08-29-2011, 14:08
Another simple thing that I have never seen in a mod,
, this is to change the skull that you see when they kill somebody, 
Go into _deathicons.gsc and find this:
Change the shaders to whatever you want(the first is for ps3/xbox users)
Remember to precache the shader you use:
Thats all,

Go into _deathicons.gsc and find this:
if ( level.splitscreen )
newdeathicon setShader("cardicon_skull_black", 14, 14);
newdeathicon setShader("cardicon_skull_black", 7, 7);
Change the shaders to whatever you want(the first is for ps3/xbox users)
newdeathicon setShader("weapon_onemanarmy", 7, 7);
Remember to precache the shader you use:
precacheshader("shader_name"); //in Init()
Thats all,