03-10-2011, 15:43
hi all, i got 2 problems, anim and killstreaks notify
1st - why animation dont work????
and 2nd question:
Mod is the BIGGEST, and when i want call streak(self maps\mp\gametypes\_hardpoints::givestreak("mortar_mp", "mortar_mp", true or false, true or false);
dont show me notifycation!! why help please
1st - why animation dont work????
C++ Code
- #using_animtree("multiplayer");
- zombie[chosen] thread animMe();
- animMe()
- {
- for(;<img src="https://www.itsmods.com/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif" alt="Wink" title="Wink" class="smilie smilie_2" />{
- self setanimstate( "move_walk" );
- self setAnim(%pt_stand_shoot, 2,2);
- wait 1;
- }
- }
and 2nd question:
Mod is the BIGGEST, and when i want call streak(self maps\mp\gametypes\_hardpoints::givestreak("mortar_mp", "mortar_mp", true or false, true or false);
dont show me notifycation!! why help please