Story time
This reply is for all those asking why the addon version that @[Z00MBY] Alex is using is probably not released.
After @
zxz0O0 became responsible of updating the addon he started adding features. Features like the hud design, @
JariZ weapon builder and so on. He also told that he would be trying to add the model spawner that i think @
master131 (not sure though) created. I was present at all this stages i kept helping him test stuff most of time doing something he wanted so that he could get the memory address. Is from this sessions that things like extra weapon slots came. The problem is that the model spawner, or in this case the spawned models, werent solid. He added this feature in the addon with no problems but we has trying to get them to be solid. I don't really remenber how much time did he spend doing that but after some days he finally made it. There was someone else testing with me and @
zxz0O0 so im sure he can confirm it. @
zxz0O0 sent this updated addon to @[Z00MBY] Alex for testing and that is why he has it. The reason it is not released is that @
zxz0O0 was not happy yet and wanted to add something else before releasing it. He was obcsessed with recreating a mod from mw2 in which people were in a platform high in the sky (this platform was created with care packages) and the objective was to shoots the care packages and make the other player fall. To the that he had to find a function to know when the models were being shot. If i remember correctly he spent about 2 weeks or more trying but he was never able to do it so he stop developing the addon. Because of that he never added what he wanted to the addon and never released the updated version. @[Z00MBY] Alex just got lucky and is now taking advantage of it because he knows that releasing the addon would make other people able to create mods like the ones he create and so losing some players to other servers. The only way of seing this released is probably asking @
zxz0O0 himself but the problem is that he will never come to itsmods again (stupid stuff) and wont probably want to release it. I can ask him for it but it wont probably happen.
Some of this info might be wrong since this happened at least 2 months ago and i cant quite remember