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News Maps & map descriptions
Code name - real name - description
mp_la - Aftermath - Downtown Los Angeles. Close engagements in and out of the fallout of Drone attacks.
mp_dockside - Cargo - Port of Singapore. Good for close quarters engagements and verticality.
mp_carrier - Carrier - Chinese Supercarrier. Open engagements on the deck, with great close quarter fights through the hull.
mp_drone - Drone - Hidden drone facility in the heart of the Mynamar jungles. Great long engagements down the center, fun close quarter fights through the facility.
mp_express - Espress - Los Angeles bullet train station. Good long to medium engagements up and down the bullet train tracks.
mp_hijacked - Hijacked - Luxurious super yacht. Frantic, yet controlled close quarters engagements
mp_meltdown - Meltdown - Pakistan nuclear power plant. Battle for control of the nuclear cooling tower and the surrounding facilities.
mp_overflow - Overflow - Peshawar, Pakistan. Great urban engagements in the flooded streets.
mp_slums - Plaza - Run down section of Panama. Great close quarters engagements and tough chokes to fight over.
mp_nightclub - Promenade - Floating resort in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Tight corners and angles throughout.
mp_turbine - Turbine - Wind farm in the steep hills of Yemen. Fight across the different tiers and angles.
mp_socotra - Yemen - Urban streets of Yemen. Tight alleys and close quarters engagements.
mp_raid - Raid - Fight through this hillside mansion, in the Hollywood Hills. Hectic close quarters engagements.
mp_village - Standoff - Border town between China and Kyrgyzstan. Classic engagements and destinations to fight over.
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

[Image: a98dcc5a.png]

I really hope there's gonna be a variety of maps, not just small ones like in MW3.

Call of duty has always been close quarters Dumb Bitch (even the bigger maps)
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

Wasteland, only 1 small section was CQB. Now Shipment that's true CQB Dumb Bitch.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
[Image: UGPjFJa.jpg]

Sweet, I'm looking forward to play Espresso.
YouTube 1:Azumikkel- Modding
YouTube 2:DerpShark- Gaming Entertainment
Contact: im[at]

(09-17-2012, 19:41)AZUMIKKEL Wrote: Sweet, I'm looking forward to play Espresso.

[Image: tumblr_m9qqgynQfe1qa6rih.png]

I loved WaW maps so much Sad

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