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Release iPaddie Full Camo Pack
Nice work Smile

Thumbs Up 
can u make rainbow camo or somthing like that ?Smile

(12-14-2011, 19:54)willem4d Wrote: can u make rainbow camo or somthing like that ?Smile

Nyan Cat camo

maybe can u make a known logo or brand of firm or sth like dat

(12-14-2011, 00:42)Madnesslink5 Wrote:
(12-13-2011, 23:19)Mithrot Wrote: What can I say, there are already a few custom skins for MW3 out there, but they all look like someone went into MSPaint and copy/pasted them into a .iwd file. This is the first skin I've seen with actual effort put into it.

Unfortunately, I ask because I don't enjoy multiplayer and thus no longer play the MP component. Is there any way for me to be able to enjoy using these skins in Survival/Spec-Ops?

Don't think you would be able to use this camo-pack for SP, as these camo's replace custom camo's (custom camo's only on MP AFAIK?). However I'm pretty sure it's possible to replace stock camo's with custom ones, meaning that a gun with no camo (either on MP or SP) would show with the texture that you replaced it with.

It was fully possible in previous games like CoD4, however like you suggested, it would require replacing the default texture (which isn't a problem imo).

However, OP hasn't responded, so I'll aussume he either didn't read the reply or just doesn't care. Guess I'll need to find out how to do this on my own, if its even possible.

takes a while to inject files i am doing it now
works thanks

It takes about 1 min, just let it finish
(i used a really lazy method and that's why it's so slow)

gj jariz! Im glad I didnt have to do the crap manually! Looks amazing, now only if someone could miracousily send youtube tut since I cannot find 1.

Are you sure that it will inject the files it takes me (still) like 3 minuites and hasn't finised ?!

Edit : After 5 min waiting it's ok installed . Thanks by the way Smile ! Good Job ! +1

Never exit, just let it run, it will always finish and stopping the program will only give you a broken MW3

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