(apparently I seem to have an account here; also really useful posting page, with a topic review box lacking a quote button)
(11-14-2012, 15:23)SuperNovaAO Wrote: Doesn't surprise me that this works just as in CoD1, CoD2, etc... all CoD
apparently it only gets 'properly' removed once sufficient people enable it, seeing IW4 and T5 SP (though the latter actually got the code added in after some patch, oddly) - this is just the good old keycatchers value as usual.
kokole Wrote:A little snippet to enable dvars like cg_thirdperson:
hm, even the dvar finding function wrapper is (somewhat) inlined in here? these inline functions are a mess, especially when the same check gets redundantly inlined around 6 times in the same function while the source data structure remains unchanged - gcc's inlining as seen in CoD4 seems to be more careful about code size though
GravzyHD Wrote:how NTA says he did it first
odd, I didn't say so anywhere, that's more zer0w's claim
AZUMIKKEL Wrote:If I cared enough to prove a point, I would photoshop an image of a modloader and show you that I made one first.
the fonts do look different in T6, I'd give you that - on the note of 'a modloader', seems like the 'parser' got removed like in IW5 (and the 'compiler' replaced with something pretty different) and therefore the only 'proper' solutions would be something like InfinityScript.
iAegle Wrote:Its a shame it doesn't actually do anything, but maybe NTA will find a way (probably)
well, there's the usual issues with hooking - CEG's checking of the lower .text segment and the various VAC detections that might exist if using hooks while connected to a SteamGS server; outside of that I'd assume the usual client/ code for key handling is still intact here.