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Help I need help importing models
Hi guys, I'm trying to import a gun "call of duty 4" to "COD waw" and I'm having the following problem:

[Image: 4ef6e2-4.jpg]

As you can see the AK47 is not aimed correctly.
I import the weapon by copying and pasting as it says in most tutorials. Try changing the model's hands and put on to COD4 but I had the same result: S, but something strange happened the model does not change hands and looked the same as COD5.
Try changing the configuration of my file gdt my ak47 but I had good results.
I hope I can help, of course thank you very much!
And sorry my bad English language skills.

gdt file:

    "ak47_mp" ( "bulletweapon.gdf" )
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        "AIOverlayDescription" ""
        "aiVsAiAccuracyGraph" ""
        "aiVsPlayerAccuracyGraph" ""
        "altDropAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_putaway"
        "altDropTime" "0"
        "altRaiseAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_pullout"
        "altRaiseTime" "0.35"
        "altSwitchSound" ""
        "altSwitchSoundPlayer" ""
        "altWeapon" ""
        "ammoCounterClip" "Magazine"
        "ammoCounterIcon" "hud_icon_ak47"
        "ammoCounterIconRatio" "4:1"
        "ammoName" "7.62  39 mm"
        "ammoPickupSound" ""
        "ammoPickupSoundPlayer" ""
        "armorPiercing" "0"
        "autoAimRange" "0"
        "avoidDropCleanup" "0"
        "bayonet" "0"
        "blocksProne" "0"
        "boltAction" "0"
        "breakdownAnim" ""
        "breakdownSound" ""
        "breakdownSoundPlayer" ""
        "breakdownTime" "0.5"
        "cancelAutoHolsterWhenEmpty" "0"
        "clipName" "ak47_mp"
        "clipSize" "30"
        "clipType" "bottom"
        "configstringFileType" "WEAPONFILE"
        "crackSound" ""
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        "crouchMountedWeapdef" ""
        "damage" "40"
        "deployAnim" ""
        "deploySound" ""
        "deploySoundPlayer" ""
        "deployTime" "0.5"
        "displayName" "^5AK47"
        "dpadIcon" ""
        "dpadIconRatio" "4:1"
        "dropAmmoMax" "30"
        "dropAmmoMin" "1"
        "dropAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_putaway"
        "dropTime" "0.6"
        "duckedMoveF" "-1"
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        "duckedSprintRotR" "0"
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        "duckedSprintScale" "1"
        "emptyDropAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_putaway"
        "emptyDropTime" "0.6"
        "emptyFireSound" "weap_dryfire_smg_npc"
        "emptyFireSoundPlayer" "weap_dryfire_smg_plr"
        "emptyIdleAnim" ""
        "emptyRaiseAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_pullout"
        "emptyRaiseTime" "0.95"
        "enemyCrosshairRange" "1000"
        "enhanced" "0"
        "fightDist" "720"
        "finishDeploySound" ""
        "finishDeploySoundPlayer" ""
        "fireAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_fire"
        "fireDelay" "0"
        "fireRumble" "assault_fire"
        "fireSound" "weap_ak47_fire_npc"
        "fireSoundPlayer" "weap_ak47_fire_plr"
        "fireTime" "0.085"
        "fireType" "Full Auto"
        "firstRaiseAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_first_time_pullout"
        "firstRaiseSound" ""
        "firstRaiseSoundPlayer" ""
        "firstRaiseTime" "1.4"
        "flipKillIcon" "1"
        "gunMaxPitch" "8"
        "gunMaxYaw" "25"
        "gunModel" "viewmodel_ak47_mp"
        "gunModel10" ""
        "gunModel11" ""
        "gunModel12" ""
        "gunModel13" ""
        "gunModel14" ""
        "gunModel15" ""
        "gunModel16" ""
        "gunModel2" "viewmodel_ak47_mp_brock"
        "gunModel3" "viewmodel_ak47_mp_bshdwl"
        "gunModel4" "viewmodel_ak47_mp_bwmrpt"
        "gunModel5" "viewmodel_ak47_mp_cmdtgr"
        "gunModel6" "viewmodel_ak47_mp_stagger"
        "gunModel7" "viewmodel_ak47_gold_mp"
        "gunModel8" ""
        "gunModel9" ""
        "handModel" "viewmodel_hands_no_model"
        "hideTags" "tag_reflex_sight\r\ntag_acog\r\ntag_ak47_mount"
        "hipGunKickAccel" "800"
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        "hipGunKickPitchMin" "5"
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        "hipGunKickReducedKickPercent" "0"
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        "hipGunKickStaticDecay" "20"
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        "hipGunKickYawMin" "5"
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        "hipIdleSpeed" "1"
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        "hipSpreadDuckedDecay" "1.05"
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        "hipSpreadDuckedMin" "2.5"
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        "hipSpreadMax" "7"
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        "hipSpreadProneMax" "5"
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        "hipViewKickPitchMax" "60"
        "hipViewKickPitchMin" "-30"
        "hipViewKickYawMax" "-60"
        "hipViewKickYawMin" "60"
        "hudIcon" "hud_icon_ak47"
        "hudIconRatio" "2:1"
        "idleAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_idle"
        "idleCrouchFactor" "1"
        "idleProneFactor" "0.4"
        "impactType" "bullet_large"
        "inventoryType" "primary"
        "killIcon" "hud_icon_ak47"
        "killIconRatio" "2:1"
        "knifeModel" "viewmodel_usa_kbar_knife"
        "laserSightDuringNightvision" "0"
        "lastShotAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_fire"
        "lastShotSound" ""
        "lastShotSoundPlayer" ""
        "locGun" "0"
        "locHead" "1.4"
        "locHelmet" "1.4"
        "locLeftArmLower" "1"
        "locLeftArmUpper" "1"
        "locLeftFoot" "1"
        "locLeftHand" "1"
        "locLeftLegLower" "1"
        "locLeftLegUpper" "1"
        "locNeck" "1"
        "locNone" "1"
        "locRightArmLower" "1"
        "locRightArmUpper" "1"
        "locRightFoot" "1"
        "locRightHand" "1"
        "locRightLegLower" "1"
        "locRightLegUpper" "1"
        "locTorsoLower" "1"
        "locTorsoUpper" "1"
        "lowAmmoWarningThreshold" "0.33"
        "maxAmmo" "180"
        "maxDamageRange" "1500"
        "maxDist" "590"
        "meleeAnim" "viewmodel_knife_slash"
        "meleeChargeAnim" "viewmodel_knife_stick"
        "meleeChargeDelay" "0.16"
        "meleeChargeTime" "1.16"
        "meleeDamage" "135"
        "meleeDelay" "0.13"
        "meleeHitSound" ""
        "meleeImpactRumble" ""
        "meleeMissSound" ""
        "meleeSwipeSound" "melee_swing"
        "meleeSwipeSoundPlayer" "melee_swing_plr"
        "meleeTime" "0.8"
        "minDamage" "30"
        "minDamageRange" "2000"
        "modeName" ""
        "mountableWeapon" "0"
        "mountedModel" ""
        "moveSpeedScale" "1"
        "nightVisionRemoveAnim" ""
        "nightVisionRemoveSound" ""
        "nightVisionRemoveSoundPlayer" ""
        "nightVisionRemoveTime" "0"
        "nightVisionRemoveTimeFadeInStart" "0"
        "nightVisionRemoveTimePowerDown" "0"
        "nightVisionWearAnim" ""
        "nightVisionWearSound" ""
        "nightVisionWearSoundPlayer" ""
        "nightVisionWearTime" "0"
        "nightVisionWearTimeFadeOutEnd" "0"
        "nightVisionWearTimePowerUp" "0"
        "noADSAutoReload" "0"
        "noAdsWhenMagEmpty" "0"
        "noPartialReload" "0"
        "notetrackSoundMap" "weap_ak47_lift_plr weap_ak47_lift_plr\r\nweap_ak47_clipout_plr weap_ak47_clipout_plr\r\nweap_ak47_clipin_plr weap_ak47_clipin_plr\r\nweap_ak47_chamber_plr weap_ak47_chamber_plr\r\nknife_stab_plr knife_stab_plr\r\nknife_pull_plr knife_pull_plr\r\nKnife_slash_plr Knife_slash_plr"
        "penetrateType" "medium"
        "pickupSound" "weap_pickup"
        "pickupSoundPlayer" "weap_pickup"
        "playerAnimType" "autorifle"
        "playerDamage" "100"
        "posMoveRate" "6"
        "posProneMoveRate" "25"
        "posProneRotRate" "30"
        "posRotRate" "6"
        "proneMountedWeapdef" ""
        "proneMoveF" "-160"
        "proneMoveMinSpeed" "0"
        "proneMoveR" "3"
        "proneMoveU" "-120"
        "proneOfsF" "-2"
        "proneOfsR" "1.5"
        "proneOfsU" "0"
        "proneRotMinSpeed" "0"
        "proneRotP" "0"
        "proneRotR" "-300"
        "proneRotY" "300"
        "putawaySound" ""
        "putawaySoundPlayer" ""
        "quickDropAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_putaway_quick"
        "quickDropTime" "0.25"
        "quickRaiseAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_pullout_quick"
        "quickRaiseTime" "0.75"
        "raiseAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_pullout"
        "raiseSound" "weap_raise"
        "raiseSoundPlayer" "weap_raise_plr"
        "raiseTime" "0.95"
        "rechamberAnim" ""
        "rechamberBoltTime" "0"
        "rechamberSound" ""
        "rechamberSoundPlayer" ""
        "rechamberTime" "0.1"
        "rechamberWhileAds" "1"
        "reloadAddTime" "1.5"
        "reloadAmmoAdd" "0"
        "reloadAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_reload"
        "reloadEmptyAddTime" "0"
        "reloadEmptyAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_reload_empty"
        "reloadEmptySound" "weap_ak47_reload_npc"
        "reloadEmptySoundPlayer" ""
        "reloadEmptyTime" "3.25"
        "reloadEndAnim" ""
        "reloadEndSound" ""
        "reloadEndSoundPlayer" ""
        "reloadEndTime" "0"
        "reloadSound" "weap_ak47_reload_npc"
        "reloadSoundPlayer" ""
        "reloadStartAdd" "0"
        "reloadStartAddTime" "0"
        "reloadStartAnim" ""
        "reloadStartSound" ""
        "reloadStartSoundPlayer" ""
        "reloadStartTime" "0"
        "reloadTime" "2.5"
        "reticleCenter" ""
        "reticleCenterSize" "4"
        "reticleMinOfs" "0"
        "reticleSide" "reticle_side_small"
        "reticleSideSize" "8"
        "rifleBullet" "1"
        "segmentedReload" "0"
        "shotCount" "1"
        "silenced" "0"
        "sprintBobH" "1"
        "sprintBobV" "1"
        "sprintDurationScale" "1"
        "sprintInAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_sprint_in"
        "sprintInTime" "0.3"
        "sprintLoopAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_sprint_loop"
        "sprintLoopTime" "0.7"
        "sprintOfsF" "0"
        "sprintOfsR" "0"
        "sprintOfsU" "0"
        "sprintOutAnim" "viewmodel_ak47_sprint_out"
        "sprintOutTime" "0.3"
        "sprintRotP" "0"
        "sprintRotR" "0"
        "sprintRotY" "0"
        "sprintScale" "1"
        "standMountedWeapdef" ""
        "standMoveF" "0"
        "standMoveMinSpeed" "0"
        "standMoveR" "0"
        "standMoveU" "-1"
        "standRotMinSpeed" "0"
        "standRotP" "0"
        "standRotR" "0"
        "standRotY" "0"
        "startAmmo" "90"
        "suppressAmmoReserveDisplay" "0"
        "swayHorizScale" "0.3"
        "swayLerpSpeed" "4"
        "swayMaxAngle" "20"
        "swayPitchScale" "-1"
        "swayShellShockScale" "5"
        "swayVertScale" "0.1"
        "swayYawScale" "-1"
        "targetFolder" "2: Multi-Player"
        "twoHanded" "1"
        "viewFlashEffect" "fx\\weapon\\muzzleflashes\\fx_stg44_view.efx"
        "viewLastShotEjectEffect" ""
        "viewShellEjectEffect" "fx\\weapon\\shellejects\\rifle_view.efx"
        "weaponClass" "rifle"
        "weaponType" "bullet"
        "whizbySound" ""
        "worldClipDropEffect" ""
        "worldClipModel" ""
        "worldFlashEffect" "fx\\weapon\\muzzleflashes\\fx_stg44.efx"
        "worldKnifeModel" "weapon_usa_kbar_knife_mp"
        "worldLastShotEjectEffect" ""
        "worldModel" "weapon_ak47"
        "worldModel10" ""
        "worldModel11" ""
        "worldModel12" ""
        "worldModel13" ""
        "worldModel14" ""
        "worldModel15" ""
        "worldModel16" ""
        "worldModel2" "weapon_ak47_mp_brock"
        "worldModel3" "weapon_ak47_mp_bshdwl"
        "worldModel4" "weapon_ak47_mp_bwmrpt"
        "worldModel5" "weapon_ak47_mp_cmdtgr"
        "worldModel6" "weapon_ak47_mp_stagger"
        "worldModel7" "weapon_ak47_gold"
        "worldModel8" ""
        "worldModel9" ""
        "worldShellEjectEffect" "fx\\weapon\\shellejects\\rifle.efx"

Add some recoil, should help
These are often values with 'kick'
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

(10-17-2011, 06:20)OrangePL Wrote: Add some recoil, should help
These are often values with 'kick'
Try to follow his advice but did not influence the position of the weapon to the target. I think the problem is in the hand model. I think the hands of COD5 model is not compatible with the weapons of cod4 :S. Try using the model cod4 hands but the damn game still shows the model's hands cod 5 WTF!. Thank you.


Per that video;

1. Your viewmodel is not changing to the ADS viewmodel.

ADS always 'zooms' but the angles that are viewed are what change when the
ADS viewmodel is applied.

You need to take a look at that in the asset manager and see why your ADS viewmodel is
not being shown, because it's NOT.
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After several days I could fix this error, the error was due to the hand model. Apparently the model's hands "cod waw" not the same as cod 4, the model's hands "cod waw" must be rigged differently and this causes incompatibility with the weapons of cod 4. The solution is a simple script that forces the player to use the hands of "cod 4" cad time the player uses weapons of cod 4. Thank you!


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