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killstreaks mod bug on S&Deee

i use the killstreaks mod (attached)
but its has bug on search and destroy:
The Killstreak Count Resets To 0 when round changed?!! Sad

how can fix this problem??

.rar   CustomStreaks.rar (Size: 31.74 KB / Downloads: 30)

is it very hard realy?

This was posted on alteriwnet forums by @banz , I just copied and pasted his info, Tongue


i figured out a way to save variables in round-based gamemodes like SnD, so they wont get reset on round end. Well, i already used that method in promodv3.1 and feel like posting how to to do it now . ;)

As you might know, normally variables get "reset" when the round ends in SnD (Sab), even if you define them somewhere on init() or onplayerconnect()

You define some variables on onplayerconnect() or onplayerspawned() (above the for(;;) loop) of some .gsc file:

Code: Select all
    level waittill( "connected", player );

    if(!isDefined( player.roundsplayed )) //this wont help :p
    player.roundsplayed = 0; //to count the rounds the player played

    player thread onPlayerSpawned();


Code: Select all
    self endon("disconnect");

    if(!isDefined( self.roundsplayed )) //this wont help :P
    self.roundsplayed = 0; //to count the rounds the self played

    self waittill("spawned_player");
    self thread countRounds();

and you make a function countRounds() to count the times you spawned (rounds played) and displays it after you spawned, so you can see if its counted correctly.

Code: Select all
    self endon("disconnect");
    self endon("death");


    while( !gameFlag( "prematch_done" ) )
    wait .05;

    for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
    self iPrintLnBold("^7Rounds Played ^1" +self.roundsplayed);
    wait 1.5;

You will see that that self.roundsplayed (player.roundsplayed) will get reset to 0 every time a round ends.
Even if you put a if( !isDefined (player.roundsplayed ) ) infront.
Every time you spawn "Rounds Played 1" will be displayed.

Well, the solution to avoid the resetting is quite simple:
You define the variable at the same place naming it:

Code: Select all
    if ( !isDefined( player.pers["roundsPlayed"] ) )
    player.pers["roundsPlayed"] = 0;

Working code:

Spoiler: Toggle

    Code: Select all
        level waittill( "connected", player );

        if ( !isDefined( player.pers["roundsPlayed"] ) )
        player.pers["roundsPlayed"] = 0;

        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

        self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill("spawned_player");
        self thread countRounds();

        self endon("disconnect");
        self endon("death");


        while( !gameFlag( "prematch_done" ) )
        wait .05;

        for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
        self iPrintLnBold("^7Rounds Played ^1" +self.pers["roundsPlayed"]);
        wait 1.5;

So if you want to define a player.variable you have to define it like this:

Code: Select all
    if ( !isDefined( player.pers["variablename"] ) )
    player.pers["variablename"] = 0;

(same goes for arrays)

Spoiler: Toggle

    Code: Select all
        if ( !isDefined( player.pers["arrayname"] ) )
        player.pers["arrayname"] = [];

and put it onplayerconnect()

If you want to define a self.variable the same way

Code: Select all
    if ( !isDefined( self.pers["variablename"] ) )
    self.pers["variablename"] = 0;

and put it onplayerspawned().
You may also search for self.pers or players.pers variables in the "stock" .gsc files an put yours below...
(There are some in _playerlogic.gsc and _rank.gsc for example.)
This will also work in costum .gsc files, at least if you call them properly. ;)

and how do this with that your money won't reset?
Black Ops Mods:

RPG(rocket launcher) mod
Get the Specials

Old aliasses:



Put on connect.

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