hi guys or girls
first i'm explaining what i have
i got this code from 4funplayin, the mother of all bombs code!
as you see i edited a bit
what i would like to fix or to get
and MAYBE! if all this is finnaly done, (first the other things if you would help me)
first i'm explaining what i have
i got this code from 4funplayin, the mother of all bombs code!
self endon ( "disconnect" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("N", "+actionslot 1");
self waittill("N");
self beginLocationSelection( "map_artillery_selector", true, ( level.mapSize / 5.625 ) );
self.selectingLocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location, directionYaw );
NapalmLoc = BulletTrace( location, ( location + ( 0, 0, -100000 ) ), 0, self )[ "position" ];
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 0); // fixes the gay low ground glitch
// above should be 0,0,400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 2800); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400
NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400); // fixes the gay low ground glitch, default is 400fh
self endLocationSelection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
Plane = spawn("script_model", NapalmLoc+(-15000, 0, 5000) );
Plane setModel( "vehicle_ac130_low_mp" );
Plane.angles = (0, 0, 0);
Plane playLoopSound( "veh_ac130_dist_loop" );
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 0, 5000), 40 );// 20 was 40
// wait 20;
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("D", "+moveright");
self waittill("D");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, -16000, 5000), 40 );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("A", "+moveleft");
self waittill("A");
Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 16000, 5000), 40 );
// 15000= naar voren!
// 16000= de kant waar c130 neertoe gaat, gaat ie naar links
// -16000= naar rechts
//--> als die zo gaat dan naar boven!
//40= naar achter of stoppen
// 5000= height of the plane
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("N", "+actionslot 1");
self waittill("N");
MOAB = MagicBullet( "ac130_105mm_mp", Plane.origin, NapalmLoc, self );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("N", "+actionslot 1");
self waittill("N");
MOAB = MagicBullet( "ac130_105mm_mp", Plane.origin, NapalmLoc, self );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("N", "+actionslot1");
self waittill("N");
MOAB = MagicBullet( "ac130_105mm_mp", Plane.origin, NapalmLoc, self );
wait 1.6;
Plane playsound( "nuke_explosion" );
Plane playsound( "nuke_explosion" );
Plane playsound( "nuke_explosion" );
MOAB delete();
RadiusDamage( NapalmLoc, 1400, 5000, 4999, self );
Earthquake( 1, 4, NapalmLoc, 4000 );
level.napalmx["explode"]["medium"] = loadfx ("explosions/aerial_explosion");
x= 0;
y = 0;
for(i = 0;i < 60; i++)
if(i < 20 && i > 0)
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], NapalmLoc+(x, y, 0));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], NapalmLoc-(x, y, 0));
x = RandomInt(550);
y = RandomInt(550);
z = RandomInt(1);
if (z == 1)
x = x * -1;
z = z * -1;
if(i < 40 && i > 20)
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], NapalmLoc+(x, y, 150));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], NapalmLoc-(x, y, 0));
x = RandomInt(500);
y = RandomInt(500);
z = RandomInt(1);
if (z == 1)
x = x * -1;
z = z * -1;
if(i < 60 && i > 40)
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], NapalmLoc+(x, y, 300));
playFX(level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], NapalmLoc-(x, y, 0));
x = RandomInt(450);
y = RandomInt(450);
z = RandomInt(1);
if (z == 1)
x = x * -1;
z = z * -1;
NapalmLoc = undefined;
wait 30;
Plane delete();
wait 30;
as you see i edited a bit
- the map dvars, so when you play highrise the plane is on a good height above the map too, and not in the ground
- if you press D, or A the plane goes to the left or the right
- if you press n The plane drops a 105mm bullet under hum, 3 bullets
what i would like to fix or to get
-a code that gives you a "cam" under the plane, so you can see better where you will shoot 9 open laptop and you see the map from the plane)
-that the move to the right, or left won't be so buggy, it's a easy way that i did but i didn't knew any other, and you dont need to press D (to the right) first before you press A ( to the left)and the plane can go too the left
-i want HELP not that some1 actually just give the whole code and i just copy and paste it
so i wont learn anything about modding
and MAYBE! if all this is finnaly done, (first the other things if you would help me)
that you have like the chopper gun under it
i mean witht that
you have a free sight of whats going on and when you shoot, the bullet goes to thee place where you aiming at ( i have no idea how to do that)