Is it possible to make an funktion in mod (as Example:
to use this funktion in other .gsc files?
and too i want to know, is it posible to make an own .GSC File (like this_is_my_file.gsc)
and use funktions from it in standart .gsc files (like _rank.gsc). I Think i must include the data, but how?
Hpe you can help me
Is it possible to make an funktion in mod (as Example:
PHP Code:
self iprintlnbold("This is an Massage!!!");
to use this funktion in other .gsc files?
and too i want to know, is it posible to make an own .GSC File (like this_is_my_file.gsc)
and use funktions from it in standart .gsc files (like _rank.gsc). I Think i must include the data, but how?
Hpe you can help me
Sorry for bad English -> *GERMAN*