote:
(03-25-2011, 15:34)ddaavvee Wrote: Hi,

Could someone help me with adding bots to mods,
i would like to put bots in Quaratine Chaos Zombie Mod for when my friends aren't online Big Grin

Could someone tell me how i can add them to QCZM or other mods?


u can use liberation and create a public host to play with real people too
I can't because i'm banned xD
I was stupid of me to use a public hack.
Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

but how do you add bots to mods?
Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

(03-25-2011, 19:04)ddaavvee Wrote: but how do you add bots to mods?

This was posted by Master131 on another site:

This anywhere in _rank.gsc

        for(i = 0; i < numberOfTestClients; i++)
                ent[i] = addtestclient();

                if (!isdefined(ent[i]))
                        wait 1;

                ent[i].pers["isBot"] = true;
                ent[i] thread initIndividualBot();
                wait 0.1;

        self endon( "disconnect" );
                wait .05;
        self notify("menuresponse", game["menu_team"], "axis");
        wait 0.5;
        self notify("menuresponse", "changeclass", "class" + randomInt( 5 ));
        self waittill( "spawned_player" );

                while(self AttackButtonPressed())
                        setDvar( "testClients_doAttack", 1 );
                        wait 0.1;
                setDvar( "testClients_doAttack", 0 );
                wait 0.1;

        self endon( "disconnect" );
        self endon( "death" );
        self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "bbutton", "+stance" );

        for( ;; )
                if ( self GetStance() == "crouch" )
                        setDvar( "testClients_doCrouch", 1 );
                        setDvar( "testClients_doCrouch", 0 );
                wait 0.1;

onplayerSpawned() should look like this:

    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill("spawned_player");
            self thread watchShoot2();
                self thread watchCrouch();
                self thread initTestClients(17);

And make a new gsc called _teams.gsc and put this in, place it in the same folder as _rank.gsc(gametypes):

#include maps\mp\_utility;

FACTION_REF_COL                     = 0;
FACTION_NAME_COL                     = 1;
FACTION_SHORT_NAME_COL                 = 2;
FACTION_ELIMINATED_COL                 = 3;
FACTION_FORFEITED_COL                 = 4;
FACTION_ICON_COL                     = 5;
FACTION_HUD_ICON_COL                 = 6;
FACTION_SPAWN_MUSIC_COL             = 8;
FACTION_WIN_MUSIC_COL                 = 9;
FACTION_FLAG_MODEL_COL                 = 10;
FACTION_FLAG_ICON_COL                 = 12;
FACTION_FLAG_FX_COL                 = 13;
FACTION_COLOR_R_COL                 = 14;
FACTION_COLOR_G_COL                 = 15;
FACTION_COLOR_B_COL                 = 16;
FACTION_HEAD_ICON_COL                 = 17;
FACTION_CRATE_MODEL_COL             = 18;


    level.teamBalance = 0;
    level.maxClients = 18;

    level._effect["thermal_beacon"] = loadFx("misc/thermal_beacon_inverted");    
    effect = level._effect["thermal_beacon"];
    PrecacheFxTeamThermal( effect, "J_Spine4" );


    level.freeplayers = [];

    if( level.teamBased )
        level thread onPlayerConnect();
        level thread updateTeamBalance();

        wait .15;
        level thread updatePlayerTimes();
        level thread onFreePlayerConnect();

        wait .15;
        level thread updateFreePlayerTimes();

    setDvar("g_TeamName_Allies", getTeamShortName( "allies" ));
    setDvar("g_TeamIcon_Allies", getTeamIcon( "allies" ));
    setDvar("g_TeamIcon_MyAllies", getTeamIcon( "allies" ));
    setDvar("g_TeamIcon_EnemyAllies", getTeamIcon( "allies" ));
    scoreColor = getTeamColor( "allies" );    
    setDvar("g_ScoresColor_Allies", scoreColor[0] + " " + scoreColor[1] + " " + scoreColor[2] );

    setDvar("g_TeamName_Axis", getTeamShortName( "axis" ));
    setDvar("g_TeamIcon_Axis", getTeamIcon( "axis" ));
    setDvar("g_TeamIcon_MyAxis", getTeamIcon( "axis" ));
    setDvar("g_TeamIcon_EnemyAxis", getTeamIcon( "axis" ));
    scoreColor = getTeamColor( "axis" );    
    setDvar("g_ScoresColor_Axis", scoreColor[0] + " " + scoreColor[1] + " " + scoreColor[2] );

    setdvar("g_ScoresColor_Spectator", ".25 .25 .25");
    setdvar("g_ScoresColor_Free", ".76 .78 .10");
    setdvar("g_teamColor_MyTeam", ".6 .8 .6" );
    setdvar("g_teamColor_EnemyTeam", "1 .45 .5" );
    setdvar("g_teamTitleColor_MyTeam", ".6 .8 .6" );
    setdvar("g_teamTitleColor_EnemyTeam", "1 .45 .5" );    

        level waittill( "connected", player );

        player thread onJoinedTeam();
        player thread onJoinedSpectators();
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

        player thread trackPlayedTime();

        level waittill( "connected", player );

        player thread trackFreePlayedTime();

    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill( "joined_team" );
        //self logString( "joined team: " + self.pers["team"] );
        self updateTeamTime();

    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill("joined_spectators");
        self.pers["teamTime"] = undefined;

    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self.timePlayed["allies"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["axis"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["free"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["other"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["total"] = 0;

    gameFlagWait( "prematch_done" );

    for ( ;; )
        if ( game["state"] == "playing" )
            if ( self.sessionteam == "allies" )
            else if ( self.sessionteam == "axis" )
            else if ( self.sessionteam == "spectator" )


        wait ( 1.0 );

    if ( !level.rankedmatch )
    level endon( "game_ended" );
    for ( ;; )
        foreach ( player in level.players )
            player updatePlayedTime();

        wait( 1.0 );

    if ( !self rankingEnabled() )

    if ( self.timePlayed["allies"] )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedAllies", self.timePlayed["allies"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedTotal", self.timePlayed["allies"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddChildBuffered( "round", "timePlayed", self.timePlayed["allies"] );

    if ( self.timePlayed["axis"] )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedOpfor", self.timePlayed["axis"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedTotal", self.timePlayed["axis"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddChildBuffered( "round", "timePlayed", self.timePlayed["axis"] );

    if ( self.timePlayed["other"] )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedOther", self.timePlayed["other"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedTotal", self.timePlayed["other"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddChildBuffered( "round", "timePlayed", self.timePlayed["other"] );

    if ( game["state"] == "postgame" )

    self.timePlayed["allies"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["axis"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["other"] = 0;

    if ( game["state"] != "playing" )

    self.pers["teamTime"] = getTime();

        teambalance = getdvarInt("scr_teambalance");
        if(level.teambalance != teambalance)
            level.teambalance = getdvarInt("scr_teambalance");

        wait 1;

    level.teamLimit = level.maxclients;

    level thread updateTeamBalanceDvar();

    wait .15;

    if ( level.teamBalance && isRoundBased() )
        if( isDefined( game["BalanceTeamsNextRound"] ) )
            iPrintLnbold( &"MP_AUTOBALANCE_NEXT_ROUND" );

        // TODO: add or change
        level waittill( "restarting" );

        if( isDefined( game["BalanceTeamsNextRound"] ) )
            level balanceTeams();
            game["BalanceTeamsNextRound"] = undefined;
        else if( !getTeamBalance() )
            game["BalanceTeamsNextRound"] = true;
        level endon ( "game_ended" );
        for( ;; )
            if( level.teamBalance )
                if( !getTeamBalance() )
                    iPrintLnBold( &"MP_AUTOBALANCE_SECONDS", 15 );
                    wait 15.0;

                    if( !getTeamBalance() )
                        level balanceTeams();

                wait 59.0;

            wait 1.0;


{["allies"] = 0;["axis"] = 0;

    players = level.players;
    for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
        if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == "allies"))
        else if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == "axis"))

    if((["allies"] > (["axis"] + level.teamBalance)) || (["axis"] > (["allies"] + level.teamBalance)))
        return false;
        return true;

    iPrintLnBold( game["strings"]["autobalance"] );
    //Create/Clear the team arrays
    AlliedPlayers = [];
    AxisPlayers = [];

    // Populate the team arrays
    players = level.players;
    for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)

        if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == "allies"))
            AlliedPlayers[AlliedPlayers.size] = players[i];
        else if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == "axis"))
            AxisPlayers[AxisPlayers.size] = players[i];

    MostRecent = undefined;

    while((AlliedPlayers.size > (AxisPlayers.size + 1)) || (AxisPlayers.size > (AlliedPlayers.size + 1)))
        if(AlliedPlayers.size > (AxisPlayers.size + 1))
            // Move the player that's been on the team the shortest ammount of time (highest teamTime value)
            for(j = 0; j < AlliedPlayers.size; j++)

                    MostRecent = AlliedPlayers[j];
                else if(AlliedPlayers[j].pers["teamTime"] > MostRecent.pers["teamTime"])
                    MostRecent = AlliedPlayers[j];

            MostRecent [[level.axis]]();
        else if(AxisPlayers.size > (AlliedPlayers.size + 1))
            // Move the player that's been on the team the shortest ammount of time (highest teamTime value)
            for(j = 0; j < AxisPlayers.size; j++)

                    MostRecent = AxisPlayers[j];
                else if(AxisPlayers[j].pers["teamTime"] > MostRecent.pers["teamTime"])
                    MostRecent = AxisPlayers[j];

            MostRecent [[level.allies]]();

        MostRecent = undefined;
        AlliedPlayers = [];
        AxisPlayers = [];

        players = level.players;
        for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
            if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == "allies"))
                AlliedPlayers[AlliedPlayers.size] = players[i];
            else if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) &&(players[i].pers["team"] == "axis"))
                AxisPlayers[AxisPlayers.size] = players[i];

setGhillieModels( env )
    level.environment = env;
    switch ( env )
        case "desert":
            game["allies_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_ally_ghillie_desert::main;
            game["axis_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_ghillie_desert::main;
        case "arctic":
            game["allies_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_ally_ghillie_arctic::main;
            game["axis_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_ghillie_arctic::main;
        case "urban":
            game["allies_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_ally_ghillie_urban::main;
            game["axis_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_ghillie_urban::main;
        case "forest":
            game["allies_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_ally_ghillie_forest::main;
            game["axis_model"]["GHILLIE"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_ghillie_forest::main;

setTeamModels( team, charSet )
    switch ( charSet )
        case "seals_udt":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_seal_udt_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_seal_udt_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_seal_udt_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_seal_udt_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_seal_udt_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_seal_udt_riot::main;

        case "us_army":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_riot::main;

        case "opforce_composite":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_comp_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_comp_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_comp_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_comp_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_comp_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_comp_riot::main;

        case "opforce_arctic":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_arctic_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_arctic_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_arctic_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_arctic_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_arctic_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_arctic_riot::main;

        case "opforce_airborne":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_airborne_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_airborne_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_airborne_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_airborne_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_airborne_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_airborne_riot::main;

        case "militia":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_militia_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_militia_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_militia_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_militia_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_militia_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_opforce_militia_riot::main;

        case "socom_141":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_socom_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_socom_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_socom_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_socom_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_socom_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_socom_smg::main;

        case "socom_141_desert":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_desert_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_desert_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_desert_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_desert_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_desert_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_desert_riot::main;

        case "socom_141_forest":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_forest_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_forest_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_forest_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_forest_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_forest_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_forest_riot::main;

        case "socom_141_arctic":

            game[team + "_model"]["SNIPER"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_arctic_sniper::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["LMG"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_arctic_lmg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["ASSAULT"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_arctic_assault::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SHOTGUN"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_arctic_shotgun::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["SMG"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_arctic_smg::main;
            game[team + "_model"]["RIOT"] = mptype\mptype_tf141_arctic_riot::main;


    //game["allies_model"]["riotshield"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_riot::main;
    //game["axis_model"]["riotshield"] = mptype\mptype_us_army_riot::main;

    setTeamModels( "allies", game["allies"] );
    setTeamModels( "axis", game["axis"] );
    setGhillieModels( getMapCustom( "environment" ) );

playerModelForWeapon( weapon, secondary )
    team =;

    if ( isDefined( game[team + "_model"][weapon] ) )
    weaponClass = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 4, weapon, 2 );

    switch ( weaponClass )
        case "weapon_smg":
        case "weapon_assault":
            weaponClass = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 4, secondary, 2 );
            if ( weaponClass == "weapon_shotgun" )
        case "weapon_sniper":
            if ( level.environment != "" && self isItemUnlocked( "ghillie_" + level.environment ) )
        case "weapon_lmg":
        case "weapon_riot":

    players = level.players;
    allies = 0;
    axis = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
        if ( players[i] == self )

        if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == "allies"))
        else if((isdefined(players[i].pers["team"])) && (players[i].pers["team"] == "axis"))
    players["allies"] = allies;
    players["axis"] = axis;
    return players;

    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self.timePlayed["allies"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["axis"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["other"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["total"] = 0;

    for ( ;; )
        if ( game["state"] == "playing" )
            if ( isDefined( self.pers["team"] ) && self.pers["team"] == "allies" && self.sessionteam != "spectator" )
            else if ( isDefined( self.pers["team"] ) && self.pers["team"] == "axis" && self.sessionteam != "spectator" )

        wait ( 1.0 );

    if ( getdvarint( "scr_runlevelandquit" ) == 1 )
    level endon( "exitLevel_called" );
    // every frame, do a getPlayerData on each player in level.players.
    // this will force a script error if a player in level.players isn't connected.
    for ( ;; )
        foreach ( player in level.players )
            player getPlayerData( "experience" );
        wait .05;

    if ( !level.rankedmatch )
    thread playerConnectedTest();
    nextToUpdate = 0;
    for ( ;; )
        if ( nextToUpdate >= level.players.size )
            nextToUpdate = 0;

        if ( isDefined( level.players[nextToUpdate] ) )
            level.players[nextToUpdate] updateFreePlayedTime();

        wait ( 1.0 );

    if ( !self rankingEnabled() )

    if ( self.timePlayed["allies"] )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedAllies", self.timePlayed["allies"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedTotal", self.timePlayed["allies"] );

    if ( self.timePlayed["axis"] )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedOpfor", self.timePlayed["axis"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedTotal", self.timePlayed["axis"] );

    if ( self.timePlayed["other"] )
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedOther", self.timePlayed["other"] );
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statAddBuffered( "timePlayedTotal", self.timePlayed["other"] );

    if ( game["state"] == "postgame" )

    self.timePlayed["allies"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["axis"] = 0;
    self.timePlayed["other"] = 0;

getJoinTeamPermissions( team )
    teamcount = 0;

    players = level.players;
    for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
        player = players[i];

        if((isdefined(player.pers["team"])) && (player.pers["team"] == team))

    if( teamCount < level.teamLimit )
        return true;
        return false;

    level endon ( "game_ended" );

    for ( ;; )
        self waittill ( "spawned_player" );

getTeamName( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookupIString( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_NAME_COL ) );

getTeamShortName( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookupIString( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_SHORT_NAME_COL ) );

getTeamForfeitedString( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookupIString( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_FORFEITED_COL ) );

getTeamEliminatedString( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookupIString( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_ELIMINATED_COL ) );

getTeamIcon( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_ICON_COL ) );

getTeamHudIcon( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_HUD_ICON_COL ) );

getTeamHeadIcon( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_HEAD_ICON_COL ) );

getTeamVoicePrefix( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_VOICE_PREFIX_COL ) );

getTeamSpawnMusic( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_SPAWN_MUSIC_COL ) );

getTeamWinMusic( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_WIN_MUSIC_COL ) );

getTeamFlagModel( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_FLAG_MODEL_COL ) );

getTeamFlagCarryModel( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_FLAG_CARRY_MODEL_COL ) );

getTeamFlagIcon( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_FLAG_ICON_COL ) );

getTeamFlagFX( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_FLAG_FX_COL ) );

getTeamColor( teamRef )
    return ( (stringToFloat( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_COLOR_R_COL ) ),
                stringToFloat( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_COLOR_G_COL ) ),
                stringToFloat( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_COLOR_B_COL ) ))

getTeamCrateModel( teamRef )
    return ( tableLookup( "mp/factionTable.csv", FACTION_REF_COL, game[teamRef], FACTION_CRATE_MODEL_COL ) );    

Thank you very much yamato!!!!! Big Grin
Quote: (report) SuperNovaAO - 03-03 23:34 -- Your mom's cunt also belongs to her private parts, yet everyone knows it.
(report) OrangePL - 03-03 23:34 -- And if you can't understand, this is called PRIVATE message
[Image: userbars.jpg]
My MW2 mod Group:

I'm sorry yamato but it doesn't work for me Sad
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RPG(rocket launcher) mod
Get the Specials

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