07-19-2011, 12:46
A small tutorial for people who is interested in helping. Ill tell how to make a quick mapedit on this zombie mod:
1-Go into _bot.gsc and find this, remove the // infront of self thread Coordinates();.
2- Go into game and you will see that coordinates and angles show in screen and you also have UFO by pressing N. Find spots.
3- In _bot.gsc, in init(), you see something like this, add another one with the map you want to make:
4- Define this:
level.cuerpo = "model that zombie use in that map";
level.reaparicion = (human spawnpoint);
level.pared = 0; //with 0 is like nukems ai zombies, only if you are in their fov they attack you, with 1 they will come after you always, I recomend 0 if your edit is in a house or something like that.
level.vision = "vision you want to use";
level.lugares = []; //you can have all the ones you want, this are the zombie spawn points
level.lugares[0] = (zombie spot 1);
level.lugares[1] = (zombie spot 2);
level.lugares[2] = (zombie spot 3);
level.lugares[3] = (zombie spot 4);
AmmoMatic((position),(angles)); //Ammo Box
5- In _randomweaponbox.gsc go into this 2 threads, find the map and put the coordinates and angles like the ammo box:
Save and you are done, a quick edited map edit.
A small tutorial for people who is interested in helping. Ill tell how to make a quick mapedit on this zombie mod:
1-Go into _bot.gsc and find this, remove the // infront of self thread Coordinates();.
self endon( "disconnect" );
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
self setOrigin(level.reaparicion+(randomInt(50),randomInt(50),0));
self.health = 100;
self.maxhealth = 100;
self thread Vision();
//self thread Coordinates();
2- Go into game and you will see that coordinates and angles show in screen and you also have UFO by pressing N. Find spots.
3- In _bot.gsc, in init(), you see something like this, add another one with the map you want to make:
if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_afghan")
4- Define this:
level.cuerpo = "model that zombie use in that map";
level.reaparicion = (human spawnpoint);
level.pared = 0; //with 0 is like nukems ai zombies, only if you are in their fov they attack you, with 1 they will come after you always, I recomend 0 if your edit is in a house or something like that.
level.vision = "vision you want to use";
level.lugares = []; //you can have all the ones you want, this are the zombie spawn points
level.lugares[0] = (zombie spot 1);
level.lugares[1] = (zombie spot 2);
level.lugares[2] = (zombie spot 3);
level.lugares[3] = (zombie spot 4);
AmmoMatic((position),(angles)); //Ammo Box
5- In _randomweaponbox.gsc go into this 2 threads, find the map and put the coordinates and angles like the ammo box:
Save and you are done, a quick edited map edit.